Just A Little History Lesson

BigLouie's Avatar
Awesome post B.L.
If they can scare you enough you will vote for their party...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Care to tell us where you got your paste this time?

Here are some more interesting facts;

There were no political parties when the Constitution was signed. They came later as they started to vote for president and vice president together.

The original Constitution applied to the federal government only. It restricted federal actions. Now it seems to restrict the population and states (like Arizona).

The founding fathers did not like the idea of democracy. They gave us a republic for a reason.

De facto means (in this context) unofficial. Did you know that the Star Spangled Banner was not the official national anthem in 1931? It started as a poem and Barack Obama does not stand for it.

For a long time there was no "federal paper currency" but there was state paper currency. The US Bank was created in 1811 and authorized to print federal paper currency. So you're wrong on that count.

Talk about fear; fear of losing social security, fear of losing welfare, fear of losing food stamps, fear of losing medical care, fear of losing, fear of going back to slavery (a favorite of democrats), etc.

The source of your paste; Biodork, pretty girl, messed up mind.

About the Author

Thoughts from a Minneapolis-based nerdy, liberal, humanist progressive on topics such as science, skepticism, religion, atheism, critical thought, politics, and local and global humanitarian and equality efforts. Biodork <3's geek culture, groan-inducing puns, world travel, cultural exchange and sharing and listening to stories. If you tell her yours, she'll tell you hers.