President for a day

i812-)'s Avatar
If you could be President for one day and make real change what would you do?


I would make declare dividends and capital gains from american based companys tax exempt. (lets get AIG investing in American company with tax payers dollars)

Second I would Credit Card Interest to schedule L. (lets get some tax relief to debt ridden americans not just big banks)

Would love to hear other peoples ideas
Philhelm's Avatar
1. As Commander-in-Chief, I would order the withdrawal of U.S. troops from across the globe, as well as attempt to sell our bases to the host nation.

2. I'd pardon all people convicted of victimless federal crimes.

3. I'd order the War on Drugs to be ceased on the federal level.

4. I'd attempt to default on our debt to the Federal Reserve and try to gain support to create a new currency with congressional oversight (that would take more than one day though).

5. I'd issue an executive order which would eliminate executive orders.
TexTushHog's Avatar
i812, you might find that the President doesn't have the power to do what you propose. It requires Congressional action to redefine taxable income or reclassify capital gains and dividends.

Philhelm's suggestion of ordering troops home is slightly more realistic, although they certainly wouldn't make it home in a day and the next day the old commander in chief would just order them right back to where they currently are.

The bottom line is that if you were President for a day, you wouldn't be able to do squat since you would be President for more than a day. Pardoning folks would work, but you'd have to know their names in advance. I don't think that you can pardon them by category.
Philhelm's Avatar
i812, you might find that the President doesn't have the power to do what you propose. It requires Congressional action to redefine taxable income or reclassify capital gains and dividends.

Philhelm's suggestion of ordering troops home is slightly more realistic, although they certainly wouldn't make it home in a day and the next day the old commander in chief would just order them right back to where they currently are.

The bottom line is that if you were President for a day, you wouldn't be able to do squat since you would be President for more than a day. Pardoning folks would work, but you'd have to know their names in advance. I don't think that you can pardon them by category. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
You're most definitely correct, but these are theoetical actions that a president may take. Even with separation of powers, there is plenty of power that a president can wield.

I also think my third one could be done, since isn't the President the head of the Dep't of Justice? He could just to end the War on Drugs by de facto, through simply not enforcing it at the federal level, if my understanding is correct.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Depends on what you call the "war on drugs." He can't decriminalize it. He might be able to tell the various US Attorney's not to prosecute cases, but they next day, your replacement will countermand that order. And no one is going to dismiss cases that day. They'll just sit and send an e-mail at 4:59 p.m. asking for clarification and leave the office.
DallasRain's Avatar
designate a "national ho's day"!!

seriously....I would let anybody marry anybody anywhere......if it makes ya happy,do it!
pyramider's Avatar
How about instituting Fuck A Mod Day? All mods have to pay three times the current provider's rate.
Jack Flash's Avatar
I'd declare war on half the world. I'd drop a nuke on any country that talks shit about the US! And take over every country that produces oil and make them part of the US. Does that make me President for a day or Dictator for a day?