Finally, one day of reckoning has arrived for a leading MAGA cultist and corrupt Texas politician…Ken Paxton’s impeachment trial starts today in the Texas Senate, will the Texas Senate Republicans do the right thing?

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Ken Paxton’s State Senate impeachment trial starts today and it will take 21 out of 30 State Senators to vote in favor for the impeachment to pass. There are only 12 State Democrats and 19 Republicans, but Ken’s wife is one of the State Senators and although she is barred from voting, she is allowed to be counted as part of the trial, excluding final deliberations, but it will not remove her as one of the head counts for impeachment. It will take 21 Yays for impeachment, not 20…Ain’t that some shit right off the bat along with Ken’s buddy Lt Governor Dan Patrick will preside over the proceedings.

Will wheelchair boy testify about anything? Doubt it.

Will 9 of the 20 Republican Senators allowed to vote, do the right thing (no chance in hell any of the 12 Dems will vote against impeachment)?…Doubt it.

Can you believe this mother fucker was indicted by a grand jury in 2015 on securities fraud charges and he STILL HASN’T gone to trial on that…Seems Collin County is behind their boy Ken and has stonewalled that trial being held in his, I mean, their County…Wow.
This is a bunch of BS in my mind , look who is charge of the proceedings and took a 3 million dollar bribe.
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...the Maga cult is not looking so good

Let's get this GUILTY party started. Maga and the other gop party are so fucked up

What kind of intelligent lol defense is this???? Well I committed .
a lot of crimes but was reelected so those crimes don't count

Biden weaponized the Texas gop
txdot-guy's Avatar
This is a bunch of BS in my mind , look who is charge of the proceedings and took a 3 million dollar bribe. Originally Posted by Hdtown
The impeachment seems to be a fairly bipartisan issue here in Texas which bodes well for a conviction.

In the Texas House 121 representatives voted to support impeachment and 23 voted against. The number that voted to impeach were divided evenly between Republican and Democrat. 60 and 61 respectively. The number voting against were all Republican.

Either Ken Paxton pissed off enough Republican Representatives to cause them to vote for the impeachment or the evidence presented was fairly compelling. I'm guessing the latter.
You would have thought he pissed off his wife, but guess not. It will be interesting to see how this goes, I Don't want to have to pay his bills as a tax payer and Texan. He needs to be impeached and do jail time
The Maga moron paxton already admitted he was guilty of the whistle blowers charges...and agreed to settle...and let the taxpayers pay for it. Then the shit finally hit the fan.

That's when the Texas gop finally realized wtf this guy is nearly as corrupt as his fuck buddy trump

Convection of many for the Maga cult

This trial would be boring as fuck if the Maga morons were not getting their ass kicked since minute one

The no defense team is still acting like they are on faux news talking to a bunch of Maga defense just a bunch of bullshit

Fun stuff except for the Maga morons

Edit to add...the wife probably has her play toys and has cut off her moron
winn dixie's Avatar
It may be close. But imo there's gonna be 9 gop senators stand up and do the right thing. It doesn't look good for paxton.
It sb a done deal between Texas gop and Biden. GUILTY as fck!!!
I still wanna see the barbie sworn in to testify in front of her Ken's wife.
Who knew gop women (both) were that stupid??? Gop men dah
ManSlut's Avatar
Well, week one of Little Donald Paxton’s impeachment trial is in the books. Paxton didn’t bother to join the proceedings after Day One.

It was originally stated before the trial began it could take 2 weeks to go to the Senate for a vote being that a possible 100 witnesses could be called to testify. Week one only got through 4 witnesses…Ugh

This Texas Tribune link recaps Week One. The last 7 paragraphs were the best part to me. Right before that Paxton’s lawyer Buzzbee did his best to spin and imply how troublesome this will be for Texas government and the possible unruly consequences if convicted. I am surprised he didn’t state anything about militias organizing, or after 2024 elections will judged by bullets, not ballots (per Mike Huckabee recently), or a need for a Civil War (Sarah Palin recently), etc… Shit, I was kind of disappointed Buzzbee didn’t use the common terms being overused by most Republicans or MAGA Cultists these days, ‘Weaponization’ or ‘Criminalization’, but heck, he’s got probably at least another 2 weeks of trial with his rhetoric to go, so it is wise to pace himself…After all, like the old saying goes, “Defending criminals is a marathon, not a sprint.”
Is the one eyed crook going down and out or will his MAGA buddies save his sorry ass.
texassapper's Avatar
It's going well so far... acquittals on all charges voted on to this point... 5 of 16...
texassapper's Avatar
acquitted on 6/17
acquitted on 7/17
acquitted on 8/17
acquitted on 9/17
acquitted on 10/17
Articles 11 through 14 have been held in abeyance
acquitted on 15/17
acquitted on 16/17
acquitted on 17/17

suck it Bushie neocons and communists.
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texassapper's Avatar
Paxton acquitted in impeachment trial, additional charges tossed out
Following the acquittal of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on 16 impeachment charges Saturday, four additional articles being held in abeyance were removed from consideration.

Sen. Brian Birdwell, R-Granbury, who led the Senate’s rules committee for the trial, made the motion to stop further consideration and close the impeachment court.

“A dismissal in this context does not constitute an acquittal of any charge contained in the articles of impeachment, but would constitute a final decision by the Senate on the Articles of Impeachment,” Birdwell said reading the motion. “And impeachment no longer be pending.”

The Senate again voted in partisan fashion, reaching a final decision not to move forward with the additional four charges by a 19-11.

Only 16 votes were required on the final vote as opposed to 21 for the previous impeachment votes.

Following the decision, the court of impeachment has adjourned sine die.

lololololololololololololololo lolol
txdot-guy's Avatar
will the Texas Senate Republicans do the right thing?

Apparently not.