For real?

So I've heard from two gents that they are getting cold called. Sometimes from local ladies and sometimes from visiting ladies.

Is this becoming the norm?

I know some send emails or pms. Calls though? Really? And from ladies you don't know?

Is this becoming common?

I know Sixx would tell me it's a business world and desperate times but I think that's over the line. Love ya Six! Just sayin.

I would like to know if perhaps these two guys have been pegged as someone it's ok to do this to or if it is happening a little more than that. . .

Being desperate is not an attractive quality
So how are they getting the numbers? I know every lady I give my number to I tell call or text anytime , but that's weird that someone would have a hobby number. Saw you were back in action Maxeen , hope your feeling better!
GRIN OF SIN's Avatar
Being desperate is not an attractive quality Originally Posted by Jamieyoung
I'm sure there are people who dig the scent of desperation, but I agree with Jamie: desperation just makes me uncomfortable because desperate people are unpredictable and often become prone to criminal behavior.

And just to clarify, when I mention criminal behavior, I'm not referring to jay-walking or smoking the devil's lettuce; I'm talking about inserting undesirable, pointy objects into others and then taking your shoes because the rent is too damn high.
cckid2006's Avatar

Is this becoming the norm?

I know some send emails or pms. Calls though? Really? And from ladies you don't know?

Is this becoming common?

. . .
Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe
No calls, pms, or texts - darn -
Britttany_love's Avatar
Ya desperate is definitely never a good quality. I would never call or text anyone unless they told me to.
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
No good no good no good!

sixxbach's Avatar
So I've heard from two gents that they are getting cold called. Sometimes from local ladies and sometimes from visiting ladies.

Is this becoming the norm?

I know some send emails or pms. Calls though? Really? And from ladies you don't know?

Is this becoming common?

I know Sixx would tell me it's a business world and desperate times but I think that's over the line. Love ya Six! Just sayin.

I would like to know if perhaps these two guys have been pegged as someone it's ok to do this to or if it is happening a little more than that. . . Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe
I would have to wonder the nature of the "relationship" those guys have with those providers. How would the providers have the number of a hobbyist to begin with? There are a few providers that I text with from time to time. It's not kosher to cold call but there has to be more to the story than is being told IMO...

They think their number has been sold. I just spoke with another well known poster this is happening to.

I am respectfully asking if this is becoming common...

A call or text from a lady randomly is not warranted but it is worse IMO if they don't even know you.

Whispers's Avatar
They think their number has been sold. I just spoke with another well known poster this is happening to.

I am respectfully asking if this is becoming common...

A call or text from a lady randomly is not warranted but it is worse IMO if they don't even know you.

Originally Posted by Maxeen Monroe

What is "worse" here is the idea that someone might be gathering and selling guys numbers.... If you get any more info on that please be sure to post it as an alert....

I get phone calls from providers and strippers al the time.... The strippers are far worse with this kind of behavior in regards to it happening.....

With the Providers it is usually not direct and just a "wanted to say hello and see how you are" thing...

But personally, I have no problems with anyone calling me that I gave my number to.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I remember back when it was considered a nono to send out of the blue pm's to clients..The fact that someone maybe selling hobbiests numbers makes my brain stutter..I thought a big part of why we get paid so much is respecting and protecting confidentiality...
I remember back when it was considered a nono to send out of the blue pm's to clients..The fact that someone maybe selling hobbiests numbers makes my brain stutter..I thought a big part of why we get paid so much is respecting and protecting confidentiality... Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
Absolutely , I don't mind a provider I give my number to contacting me , in fact I encourage it. I consider that more appreciating clientel , and there's nothing wrong being proactive in getting appts. But don't sell us out!
This is exactly why I only communicate in emails and pms.....
Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says - "Oh Fuck! She's up!"

Good quote. Mademe smile.

bmecme's Avatar
Happened to me a couple years back when I first got in the hobby. Like MF, that's why I only communicate via email or PM.