DrayaBlaque here from OH2

Drayababii's Avatar
I’m having trouble with the site this morning I received an error message saying that my ip address was blocked by administration ?! Can someone please help me out with this !
Same issue with me. Since it's both of us, it sounds like a site issue and our IPs are not actually banned. Give it some time and they'll resolve it.
ben dover's Avatar
Same issue.
cinderbella's Avatar
Yep, fucked again and not in a good way.
Cendell M's Avatar
Happening to everybody it is happened before it’s going to happen again it will be fixed. These are the issues that we’re having to deal with an OH2. I can’t believe that people don’t realize this yet it will be fixed, your not banned!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 11-16-2022, 03:31 PM
It's not a ban, but it is a IP block! Change your IP and you're back in that simp hole
Working now
Cougarlicious's Avatar
I still havent been able to get in since the breakdown and the new rule of changing your IP which I have not done. Its been 6 months now.
Cendell M's Avatar
Try puffin browser download it it works
I hope it keeps having issues, the site owner actively attacks safety in the hobby.