Media Research Center........91 % of Trump Reporting Is Negative

So this confirms what everybody knows.

Mike Pence is right. The Main Stream Media is doing half of Hillary Clinton's work. They are just about totally in the tank for the DNC.

Even when they report on a topic that is negative to Clinton, they always add qualifyers, and offer excuses for her, always being respectful.

Not with Trump. Every thing is reported with a negative bent.

The biggest looser in this entire election cycle will probably be the Main Stream Media, , due to it's decision to take sides and abuse it's Constitutionlly Guaranteed Power granted in The First Amendment.
goodman0422's Avatar
The biggest losers will be the American people but most of them will live in denial or be too dumb to realize it.
Trump babbles so much bullshit he has someone following him around cleaning up after him.

Latest when he was blasting obamacare ans stated his employees were struggling with it. Made you wonder if he didn't provide medical for his employees, however he was bailed out when it was stated only a few weren't provided insurance by the hotel.
the main stream news media have dropped all pretense

the realizations they will only ever make their money talking to 40 percent or less of the public and that 20%-hearted attempts at masquerades of objectivity are fruitless and pointless, frees them to man their true battle stations. any previous loosely hampering shackles and hobbles have come off

so they no longer attempt any semblance of denial or affect any air of fairness, and besides everyone they know agrees with them

they know its us against them

and I think they relish it
Media bias isn't new, but Trump is target rich.
i don't see why the news media would want to "ignore" such a controversial candidate like Trump in the hopes they would help push him over a cliff. The guy is "News Heaven". If anything, he would be acres of cannon fodder for them should he win, thus accelerating their exposure, ratings and bottom line.

Their only problem reporting on his trials and tribulations as POTUS would be the media keeping a straight face and refrain from outbursts of laughter.
I would like to see the percentage of negative coverage from Fax News on Barrack Obama pretty sure it's 99.99999 percent. By the way, if it wasn't for the media Trump wouldn't be Trump- the media helped him get elected.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I usually watch CNN and I admit it has a Clinton bias. However, while on vacation recently there was no CNN so I watched FOX and it definitely has a Trump bias.

Trump always boasts about the size of the crowds at his rallies. Hell, if I was going to a rally I would much rather go to a Trump rally. Much more fun than a Clinton rally. You never know what he is going to say next. I agree with Prolongus for the most part. Trump is "News Heaven". I'd be willing to bet that if you looked back at 2012, the media did not go as far overboard in covering Romney as they are doing with Trump. If nothing else, Trump has made this campaign VERY interesting.
I usually watch CNN and I admit it has a Clinton bias. However, while on vacation recently there was no CNN so I watched FOX and it definitely has a Trump bias.

Trump always boasts about the size of the crowds at his rallies. Hell, if I was going to a rally I would much rather go to a Trump rally. Much more fun than a Clinton rally. You never know what he is going to say next. I agree with Prolongus for the most part. Trump is "News Heaven". I'd be willing to bet that if you looked back at 2012, the media did not go as far overboard in covering Romney as they are doing with Trump. If nothing else, Trump has made this campaign VERY interesting. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I agree I don't like the guy but he's entertaining but he is responsible for the media attention whether good or bad.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I don't want to hear any complaints about the media from Trump and his merry band of morons. When he suckered the media to his press conference on his big announcement about apologizing about his stance on Obama's birth only to poke fun at the media and instead pimp his new hotel I told you this would happen. It's one thing to talk shit to them and deny them access but you start fucking with them in such a manner and laughing about it and flaunting just what in the hell do you expect.

I told you clowns after he pulled that stunt that the media would make him pay and boy are they ever. He deserves everything the media does to him and I for one don't care to hear his bitch moans. Keep his fucking mouth shut and take it like a champ.
lustylad's Avatar
I don't want to hear any complaints about the media from Trump and his merry band of morons... He deserves everything the media does to him and I for one don't care to hear his bitch moans... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Translation - A blatantly biased and unfair media is perfectly ok with me, as long as I share the same biases!

Typical libtard... Sissy Chap thinks the end always justifies the means. He stupidly thinks nothing the libtards do and none of the institutions they corrupt and politicize - the media, IRS, DOJ, FBI, State Dept., Federal Election Commission, etc. - will ever be used against them by their enemies.

Karma is a bitch. If hildebeest is elected, I give her 2-1/2 years before she is impeached. And the media will be leading the way.