When you're the hunted

Was just wondering if you were minding your own business not looking for a get together and you got a call out of the blue from a provider wanting to get together would you expect a discount or something extra? Is it different when you're on the hunt (and the little head is in control) opposed to when someone is hunting you?
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 11-27-2013, 10:21 AM
I'm in outside sales. When I make a cold sales call, am I expected to give a discount?
Answer to your question - no.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I'm kind of in bbk's position, except I train people for sales. Their job is commission based. (Just like providers one could say.) They have a base quota to meet. Anything over that is paid on an accelerated rate.

In training we teach them you need X accounts in 30 days to meet goal. It's day 27 & you're at X - 21 just to meet goal. You need 7 a day to meet goal, but the current sales average is 4 a day. If you absolutely HAVE to offer a discount then do it, but it DOES hit their commission check.

So you have to weigh: Not hitting goal & getting fired/write up, or hitting goal & a lowered commission check.

But then you have to remember that this is whoring, & normal business economics/trends go out the window. Think with your BIG HEAD. Get cold call. Hear spiel. Think for a minute. Can you go without poon today? Do you have the actual funds to spare? You can say, "Sure, what time is good for you?" Pay full retail. "No thanks. I'm good." Walk away from the table. Or "I would love to, but don't have the funds." This puts you in an off handed negotiation mode. You'll either get "Okay babe. Another time then." No harm no foul cause you didn't ask for a discount. Then there's the "How much do you have reply?" You are now actively in "discount mode."

Point is. No. You shouldn't expect a discount. Don't be a dick & diretly ask for one either. Though as well, she shouldn't get offended if it's alluded to.
oilfieldscum's Avatar
I'm in outside sales. When I make a cold sales call, am I expected to give a discount?
Answer to your question - no. Originally Posted by bbkid
You make a cold sales call on me and you at least better be buying lunch...ijs
Was just wondering if you were minding your own business not looking for a get together and you got a call out of the blue from a provider wanting to get together would you expect a discount or something extra? Originally Posted by iam2oral4u
Like someone once said...

If they contact me, it should be free

"Free Mod Pussy" post in 5...4...3...2...
LexusLover's Avatar
Like someone once said...

If they contact me, it should be free Originally Posted by DickEmDown
Does that mean they pay for the room AND THE FUEL COSTS?
Mojojo's Avatar
Does that mean they pay for the room AND THE FUEL COSTS? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Only if i do outcall
Only if i do outcall Originally Posted by Mojojo
What Mojo said
KatieKatie's Avatar
Nobody should ever contact you for an appointment. It is rude and desperate. I wouldn't buy a client list and cold call. It isn't the same.

"My baby needs diapers!!!!" Shut up, please and stop spending your welfare check on shoes.
SpiceItUp's Avatar
"My baby needs diapers!!!!" Shut up, please and stop spending your welfare check on shoes. Originally Posted by KatieKatie

I just fell in love with you Katie!
Whether they are square or providers they do that stuff. Rent is due, its a holiday and a slower Xmas shopping season so I would expect more of those calls this year.
rafo77's Avatar

I just fell in love with you Katie! Originally Posted by SpiceItUp

Same here
Nobody should ever contact you for an appointment. It is rude and desperate. I wouldn't buy a client list and cold call. It isn't the same.

"My baby needs diapers!!!!" Shut up, please and stop spending your welfare check on shoes. Originally Posted by KatieKatie
KatieKatie is 100% correct as usual. Totally inappropriate. And desperate. I honestly think you do deserve a discount in this situation.

Real world analogy:

Girl calls guy to see if he wants to grab a drink/dinner. He accepts and after dinner, he insists on paying, but she says, "we'll, I asked you...let me leave the tip." Guy says thank you and everything turns out ok.

In the above example, the girl was somewhat inappropriate for asking the guy out. The guy was still a gentleman and paid, and the girl redeemed herself by leaving a nice tip.

In the original scenario, the only way for her to slightly redeem her unseemly behavior is to offer a discount.
Toolman's Avatar
In my 29 yrs of hobbying, I've been invited on 2 occasions to spend some quality time with 2 atfs off the clock. Once was many years ago with a studio lass in Austin. I'd gone to see her early in the day on New Years Eve at her studio. She asked what my plans were for the evening and when I told her that I had none, she suggested that she would like some company, so I invited her to my house, where we shared the glow of a fire in the fireplace, a bottle of bubbly, and some of the best bcd I've ever had. We bucked like funnies for about 3 hours and rang in the New Year covered with sweat and smiles. The second time was similar, when a lady that I'd seen many times over several years called and said she'd like to see me. I asked her if she was suggesting a social call or a business call, and she said she just wanted to get together. So she came over and we listened to some music, drank some wine and shared some bodily warmth. No $$ was exchanged either time. These are unusual experiences, but they do happen on rare occasions.
  • BDD
  • 11-27-2013, 08:09 PM
I agree. On rare occassions they do. But I doubt many a fucktard and hooktard would / could wakeup in nyc and agree with us. IJS.