Trans Activist Violently Assaults Riley Gaines at SFSU Speech

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
another example of the "peaceful" trans community. at least they didn't shoot anyone. this time.

Trans Activist Violently Assaults Riley Gaines at SFSU Speech

Twelve-time All American champion Riley Gaines says she was physically assaulted during a speech defending women’s sports at San Francisco State University.

“The prisoners are running the asylum at SFSU...I was ambushed and physically hit twice by a man," she tweeted. "This is proof that women need sex-protected spaces. Still only further assures me I'm doing something right. When they want you silent, speak louder."

In a video posted along with the message, protesters can be heard verbally berating Riley as she’s escorted to a safe room for nearly three hours.

"She told me she was hit multiple times by a guy in a dress,” her husband Louis Barker said. “I was shaking. It made me that mad. It makes me sick to feel so helpless about it. She was under police protection and was still hit by a man wearing a dress."

According to Gaines’ agent Eli Bremer, the former swimmer was there to talk about her experience competing against trans athlete Lia Thomas, a biological male, at the Women’s NCAA Swimming Championships last year.

"In the past year, her goal in speaking at universities has been to educate her peers about her experience and what the impact of the growing number of biological males in women’s sports will do to the integrity of Title IX. She has been questioned in civil and somewhat uncivil manners about her views many times, and she thoroughly encourages diverse viewpoints and debate on this issue,” Bremer told Fox News Digital in a statement.

"Instead of a thoughtful discussion tonight at SFSU, Riley was violently accosted, shouted at, physically assaulted, and barricaded in a room by protestors. It is stunning that in America in 2023, it is acceptable for biological male students to violently assault a woman for standing up for women’s rights.”

Despite the incident, Gaines will not stop speaking out, Bremer said.

“She will continue to speak the truth against the radical left that no longer understands the difference between men and women."
Grace Preston's Avatar
The only thing I have to say is-- I want to see some evidence of this. There were cameras literally EVERYWHERE at this event-- it was a TPUSA event, meaning it was their cameras too-- and yet there isn't a single video of the assault yet-- just videos of her being escorted out of the area.

That's odd to me.

Not saying it didn't happen-- but I'm saying the lack of video thus far is a bit... odd given the circumstances.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The only thing I have to say is-- I want to see some evidence of this. There were cameras literally EVERYWHERE at this event-- it was a TPUSA event, meaning it was their cameras too-- and yet there isn't a single video of the assault yet-- just videos of her being escorted out of the area.

That's odd to me.

Not saying it didn't happen-- but I'm saying the lack of video thus far is a bit... odd given the circumstances. Originally Posted by Grace Preston


the article has several twittybird links .. i didn't bother to include them. but since you asked ...
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
The only thing I have to say is-- I want to see some evidence of this. There were cameras literally EVERYWHERE at this event-- it was a TPUSA event, meaning it was their cameras too-- and yet there isn't a single video of the assault yet-- just videos of her being escorted out of the area.

That's odd to me.

Not saying it didn't happen-- but I'm saying the lack of video thus far is a bit... odd given the circumstances. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
If you see the video, will you admit right here that the transgender left is out of control?

By the way, Auntie Fa (Tik Tok) is calling for violence against CIS (whatever that is?) people.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I know plenty of Trans folk who are dems who don't support any of this-- so no, the transgender left is not "out of control".

There are bad actors among those in the community-- just as there are in any community, including the MAGA bunch.

Thanks for the links-- I'll dig in and see if I see the assault-- particularly since the lady herself went from saying she was punched to now saying she was verbally assaulted.

Edited to add-- all the videos on the TWeety bird so far just show her being escorted by police with people yelling at her. That's not a violent assault. This is why I'm having issues--- cameras everywhere before, during, and after this-- but nobody happened to catch where she was "punched several times"? C'mon.... she's also shifting her story a bit (or the person who originally made the claim at her behest was exaggerating).
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I know plenty of Trans folk who are dems who don't support any of this-- so no, the transgender left is not "out of control".

There are bad actors among those in the community-- just as there are in any community, including the MAGA bunch.

Thanks for the links-- I'll dig in and see if I see the assault-- particularly since the lady herself went from saying she was punched to now saying she was verbally assaulted.

Edited to add-- all the videos on the TWeety bird so far just show her being escorted by police with people yelling at her. That's not a violent assault. This is why I'm having issues--- cameras everywhere before, during, and after this-- but nobody happened to catch where she was "punched several times"? C'mon.... she's also shifting her story a bit (or the person who originally made the claim at her behest was exaggerating). Originally Posted by Grace Preston

cameras were not everywhere. it happened in a hallway where she was being led out of the lecture area.

the video is clear. those peaceful trans activists (one of which murdered 6 people in Nashville, another was caught in Colorado before "it" could murder) are angry radical nutjobs.

do you agree with the trans community's call that the Nashville shooter was a "victim"?

'Hate has consequences': Trans support group blames GOP 'anti-trans legislation' for Tennessee school shooting, calls Audrey Hale's death a 'TRAGEDY' and demands media call shooter 'he/him'

  • The Trans Resistance Network, a fringe group with 3,300 followers, who view their private Twitter account, issued a statement after the Nashville shooting
  • Audrey Hale, 28, was identified by police as transgender: on some social media she referred to herself as 'Aiden', but police and her family use her birth name
  • The Network said Hale acted because 'he felt he had no other way to be seen', noting an 'avalanche' of anti-trans policies, adding: 'Hate has consequences'
Grace Preston's Avatar
Do I agree that the shooter in Nashville was a victim?

In terms of what happened, absolutely not.

I'm sure they were the victim of bullying at some point in their journey-- but I'm also sure the kids they murdered weren't responsible.

Do I think the legislation in Tennessee was likely the tipping point for someone on the edge? Sure.. but once they decided to take it out on innocents-- any claim to "victimhood".. real or perceived, is out the window. The whole "hate has consequences" vibe would only fit if they had gone after legislators-- not kids and teachers.

According to the original claim-- it did not happen in the hallway-- otherwise it would have been captured... particularly since every video out there-- is her in the hallway. She has already downgraded her claim a bit so it will be interesting to see what happens. If someone punched her-- they need to go to jail. On the flip side of the coin-- if TPUSA is going to continue to put people in risky positions (c'mon... speaking out against trans IN SF??).. then they need to do a better job with security.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Do I agree that the shooter in Nashville was a victim?

In terms of what happened, absolutely not.

I'm sure they were the victim of bullying at some point in their journey-- but I'm also sure the kids they murdered weren't responsible.

Do I think the legislation in Tennessee was likely the tipping point for someone on the edge? Sure.. but once they decided to take it out on innocents-- any claim to "victimhood".. real or perceived, is out the window. The whole "hate has consequences" vibe would only fit if they had gone after legislators-- not kids and teachers.

there is no justification for allowing "trans kiddie porn day" for kids. at all. period.

According to the original claim-- it did not happen in the hallway-- otherwise it would have been captured... particularly since every video out there-- is her in the hallway. She has already downgraded her claim a bit so it will be interesting to see what happens. If someone punched her-- they need to go to jail. On the flip side of the coin-- if TPUSA is going to continue to put people in risky positions (c'mon... speaking out against trans IN SF??).. then they need to do a better job with security. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

did you watch the video? is that not radical harassment? prove she downgraded her claim. this should be interesting.

the problem with the trans community besides the fact that all of them are mentally sick, is that they are 0.0001 of even the gay community which is what .. 10 percent at best? yet they want to be 101 percent and have "protected status".

this is how the radical trans community reacts when one of their own commits murder

meanwhile the peaceful trans community will hold protests with complete disregard of the tragic murders in Nashville by one of their own.

be interesting to see if any agitators are present. maybe they'll farm it out to their fellow radicals Antifa. at least the ones that didn't get arrested in Atlanta ... guess they'll have to bus in some new troops.

The trans “Day of Vengeance” rallies will take place this weekend at the US Supreme Court despite the shooting Monday at a Christian School in Nashville by a trans male who murdered three adults and three children.

interesting. "Trans Day of Vengeance". Vengeance for what exactly?

"wear a mask" .. didn't they get Biden's memo? Covid is over. oh snap! that's to hide their identities .. when the mostly peaceful protests becomes not so peaceful!
An activist group is due to hold a ‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ demonstration outside the Supreme Court on Saturday, warning against ‘astronomical amounts of hate from the world’ and following the horrifying Nashville shooting which left seven dead on Monday.

The Trans Radical Activist Network (TRAN) will host the event in Washington D.C. from 31 March until 2 April, starting Friday and marching on the Supreme Court at 11am on Saturday. On their website they cite Gender Affirming care ban bills and the political climate as motives for the demonstration.

But commentators are up in arms over the decision to go ahead with the protest as police say they are investigating the role of Nashville shooter Audrey Hale’s gender identity and a sense of ‘resentment’ that may have inspired the attack on the shooter’s Christian former school.

Republican firebrand Marjorie Taylor Greene yesterday demanded her Twitter account be restored after features were limited for violating rules.

She said: ‘My Congressional account was suspended for 7 days for exposing Antifa, who are organizing a call for violence called “Trans Day of Vengeance.”
how interesting that "peaceful" protestors call this a "Day of Vengeance"

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm curious, why is it not wise to defend the rights of women in sports in San Fransisco? What is it about San Fransisco?

Did you check out Auntie Fa on Tik Tok? Sorry, but I don't do Tik Tok. I'm afraid of my computer catching something.

How about that part in some videos where Riley was cornered in a room from 3 hours while others said that they would only let her out if a ransom was paid. Yeah, I know, all make believe right?

Oh yes, you do understand that holding someone against their will is kidnapping and assault can be verbal, battery is physical... the use of force (violence) or the threat of violence is terrorism.
Grace Preston's Avatar
I'm curious, why is it not wise to defend the rights of women in sports in San Fransisco? What is it about San Fransisco?

Did you check out Auntie Fa on Tik Tok? Sorry, but I don't do Tik Tok. I'm afraid of my computer catching something. Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
I don't do TikTok either so-- I don't even know who that is.

I didn't say that she shouldn't have been there. I said that TPUSA should have done a better job with security. Charlie Kirk loves to intentionally poke the bear so he can exclaim LOOK HOW BAD THE BEAR IS. I only take issue with it when he puts others, like this young lady, in a potentially dangerous situation. At the end of the day-- its still the fault of the aggressors, but if you're going to poke the bear-- maybe make sure the people you're using to do it are protected.

As a side note-- I pretty much agree with her in regards to the sports issue. I believe if trans want to participate in sports in their "chosen" gender-- two things need to be true... 1. Their hormone levels must test at levels that suggest their chosen sex for at least 12 months prior to participation and 2. They must have already sought surgical transition-- none of this "intact male" BS. If you want to participate as a woman, then participate as a woman or STFU. If those things haven't been done-- then you can compete where your genitalia suggests you should compete or you can stay home.

Radical harassment is not violent harassment. If she was assaulted, then the person responsible should be prosecuted. But yelling and screaming is not the same as being punched-- even if it hurts your fee-fees. You can yell, scream, call me everything but a child of God and that's just fine. You put a finger on me, I'm pressing charges-- bet.

If she was actually held captive and ransom demanded-- that's a felony and once again, should be prosecuted. I'm 100% for holding people accountable when they do stupid shit
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
So, if she has a bruise but no one can find the video of the actual assault, it didn't happen?
So, if she has a bruise but no one can find the video of the actual assault, it didn't happen? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
... Why do ya think she and the cops RAN AWAY??

Stuck in the room for 3 hours. That's how long it took
for the SF police to dispel the crowd.

There's a good olde Australian saying for THIS situation:

... "Sue the Bastards." ... $$$$$

#### Salty
Grace Preston's Avatar
So, if she has a bruise but no one can find the video of the actual assault, it didn't happen? Originally Posted by the_real_Barleycorn
Golly gee-- you love to put words in mouths, don't you?

What I said-- for the third time now-- is that it seems odd that they have all kinds of footage before and after-- but nary not one person caught the physical assault on camera. As I've said- if it happened, then charges should be pressed. Period.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Golly gee-- you love to put words in mouths, don't you?

What I said-- for the third time now-- is that it seems odd that they have all kinds of footage before and after-- but nary not one person caught the physical assault on camera. As I've said- if it happened, then charges should be pressed. Period. Originally Posted by Grace Preston

DA NILE of the video is denial of reality. you see it. it happened. no defending it. right?