Cyntoia Brown Granted Clemency

Cyclone1996's Avatar
I’m curious how the hobby feels about this case?
Horsemancummeth's Avatar
She should have never been convicted. The jury on her trial should be ashamed.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
I’m mixed on this.

I believe she definitely deserved jail time especially since she stole items from the man she killed. The man she killed was a creepy child predator but he was a client not actually her trafficker/pimp. There is no proof he attacked her or she felt her life was in danger. I think the motive was robbery.

I do think the sentence was way too harsh and she needs therapy and rehabilitation more than anything.

I am glad she’s getting out and getting another shot at life. A lot of people and the system failed her growing up. I wish her the best.
tiatate's Avatar
You really summed up my feelings also Jules!
Im happy she gets a second chance.

I’m mixed on this.

I believe she definitely deserved jail time especially since she stole items from the man she killed. The man she killed was a creepy child predator but he was a client not actually her trafficker/pimp. There is no proof he attacked her or she felt her life was in danger. I think the motive was robbery.

I do think the sentence was way too harsh and she needs therapy and rehabilitation more than anything.

I am glad she’s getting out and getting another shot at life. A lot of people and the system failed her growing up. I wish her the best. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
CG2014's Avatar
What about her pimp?

Is he in prison or dead?

All pimps must fucking die!

She was forced to steal because she was afraid her pimp will beat her and hurt her if she went back to him without any cash.

She should never had been found guilty due to extenuating circumstances that gave her no choice but to do what she had to do to stay alive.

I have very simple rules:

Any person male or female who pimps/traffics anyone needs to die.

Any person male or female who rapes anyone needs to die.

Any person male or female who molest or hurt a child or a baby in any way needs to die.

Any guy who beat up women needs to die.

The world will be a better place if the law was changed to make sure all of the above punishments are carried out in all of those circumstances.
CG2014's Avatar
It's like this case!

Whoever did this needs to be put to death but not before they cut his balls and dick off and let him bleed and suffer in pain for a while!
Cyclone1996's Avatar
Jules, I agree. The circumstances are fishy and seems like she deserved some jail time. I would have preferred more like 5 to 10 years. She served 15 years. Clearly her initial sentence of 51 years was all kinds of bonkers for a 16-yr-old, sex-trafficked girl.
Samhyde's Avatar
What about her pimp?

Is he in prison or dead?

All pimps must fucking die!

She was forced to steal because she was afraid her pimp will beat her and hurt her if she went back to him without any cash.

She should never had been found guilty due to extenuating circumstances that gave her no choice but to do what she had to do to stay alive.

I have very simple rules:

Any person male or female who pimps/traffics anyone needs to die.

Any person male or female who rapes anyone needs to die.

Any person male or female who molest or hurt a child or a baby in any way needs to die.

Any guy who beat up women needs to die.

The world will be a better place if the law was changed to make sure all of the above punishments are carried out in all of those circumstances. Originally Posted by CG2014
This right here.
Poor child was kidnapped sold to a pimp. Sometimes men can be so cruel. I’m sure the child pleaded and begged the men she had sex with to help her. Not one had a heart to say don’t worry child I’ll save your life. Come with me. And we call

Dept of Homeland Security. They would show up with U.S Marshall’s and all sorts of federal agents. But not helped her. What a shame. Human Trafficking
Is NOT cool.
8701's Avatar
  • 8701
  • 01-07-2019, 04:56 PM
Privaleged 41 year old Real Estate Agent meets, a disadvantaged mislead and manipulated young child. Whoever thought their paths would cross?

Perfect example of why we should be concerned about everyone’s well being, instead of just the picture perfect manicured lawns around our neighborhoods/private schools.

Especially children smh, when will we learn?!
Chung Tran's Avatar
I’m mixed on this.

I believe she definitely deserved jail time especially since she stole items from the man she killed. The man she killed was a creepy child predator but he was a client not actually her trafficker/pimp. There is no proof he attacked her or she felt her life was in danger. I think the motive was robbery. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
I don't remember hearing about this case, other than I recall Ashley Judd talking about it once?? certainly no details.. question about the robbery angle.. the article said she (allegedly) stole money to bring to her Pimp, so.. how much was stolen? if it was the amount of the session, that is proper.. but if she stole much more, that leads me to think there is guilt on her end.
CG2014's Avatar

she stole $172.

All you need to know about this case is on WIKI.

Also according to the above WIKI article:

Brown's former pimp, Garion L. McGlothen, also known as Gary McGlothen and Kutthroat, died on March 30, 2005, at the age of 24, having been shot and killed by a man named Quartez Hines
That is very good news worthy of opening a bottle of Dom for it!!

I hope he is in Dante's Hell where he is gang raped and sodomized and beaten 24 hours a day!!

Also another article about it here:

including Snoop Dog posting on social media about the injustice of this case where she gets 51 years and a rapist gets 6 months:

Photo of the dead pimp is also in the above webpage and guess what ? He is a thug ! Of course!
TheOracle's Avatar
I don't remember hearing about this case, other than I recall Ashley Judd talking about it once?? certainly no details.. question about the robbery angle.. the article said she (allegedly) stole money to bring to her Pimp, so.. how much was stolen? if it was the amount of the session, that is proper.. but if she stole much more, that leads me to think there is guilt on her end. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Smh. Some people talking clearly don't know what they're talking about. She did not just steal $172. She stole money, guns, his truck, etc. She was clearly robbing this dude, and has been able to play the victim/abuse card b/c we're pretty much only getting her side of the story. Meanwhile, the evidence suggests the opposite. Which is probably why she was convicted in the first place, and it only took the jury six hours to do so.

They've tried to paint the john as a predator, however that doesn't hold b/c she admitted to lying about her age to him. The evidence suggests she shot him in the back of the head while he was sleeping/resting.....not while he was attacking her or she was in fear for her life. That's why the self defense angle also didn't hold up. Not to mention, police reports that she laughed about it afterwards and threatened to shoot a nurse the same way she did the john. Furthermore, how many of you would bring a prostitute into your home, rape and abuse her, then turn over and go to sleep? To me, the fact that he was even that comfortable w/ her in his home either suggests he was extremely naive or this was not his first encounter w/ her. But these things are getting buried in the mainstream media b/c there is clearly an agenda afoot and they are using this girl to further it, which is why this story resurfaced amidst all of this "#MeToo" nonsense.

This chick was a troubled, out of control teen w/ a poor childhood and history of drugs, violence, and mental dysfunction who was broken long before any pimp/boyfriend came along. Sad part is she is going to become a poster child for victimhood for all the wrong reasons and the real issues will go unacknowledged.

As for the "pimp" angle, what so-called abuser and predatory pimp gives their "victim" a handgun? And if she was so afraid for her life that she used the handgun on the john, why would she not use the handgun on the pimp who was allegedly repeatedly raping and abusing her and treating her far worse than the guy she actually killed? None of that makes any sense. Not to mention, the media is painting it like they had some long relationship where he systematically broke her down and took control of her mind, when in reality she only knew this guy for a couple of weeks. Reports say she met the "pimp" toward the middle or end of July 2004. The murder occurred on Aug. 4th, 2004.

This case actually sets a scary precedent. Especially when you allow celebrities w/ agendas, presenting biased and uninformed opinions on social media, to intervene and influence the criminal justice system.
rexdutchman's Avatar
This case actually sets a scary precedent. Especially when you allow celebrities w/ agendas, presenting biased and uninformed opinions on social media, to intervene and influence the criminal justice system.
After she murders , she a victim she can kill but can't help herself ?
Victimhood has become the travesty of the criminal justice system.
BeautifulBecki78's Avatar
I’m curious how the hobby feels about this case? Originally Posted by Cyclone1996
Hey sweetie clear your inbox. To full to send a reply