TRUMP more Black voters since 1960

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
the libtards have been drinking their own urine .. er .. koolaide ahahaaaa

this is from a Trump rally .. TODAY in Florida.

Clinton is no lock to capture better than 50% of female voters. even worse ...

TRUMP on Track to Win More Black Votes Than Any GOP Candidate Since 1960

Jim Hoft Oct 25th, 2016 5:19 pm 288 Comments
In the past month the number of black voters for Donald Trump has increased significantly.
At the beginning of October 9% of African Americans supported Trump.
The number doubled and has leveled off at 16% support for Donald Trump.
This ought to keep Democrats up late at night.
Blacks today make up 22% of the Democratic vote.
If Democrats lost 25% of the black vote they would lose Virginia, Florida, Ohio and North Carolina.

(Washington Post)
If Trump skims 25% of black voters from the Democratic Party he would win the 2016 election in a landslide.
The last Republican to win over 25 percent of the non-white vote was Richard Nixon in 1960.
Nixon won 32% of non-white voters to Kennedy’s 68%.
The black community in America has been in decline ever since.

ahahaha. if you libtards think easily 75% of Blacks will robot-like vote for Clinton you might wake up Nov 9th with a new reality demtards.

if Trump gets just 1 in 4 Black voters .. it's over for your girl, demtards.

If Clinton loses this race it'll be the biggest collapse in modern Presidential history. and against a Maverick firebrand outsider no less. ahahahahaha
If you think Trump has a snowballs chance of winning the black or hispanic vote you are drinking some very sweet Kool Aid. Clinton has both Barack and Michelle who will boost her black vote and even Jay Z decide to headline a concert for her in Ohio
Add Oprah's recent endorsement :
Any of you been on any social media sites? Most Blacks are bashing Trump.

I will make wager with any of you cock suckers that Trump will not even get 15 percent of the Black votes.

He can have 100,000 people at his rally what's the point? Pretty much everyone's mind is made up by now they will come out on Nov 8th- check the early poll data it's leaning favorable towards the DEMS.
More than 3.3 million Americans had already voted as of October 25.

Who are the early returns favoring?

The early voting is showing signs of strength for Hillary Clinton in sync with recent polling. CNN reported that Democrats are outperforming in some battleground states compared to 2012, specifically North Carolina, Nevada, Arizona and Utah.

The Associated Press found Trump “holding ground in Ohio, Iowa and Georgia” and Clinton “showing strength” in Florida and North Carolina and doing well in Arizona and Colorado. Politico also found that Clinton was showing strength in Florida and North Carolina, saying early voting was outpacing Barack Obama’s pace in 2012 and behind Mitt Romney’s pace for the GOP. Those states could be pivotal, and Trump needs to exceed Romney’s results across the country to have a chance.

Indeed, some Electoral College analyses show that Clinton can afford to lose some of the swing states where Trump is strong if she wins a series of other battleground states. Furthermore, she is in striking distance in some polls in states like reliably Republican Texas and Arizona, which, according to Politico, is “a state that has gone red in 15 of the last 16 presidential elections.”

So you guys go ahead and get excited about Trump's large crowds- the debates are over- Trump is saying the same crap at all his rally- nothing new- nearly 100 million people will vote and they will come out Nov 8th- someone please tell me the purpose of going to a rally right now either Clinton's or Trump's?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
If you think Trump has a snowballs chance of winning the black or hispanic vote you are drinking some very sweet Kool Aid. Clinton has both Barack and Michelle who will boost her black vote and even Jay Z decide to headline a concert for her in Ohio
Add Oprah's recent endorsement :
Any of you been on any social media sites? Most Blacks are bashing Trump.

I will make wager with any of you cock suckers that Trump will not even get 15 percent of the Black votes.

He can have 100,000 people at his rally what's the point? Pretty much everyone's mind is made up by now they will come out on Nov 8th- check the early poll data it's leaning favorable towards the DEMS.
More than 3.3 million Americans had already voted as of October 25.

Who are the early returns favoring?

The early voting is showing signs of strength for Hillary Clinton in sync with recent polling. CNN reported that Democrats are outperforming in some battleground states compared to 2012, specifically North Carolina, Nevada, Arizona and Utah.

The Associated Press found Trump “holding ground in Ohio, Iowa and Georgia” and Clinton “showing strength” in Florida and North Carolina and doing well in Arizona and Colorado. Politico also found that Clinton was showing strength in Florida and North Carolina, saying early voting was outpacing Barack Obama’s pace in 2012 and behind Mitt Romney’s pace for the GOP. Those states could be pivotal, and Trump needs to exceed Romney’s results across the country to have a chance.

Indeed, some Electoral College analyses show that Clinton can afford to lose some of the swing states where Trump is strong if she wins a series of other battleground states. Furthermore, she is in striking distance in some polls in states like reliably Republican Texas and Arizona, which, according to Politico, is “a state that has gone red in 15 of the last 16 presidential elections.”

So you guys go ahead and get excited about Trump's large crowds- the debates are over- Trump is saying the same crap at all his rally- nothing new- nearly 100 million people will vote and they will come out Nov 8th- someone please tell me the purpose of going to a rally right now either Clinton's or Trump's? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
then why are either bothering to hold them, idiot?

Trump doesn't need a majority of either you idiot. he just needs enough to break the typical dimtard lemming voting march that Latino and Blacks typically do. maybe they are waking up about that eh?

you cite polls, yet not one states Clinton with overwhelming minority support. because she doesn't have it. her support amount women isn't overwhelming either.

if Trump does lose i'll lay blame right at the feet of the RNC and sitting Republicans for not supporting him more ... NO FUCKING MATTER WHAT HE SAYS during speeches.
All of them should say "i don't agree with the comment but the Republicans are for our nominee. "

here's what their alternative is ....

If you think Trump has a snowballs chance of winning the black or hispanic vote you are drinking some very sweet Kool Aid. Clinton has both Barack and Michelle who will boost her black vote and even Jay Z decide to headline a concert for her in Ohio
Add Oprah's recent endorsement :
Any of you been on any social media sites? Most Blacks are bashing Trump.

I will make wager with any of you cock suckers that Trump will not even get 15 percent of the Black votes.

He can have 100,000 people at his rally what's the point? Pretty much everyone's mind is made up by now they will come out on Nov 8th- check the early poll data it's leaning favorable towards the DEMS.
More than 3.3 million Americans had already voted as of October 25.

Who are the early returns favoring?

The early voting is showing signs of strength for Hillary Clinton in sync with recent polling. CNN reported that Democrats are outperforming in some battleground states compared to 2012, specifically North Carolina, Nevada, Arizona and Utah.

The Associated Press found Trump “holding ground in Ohio, Iowa and Georgia” and Clinton “showing strength” in Florida and North Carolina and doing well in Arizona and Colorado. Politico also found that Clinton was showing strength in Florida and North Carolina, saying early voting was outpacing Barack Obama’s pace in 2012 and behind Mitt Romney’s pace for the GOP. Those states could be pivotal, and Trump needs to exceed Romney’s results across the country to have a chance.

Indeed, some Electoral College analyses show that Clinton can afford to lose some of the swing states where Trump is strong if she wins a series of other battleground states. Furthermore, she is in striking distance in some polls in states like reliably Republican Texas and Arizona, which, according to Politico, is “a state that has gone red in 15 of the last 16 presidential elections.”

So you guys go ahead and get excited about Trump's large crowds- the debates are over- Trump is saying the same crap at all his rally- nothing new- nearly 100 million people will vote and they will come out Nov 8th- someone please tell me the purpose of going to a rally right now either Clinton's or Trump's? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

Apparently, Louis Farrakhan has something to say about it.

The new Black Panthers leader has something to say as well.
This one smarts, everyone is sick of the bias media and the fucking political leaders lies.

You love it, So fucking lay in your own endorsed lies.
then why are either bothering to hold them, idiot?

Trump doesn't need a majority of either you idiot. he just needs enough to break the typical dimtard lemming voting march that Latino and Blacks typically do. maybe they are waking up about that eh?

you cite polls, yet not one states Clinton with overwhelming minority support. because she doesn't have it. her support amount women isn't overwhelming either.

if Trump does lose i'll lay blame right at the feet of the RNC and sitting Republicans for not supporting him more ... NO FUCKING MATTER WHAT HE SAYS during speeches.
All of them should say "i don't agree with the comment but the Republicans are for our nominee. "

here's what their alternative is ....

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Shows your lack of knowledge having the black vote and Hispanic vote will surely favor the candidate who has the higher percentage. At least Trump was smart enough to appeal to black voters because he knows they make a difference .
However, it's the women will vote that will be the deal breaker - Trump is trailing big with female voters and the 11 accusation and hot mic doesn't help- women are the biggest voters overall

Apparently, Louis Farrakhan has something to say about it.

The new Black Panthers leader has something to say as well.
This one smarts, everyone is sick of the bias media and the fucking political leaders lies.

You love it, So fucking lay in your own endorsed lies. Originally Posted by canuckeight
I never liked Farrakhan and from the blacks that I know he's not a powerful voice in the black community - hell he's been in Chicago longer than Obama and the blacks are still in bad shape in the city.
Thinking Farrakhan represents blacks is equivalent to David duke representing whites both are racist on different extremes
I never liked Farrakhan and from the blacks that I know he's not a powerful voice in the black community - hell he's been in Chicago longer than Obama and the blacks are still in bad shape in the city.
Thinking Farrakhan represents blacks is equivalent to David duke representing whites both are racist on different extremes Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
UH HUH. You my friend are an idiot of the highest level. Have fun in the FEMA camp.
  • Tiny
  • 10-25-2016, 08:12 PM
Canuckeight's tweets show Trump polling 16% among blacks, not 22% or 25%. Still 16% would be quite an accomplishment compared to McCain and Romney, who received 4% and 6% of the black vote respectively. On the other hand, you wouldn't expect Hillary Clinton, a white woman, to do as well among blacks as Obama. And Rasmussen, the poll that Canuckeight is drawing from, shows Trump with a slight overall lead while the others show him losing.

Hillary is gaining more women and college educated whites than she's losing with blacks.

I hope Canuck's right though, that it will be a fairly tight race. If it's a blowout and the Democrats sweep the presidency and both houses of Congress, most of us are fucked.
UH HUH. You my friend are an idiot of the highest level. Have fun in the FEMA camp. Originally Posted by canuckeight
So you support Farrakhan? Are you denying he's a racist? Here are some of his quotes:
10. “You are not now, nor have you ever been a citizen of America. You are a slave to white America.”

9. “America is in trouble, and I say God is about to wipe this nation from the face of the Earth. I’m not crazy, I’m not drunk, how long do you think a nation can do evil and not face the wrath of god?”

8. “Qadaffi’s a revolutionary, he’s my friend, he’s my brother. And I would never deny him because you don’t like him… I love him.”

7. “My god will wipe this country (America) from the face of the earth.”

6. “You see everybody always talk about Hitler exterminating six million Jews. That’s right. But don’t nobody ever ask what did they do to Hitler.”

5. White people are potential humans – they haven’t evolved yet.

4. On on the Jewish people: “You are wicked deceivers of the American people. You have sucked their blood.”

3. On Hezbollah: “They call them terrorists, I call them freedom fighters.”

2. “The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man.”

1. “The Mother Wheel is a heavily armed spaceship the size of a city, which will rain destruction upon white America but save those who embrace the Nation of Islam.”

Nice to know you support a racist idiot like Farrakhan, I assure you Trump is smart enough never to mention Farrakhan because his jewish vote in florida will be wiped away instantly. Ditto if Farrakhan was to have supported should would never accept it.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
If you think Trump has a snowballs chance of winning the black or hispanic vote you are drinking some very sweet Kool Aid.

Shows your lack of knowledge having the black vote and Hispanic vote will surely favor the candidate who has the higher percentage. At least Trump was smart enough to appeal to black voters because he knows they make a difference .
However, it's the women will vote that will be the deal breaker - Trump is trailing big with female voters and the 11 accusation and hot mic doesn't help- women are the biggest voters overall Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
speaking of lack of knowledge, where did i say he had to win the majority of black and latino votes? he just needs to sway a large segment of these votes and it falls flat for Clinton
This is the video of the year!

Megyn Kelly’s ‘too-cute-by-half‘ VS Newt G...
bambino's Avatar
This is the video of the year! Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Kelly was bleeding from her eyes after that.
So you support Farrakhan? Are you denying he's a racist? Here are some of his quotes:
10. “You are not now, nor have you ever been a citizen of America. You are a slave to white America.”

9. “America is in trouble, and I say God is about to wipe this nation from the face of the Earth. I’m not crazy, I’m not drunk, how long do you think a nation can do evil and not face the wrath of god?”

8. “Qadaffi’s a revolutionary, he’s my friend, he’s my brother. And I would never deny him because you don’t like him… I love him.”

7. “My god will wipe this country (America) from the face of the earth.”

6. “You see everybody always talk about Hitler exterminating six million Jews. That’s right. But don’t nobody ever ask what did they do to Hitler.”

5. White people are potential humans – they haven’t evolved yet.

4. On on the Jewish people: “You are wicked deceivers of the American people. You have sucked their blood.”

3. On Hezbollah: “They call them terrorists, I call them freedom fighters.”

2. “The Jews don’t like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that’s a good name. Hitler was a very great man.”

1. “The Mother Wheel is a heavily armed spaceship the size of a city, which will rain destruction upon white America but save those who embrace the Nation of Islam.”

Nice to know you support a racist idiot like Farrakhan, I assure you Trump is smart enough never to mention Farrakhan because his jewish vote in florida will be wiped away instantly. Ditto if Farrakhan was to have supported should would never accept it. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
don't forget the number 9
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Farakkan sounds a bit like Drumpf, if you ask me...