Nancy Peloci…….”Trump needs to have a chance to prove his innocence”
Anybody see something wrong with this statement?

Aside from that thing called The Constitution, in particular, the 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th Amendments.
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 04-04-2023, 05:02 AM
Poor Trump. Everyone is picking on him, even 83 year old Nancy.
texassapper's Avatar
Anybody see something wrong with this statement?

Aside from that thing called The Constitution, in particular, the 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th Amendments. Originally Posted by Jackie S
She knows and understands innocent until proven guilty. The democrats don't care, they act like there will be no more elections and honestly, they may be right. If they could steal 2020, then we're going to get the tyrants we deserve.
No one gives a shit. Trump will have a trial. He will or won’t testify. A jury will convict or acquit him. So who cares what rhetoric is used except whiny ass trumpites. He’ll use rhetoric with no basis in fact over and over along with his surrogates and a bunch of talking heads on TV and radio.

Ultimately the only words that’ll matter will be those presented to the judge and jury.
She knows and understands innocent until proven guilty. The democrats don't care, they act like there will be no more elections and honestly, they may be right. If they could steal 2020, then we're going to get the tyrants we deserve. Originally Posted by texassapper
They won't be satisfied until there is a real insurrection. This bullshit with Trump is getting really old now. The Democrats are the real criminals they have damage this Country beyond repair.
Trumpy has had many many opportunities to proof his innocents. All he needed was some witnesses with FACTS. You know like the 1/6 committee with mucho witnesses with proven facts. He's is more aligned with the no witnesses no facts gop investigation committees shit show

That only megas could believe

Lock him up!!! Lock him up!!! Nobody is enjoying this more than the Clinton's
Trumpy has had many many opportunities to proof his innocents. All he needed was some witnesses with FACTS. You know like the 1/6 committee with mucho witnesses with proven facts. He's is more aligned with the no witnesses no facts gop investigation committees shit show

That only megas could believe

Lock him up!!! Lock him up!!! Nobody is enjoying this more than the Clinton's
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Trump doesn't need to present any facts he doesn't have the burden of proof. It's those that have been accusing him of committing crimes that are the ones that have the burden of proof and need to present the facts they haven't done a very good job of that. Democrats and Rhinos have been chasing Trump for nearly seven years and they keep coming up empty handed. Their ultimate goal is to destroy him politically so he can't run again. Democrats in general are nothing but envious, lazy bums.
texassapper's Avatar
Trump doesn't need to present any facts he doesn't have the burden of proof. Originally Posted by Levianon17
The fact that we have a supposed liberal saying something so retarded ought to tell every right thinking person that the Democrats need to be crushed now... or our children are going to live in a tinpot single party dictatorship run by the few, for the few, at the expense of the many.

Still I know nothing will happen until they attempt universal gun registration. That's when things will have to go kinetic. Gun owners understand what that will mean. We all know it's coming.
The fact that we have a supposed liberal saying something so retarded ought to tell every right thinking person that the Democrats need to be crushed now... or our children are going to live in a tinpot single party dictatorship run by the few, for the few, at the expense of the many.

Still I know nothing will happen until they attempt universal gun registration. That's when things will have to go kinetic. Gun owners understand what that will mean. We all know it's coming. Originally Posted by texassapper
Liberals are like putty in the hands of the most notorious. They are told what to think not how to think that's why you'll read some of the most ridiculous shit from Liberal posters. The short clip below puts it all into great perspective. Once you understand the mind of a Liberal you'll never have to worry about getting banned or receiving points again. You realize they are like Parrots they only mimic they really don't know what they are saying.
Libs rely on facts!!! Reds rely on division and diversions. And don't forget mucho mucho lies The gop is so fucked up with mucho facts to prove it:
Levianon is correct about burden of proof. We'll have to wait and see what prosecutors have on the hush money case, although I suspect an admission has to be made that it was paid with his knowledge or not. Election interference in Georgia and classified documents cases are probably more difficult for him to defend. Not to mention promotion of tourism on Jan 6. I presume we'll have to wait and see the outcome. To me, odds are akin to going "all in" with jokers down.
Libs rely on facts!!! Reds rely on division and diversions. And don't forget mucho mucho lies The gop is so fucked up with mucho facts to prove it: Originally Posted by Tsmokies
Get real Liberals make up their own facts to further their own causes. Liberals are generally misguided, immature self proclaimed victims. Where ever they go trouble ensues.
Levianon, please reply rationally related to topic so we can discourse
The DA will prove that trumpy is guilty so trumpy better be able to prove he is innocent/not guilty. Fat chance of that happening

I'm pretty sure that "I heard that..." and "I was told by many many people really really smart people" won't help in court. Only megas believe that shit
The DA will prove that trumpy is guilty so trumpy better be able to prove he is innocent/not guilty. Fat chance of that happening

I'm pretty sure that "I heard that..." and "I was told by many many people really really smart people" won't help in court. Only megas believe that shit
Originally Posted by Tsmokies
This all happened in a dream right? Hahahahaha.................