Ladies... What Kind Of Guesser Are You?

Here's the thing, I have a long time female friend who insists that she can just look a guy for a few minutes and pretty accurately determine his penis size and she also claims that she has never been wrong.

Personally, I think she is wildly exaggerating this claim of hers and over the years I have tried to put her "skills" to the test by asking her to guess my size, but she always conveniently refuses to do so. Of course.

So ladies, any validity to her theory? When you look at a guy are you usually able to take a good guess at how big, or small, he is? What is your accuracy rate?
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I doubt it as there have been "myths" we look for such has big hands, big feet, long fingers etc. All proven wrong but she could have some psychic abilities. lol The best way to tell is to take his pants off

On a different note, Ive claimed to be able to spot a guy that will "stray".
On a different note, Ive claimed to be able to spot a guy that will "stray". Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
So can I. If he has a pulse, isn't on life support and has any money to spend whatsoever, he'll stray if given the opportunity.
Other than going by the stereotypes... No. It's always a surprise.
Other than going by the stereotypes... No. It's always a surprise. Originally Posted by Shayla
In my case, the word would be "disappointment," not "surprise."
Big attitude=small penis, lol
I don't have that ability...
I like surprises, It's like Christmas!
In my experience the shorter men have the 3rd leg. It’s not about the feet or height at all. Once knew a guy who wore a size 9 shoe who had a 9”. Go figure
I always found the tall, skinny ones had big ones. lol Guess there is no "formula"

In my experience the shorter men have the 3rd leg. It’s not about the feet or height at all. Once knew a guy who wore a size 9 shoe who had a 9”. Go figure Originally Posted by latnremedy
If he has a pulse, isn't on life support and has any money to spend whatsoever, he'll stray if given the opportunity. Originally Posted by AngelOK
As Bill Maher often says, "men are only as faithful as their options."
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Accuracy rate is 50/50. For stereotypes they've been blown away .... I've seen short skinny white guys with long tree trunk dongs and tall black dudes with vienna sausages.
I doubt it as there have been "myths" we look for such has big hands, big feet, long fingers etc. All proven wrong but she could have some psychic abilities. lol The best way to tell is to take his pants off Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Yeah... I always thought her claim was a bunch of BS. LOL

I do think a lot of women buy into the "myths" you mentioned though.
burkalini's Avatar
You can't really go by outword appearance too much. Just like women who are tiny featured I.E. small feet, small hips but when they open their legs it's like the grand canyon. Conversely a wide hip woman has a little bitty pleasure box. You just never know.
Doesn't matter as long as he knows how to use it...right ladies
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Of course.... Motion of the ocean....