Chicago Elects, (stays with), Progressive Mayor.

In the Chicago Mayors runoff, Voters chose really liberal progressive Brandon Johnson over just liberal progressive Paul Vallas.

Johnson’s platform calls for more taxes on corporations in order to satisfy the cost of Government.
Definition of crazy.
Insanity…….”doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result”
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Seems akin to Doubling Down on Stupid to me.
Chicago is a one party City. A Republican can't even run less get elected.
texassapper's Avatar
They deserve every death that will accrue from their decisions.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Chicago is a one party City. A Republican can't even run less get elected. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Wait! Wut?!? I thought Shitcago was MAGA country. I recall there even being a video produced about that with paid actors and everything. A court case even.
Wait! Wut?!? I thought Shitcago was MAGA country. I recall there even being a video produced about that with paid actors and everything. A court case even. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Sorry not the case. The only MAGA's you'll find in Illinois are in the Farm Communities.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Sorry not the case. The only MAGA's you'll find in Illinois are in the Farm Communities. Originally Posted by Levianon17
You telling us here that the Juicy Smeltit produced video was fiction? So Jake and Elwood were right all along?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
  • Tiny
  • 04-06-2023, 09:21 PM
In the Chicago Mayors runoff, Voters chose really liberal progressive Brandon Johnson over just liberal progressive Paul Vallas.

Johnson’s platform calls for more taxes on corporations in order to satisfy the cost of Government. Originally Posted by Jackie S
The election for Supreme Court Justice in Wisconsin looks even more problematic if you're a Republican. The Pro-Choice, progressive Democratic candidate won by 11 percentage points last week. Abortion was the big issue.

In addition to winning Georgia and Arizona, a Republican also has to win at least one out of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin to be elected President. Otherwise he or she won't get enough electoral votes. And there are a lot of women in those states who aren't going to vote for pro-Life Republicans, especially ones who don't want abortion in cases of rape, incest, or where the mother's health is at risk.

I wish Republicans would abandon or at least become more discreet with the anti-abortion and anti-gay rhetoric.

The Wall Street Journal published an obituary and editorial about Nigel Lawson this week. Lawson was Margaret Thatcher's Chancellor of the Exchequer, the equivalent of our Treasury Secretary. He and Thatcher pulled Britain out of an economic morass with free market policies. The Journal says, "His message throughout his career was that conservatives should focus on prosperity." That's good advice for today's Republicans. The social issues should be secondary.
You telling us here that the Juicy Smeltit produced video was fiction? So Jake and Elwood were right all along? Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Yeah, it's all bullshit, lol.
texassapper's Avatar
The election for Supreme Court Justice in Wisconsin looks even more problematic if you're a Republican. The Pro-Choice, progressive Democratic candidate won by 11 percentage points last week. Abortion was the big issue. Originally Posted by Tiny
That's what RINO McDaniels from the RNC claims... of course he was outspent 14 Mil to 2 MIL and RINO Rhona wouldn't fork over more cash... because let's face it, she's part of the Beltway cabal.

Scott Pressler did more in that election than the fat broad getting paid a shit ton to fuck up the Republican party.

The lot of them deserve pitchforks torches, and tar and feathering..
This fool blames Chicago's ills on lack of companies paying their share of taxes. Someone should tell him there are few companies remaining to pay any taxes.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
This fool blames Chicago's ills on lack of companies paying their share of taxes. Someone should tell him there are few companies remaining to pay any taxes. Originally Posted by bill sins
Funny, not funny, you should mention that. I was just reading an article titled: UH OH: Small Business Bankruptcies Surpass COVID-Era Highs which talks about the sharp rise in small and medium business going tits-up recently.

There is another article out and about regarding GM exceeding their lay-off, errr...uhm... I mean buy-out, goal by getting 5,000 "volunteers" to take the buy-out package (handwriting on the wall) . In the article they mention 1) EV cars have less parts and require less people to build and 2) GM has gone from 600,00 to 60,000 over the last few years. This impacts Chitcago and Illinois as there are many feeder manufacturing sites that supply GM with pieces and parts - who use to pay those taxes.

Never have figured out why Progresses have not considered spending less instead of raising taxes. Is it just a Commie thing?