What Planned Parenthood does...

TheDaliLama's Avatar

Hey look .....it's a peace sign!

I'm curious about the logic here. I guess that the point is that Planned Parenthood is innocent of selling baby bodies because 97% of their business isn't even abortion related. Okay. So... John Wayne Gacy spent a lot less than 3% of his time raping and murdering 33 young boys and men. The majority of his time was perfectly legal. Most of his time was spent in the construction business and volunteer work. He developed a lovable character "Pogo the Clown" to entertain children. He was a loved and useful member of society (well, other than the rape/murder stuff) and was active in Democratic politics.
It would be informative to know the methodology used in preparing that pie chart and the width of the slices

I'd think it's not on dollars of either income or cost or maybe not even time spent or maybe not even on the physical space dedicated to each aspect of service

It's more likely some double or triple counted render of service to someone who came in for an abortion, like this woman came in for an abortion , we checked her for communicable blood diseases before we aborted the baby, actually more for our own protection before we proceed (std testing, check), we gave her a pamphlet about family planning (other services, check), we gave her contraceptives for next time and told her to return every month for a refill (contraceptives, 12 checks)... Something like that

So yeah one abortion and 15 other services (minor cost and time) to her while we do it
wellendowed1911's Avatar

Hey look .....it's a peace sign!

I'm curious about the logic here. I guess that the point is that Planned Parenthood is innocent of selling baby bodies because 97% of their business isn't even abortion related. Okay. So... John Wayne Gacy spent a lot less than 3% of his time raping and murdering 33 young boys and men. The majority of his time was perfectly legal. Most of his time was spent in the construction business and volunteer work. He developed a lovable character "Pogo the Clown" to entertain children. He was a loved and useful member of society (well, other than the rape/murder stuff) and was active in Democratic politics. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Too bad your mother didn't take advantage of Planned Parenthood!
Defund. Let Obamacare take care of everything but the abortions. Then let Oprah, Soros and the other moneyed Dims fund abortion clinics. Hell, I'd even give them a tax deduction.

I smell a REAL govt shut down coming.

Thanks Obama.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Too bad your mother didn't take advantage of Planned Parenthood! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Oh you are just so deep and original aren't you WE?

Why don't you just take one for the team and just blow your brains out...

Thou...paunchy idle-headed maggot-pie.
Oh you are just so deep and original aren't you WE?

Why don't you just take one for the team and just blow your brains out...

Thou...paunchy idle-headed maggot-pie. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Maggot pie. Earth thrower. You reading some new books?

And yeah, people have faced involuntary manslaughter charges for goading people into committing suicide, just fyi. Real asshat move too btw. Not cool at all.
Defund. Let Obamacare take care of everything but the abortions. Then let Oprah, Soros and the other moneyed Dims fund abortion clinics. Hell, I'd even give them a tax deduction.

I smell a REAL govt shut down coming.

Thanks Obama. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Hypocritical piece of shit.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Defund. Let Obamacare take care of everything but the abortions. Then let Oprah, Soros and the other moneyed Dims fund abortion clinics. Hell, I'd even give them a tax deduction.

I smell a REAL govt shut down coming.

Thanks Obama. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I think Oprah should have a show where at the end she gives free abortions to all her audience members.
I think Oprah should have a show where at the end she gives free abortions to all her audience members. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Too bad Oprah wasn't around when your mom was pregnant...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Oh undercunt you and WE are sooo funny ..I cant stand it!

Thou...spleeny pox-marked lout!
It would be informative to know the methodology used in preparing that pie chart and the width of the slices

I'd think it's not on dollars of either income or cost or maybe not even time spent or maybe not even on the physical space dedicated to each aspect of service

It's more likely some double or triple counted render of service to someone who came in for an abortion, like this woman came in for an abortion , we checked her for communicable blood diseases before we aborted the baby, actually more for our own protection before we proceed (std testing, check), we gave her a pamphlet about family planning (other services, check), we gave her contraceptives for next time and told her to return every month for a refill (contraceptives, 12 checks)... Something like that

So yeah one abortion and 15 other services (minor cost and time) to her while we do it Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Google is your friend. The answers to your questions can be found very quickly with a simple Google search.

No. I won't post the links for you. I am not that nice. You are a big boy and shouldn't need spoon feeding.

However, since PP provided 4.1 million STD tests in 2013, and only 327,000 abortions, your theory goes right out the window.

Look at that, I didn't even need to break a sweat or break out the old Thesaurus to find the answers to your burning questions.

PS. Dali, PP "remains innocent of selling aborted babies" because there is not one single shred of evidence that they have ever sold baby parts. Even the heavily edited video still couldn't make it appear as if they do, even with all their creative editing. But please, keep trying.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Why don't you shut your *Staff Edit - JCM mouth?

#15 - There is no place in our forums for the general discussion or speculation of illicit drug use. This is to be considered a forbidden topic and mention of it will be removed.
dirty dog's Avatar
Oh you are just so deep and original aren't you WE?

Why don't you just take one for the team and just blow your brains out...

Thou...paunchy idle-headed maggot-pie. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Bro come on, this is a very touchy subject for Wellendowed, do you have any idea how many brothers and sisters he has lost to the tip if the suction tube.
Google is your friend. The answers to your questions can be found very quickly with a simple Google search.

. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
I doubt that google can uncover any subterfuge

there are many ways to prepare a chart

my point wasn't that they don't do other things but that this chart is likely the presentation chosen due to being the one most favorably disposed to lessen the slice given abortion and thus more than likely skewed by the selection of the measurement and then by the way to count that measurement, if you consider time and effort and cost or revenue as a more valid measure of their dedication instead of raw count

I'm still of an unsurprised mind that they would do and do exactly what I suggested they do to reduce the slice given abortion
  • DSK
  • 09-28-2015, 07:17 AM
Maggot pie. Earth thrower. You reading some new books?

And yeah, people have faced involuntary manslaughter charges for goading people into committing suicide, just fyi. Real asshat move too btw. Not cool at all. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Did you write an article as a freelancer on the subject?If you did, you would know it went way beyond a mere suggestion....