Review: BNG - Beth in Garland

Date: late April
Provider: Beth
Phone: N/A
Email Address: N/A
URL / Website: N/A
City: Garland
State: Texas
Address: [removed motel name - GM] in Garland on Forest near Jupiter
Appointment Type: Incall
Activities: L2
Session Length: 15 min
Fee: 20
Hair Color and Length: Blonde/red to shoulders
Age: 50
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Around 5'5", smallish tits, flat ass, horrible teeth and wrinkled face
Recommendation: Yes
mojoman's Avatar

You owe me a new keyboard
General Feuerbacher's Avatar
Thanks for fun recon
that's some funny shit right there... love stories like this
Do you have any way to contact her? Or know if she's still there? PM me a room # if you can. Thx.
NTXReggie's Avatar

Funny shit indeed!
She did offer to give me her phone number but I was in a hurry and did not get it. Honestly, not sure I would want to go back. I don't remember the room number, but as you drive in it was on the left hand row of
shitty rooms.