Are You Ready To Pay Your $9.95 For Trump TV

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
There are now reports he's trying hard to get a Trump TV gig going along with an online webcast where he's charging his current supporters $9.95 per month.

Trump is big pimping his supporters and has been all along. let's not forget he's been handing out these worthless ass Gold cards to his supporters for a small price.

Trump will take good care of his 20% of red meat eating republican followers. He will charge and tax the hell out of them like the Duck Dynasty folks are doing.

Trump will have all these poor folks handing over their disability and social security checks and keep selling them that fantasy he wrote about in the Art of the deal.

Just like this bullshit he sold them once he started running:

bambino's Avatar
You're really losing steam. It was predictable.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
^ So in your sig line you portray yourself as a woman sipping on a Martini. Why?

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
sissy chump, watching you thrash like a beached sperm whale is amusing. as the election gets closer, you and your ilk will mount a useless campaign to influence whom??

does your retard ass really think there are undecided voters to sway in this forum? ahahahahaaaa
waste of time idiot.

you'd have better luck posting anywhere else, you fucktard. go to and post. oh .. yeah vox dosn't allow comments!! ahahaha i wonder why? try Yahoo, you idiot.

i'm gonna open an election poll and Trump will win in a landslide. you better hope that's an aberration yeah?? ahahahahahahahaaa.

the media and polls have slanted this race to Clinton with false data and coverage. the real truth is that this is a dead heat and either can still win.

i'm somewhat ashamed the RNC isn't helping Trump more. who cares about his rhetoric?? it's what got him here in the first place. i'd like to see them step up and try to put Trump over the top. Regardless, i think he can win anyway.

one last thing dimtards, regardless of the somewhat inflated approval ratings for your King Obama, be careful about trotting him out in the end game. he wagged his finger at the UK and they woke up the next day free of the EU. ahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
BDS=Bitches Dig Semen...

lustylad's Avatar
Trump is big pimping his supporters and has been all along... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Too bad he can't rent out the Lincoln bedroom to his supporters... wait, that would be kinda tacky and offensive, wouldn't it?
southtown4488's Avatar
half of all Republicunts are dumb enough to pay it.
half of all Republicunts are dumb enough to pay it. Originally Posted by southtown4488
You would take it if was free like anything else you could get your grubby little liberal hands on, lol. Of course at the expense of the 80 million American Patriots that virtually support you pain in the asses.

lustylad's Avatar
half of all Republicunts are dumb enough to pay it. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Even that phony Brooklyn libtard bitch Barbara Streisand isn't as dumb as you are, suckclown.
  • DSK
  • 10-24-2016, 02:16 PM
There are now reports he's trying hard to get a Trump TV gig going along with an online webcast where he's charging his current supporters $9.95 per month.

Trump is big pimping his supporters and has been all along. let's not forget he's been handing out these worthless ass Gold cards to his supporters for a small price.

Trump will take good care of his 20% of red meat eating republican followers. He will charge and tax the hell out of them like the Duck Dynasty folks are doing.

Trump will have all these poor folks handing over their disability and social security checks and keep selling them that fantasy he wrote about in the Art of the deal.

Just like this bullshit he sold them once he started running:

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Democrats and Republicans have been sending that stupid shit out for years. Just go into any goofball's office that you know and he probably has them up on his wall, not realizing he has been played.

It is no different, except in the amount, than paying $10,000 to have dinner with some fucking politician. I send them money, and I throw that stupid shit in the trash. I send them money because I support their politics, not because I want to meet them or hang stuff up on the wall of my office.

Well, except for my John Wayne Fan Club poster, of course....
bambino's Avatar
^ So in your sig line you portray yourself as a woman sipping on a Martini. Why?

Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
She's just one of my fans Sap Sucker.
I already pay for the Clinton News Network (CNN) and have been for the last 25 years. No way around it!