Let me clear my throat...

Going back and fourth from providing to taking a break is a never ending cycle for self. Many have heard the story of motorcycle accident that nearly took life, but was told to come back later :

Not wanting NOR needing anyones sympathy... shit happens. Life is life && sweetie, life aint fair.

Birthdays are not so much a celebration for this chick...but yet getting on the back of a sports bike is orgasmic

Ill keep it to the point and long story short mode:

Concentration for one, is difficult...so is staying on track. (including daily non hobby life)

Phone calls and/or a 30 minute heads up from one is soo much better than a text/NCNS

Short notice is not always in my favor.

Memory is not so well.

Sense of time...way the eff thrown off..haha

But thats why I'm typing this, to let you know that I am aware of being late, having cancelled last minute, forgetting something, or acted in an odd way..if it means anything && Ive been guilty of it towards you, I am asking that you accept my apology?
That title takes me back to that old school song. Cant think of the rapper that sings it though. But starts off let me clear my throat. .........
TexasDave555's Avatar
That title takes me back to that old school song. Cant think of the rapper that sings it though. But starts off let me clear my throat. ......... Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Beastie Boys... New Style
Beastie Boys... New Style Originally Posted by TexasDave555

No, it was DJ Kool:


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lBsZj1mhw8"> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lBsZj1mhw8" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">
You apologizing for the pimp/bf that's near ur room as well apparently?
Invisible1's Avatar
Maddalyn, thank you for posting an apology. This is not the place to discuss, and we both know that there is actually a very different major reason, besides your own self, for your TCB and IOP distractions. But, since you brought it up. When I did call you, as you requested, more than half the time you didnt answer your phone (I generally don't leave phone messages). And, you seem to have two very different personalities/writing styles when you text. I also did not like receiving phone calls from your number or a related phone number were I find myself listening to a guy's voice when I am expecting to hear yours. Finally, I did not like coming in near contact with and or seeing your pimp/boyfriend/management or his free loading 4 wheeled friend at or near your hotel room door. Other than for what I just mentioned, your apology for being late and poor TCB is kindly accepted by me.

You don't need to support them. You are old enough and wise enough to take care of yourself and be independent.

I enjoyed meeting you. I won't ever meet you again and advise others reading this similarly. Maddalyn, you may PM me if you want. I am done in this coed thread.
pmdelites's Avatar
talk about taking this one off track....

Maddalyn, hope your health and brain get better as your life moves down the path of life.
hugs and kisses....
You apologizing for the pimp/bf that's near ur room as well apparently? Originally Posted by fobolous
do pimps ride dirt bikes??
Beastie Boys... New Style Originally Posted by TexasDave555