With some spas closing and all the movement I thought that it might be helpful to list the lineup at Top Star. There are some familiar names but also some new names. I have only met a few of these girls and I'm not "endorsing" unless I specifically mention it but but Kay has always been up front with me. Here's the list.
1) Sugar - I reviewed her earlier. Kay tells me she is 31.
2) Mango - I believe she has earlier reviews at other spas. Early 30's, D cup, long bronze hair, 5' 2", 115 lbs.
3) Mary - new I think, 26 years old, C cup, 5' 3" ,110 lbs. Long black hair
4) Yuna - I believe she is new also. Middle 30's, 5' 7", 125lbs, black shoulder length hair.
5) Hera - well known, 27 years old, C cup, 5' 5", 120 lbs., new short hair, very pretty face.
6) Crystal - I believe she is new. 24 years old, B Cup , dark brown over shoulder length hair
Coming soon
7) Bunny - the legend and one of my favorites - currently on vacation.
8) Tiny - famous and is scheduled to start on the 15th.
I don't know all of these girls but Kay reports all do a GFE service,