Texas Football

derek303's Avatar
I sure hope we beat Iowa St. this Saturday. We need 6-6 to get to a shitty bowl game. It don't look like that will happen. We might pull off 4-8.
atxguy2006's Avatar
If the offense can cut back on the penalties and they run Swoopes a little more, they should have no problem finishing 6-6. He is 6'4" 245 lbs and hard to bring down. The defense is playing solid but they need some help from the offense.
We suck this year
FoulRon's Avatar
'Tis better to suck all year than to crash and burn and the half-way point....
Looks like we may be headed in the right direction.
Swoopes looked shit tons better sat.
Hopefully he continues to improve and that wasnt his best game ever.
After kansas, I was pretty disappointed in his play.
derek303's Avatar
I was at the Baylor game and he was horrible. Receivers were diving for balls thrown at their ankles on 3 yard routes to catch and run. I don't understand redshirting Heard. Isn't he supposed to be the QB of the future? He could of received valuable snaps this year.
Heard is apparently not learning the offense well per an article I read. Heard is a runner he wont make it in a pro style offense if he cant learn the playbook thats not that big to begin with.
atxguy2006's Avatar
Playing Heard won't solve anything. Don't waste his Redshirt. That is what happened to Swoopes last year. He only attempted 13 passes and ran the ball 20 times.

UT's problem is the offensive line. They are inexperienced but getting better. They lost their starting center Dominic Espinosa to injury. Starting Tackle Kennedy Estelle got kicked off the team and the other starting tackle Desmond Harrison is still suspended. That is why running backs Brown and Grey are not doing as well as they should. They are lucky to be getting any yards with that line but they are getting better eack week. If they run Swoopes more, they could really open up the offense.

It's good to see the defense is no longer soft.
Puccipleaser's Avatar
It doesn't help the cause when UT is losing local kids to the Aggies. I am not a UT fan, nor an Aggies fan. When I look at recruiting, that's part of the problem. An even bigger problem is recruiting and then the development at the QB position. UT has let Heisman winners slip thru their fingers. I understand it happening once, but it continues to happen. You will never win at football unless you have a competent QB and a running game. Sometimes it just so happens that your QB is your running game, but that is a discussion for another time.
FoulRon's Avatar
The current problem is that the previous coach, who shall remain nameless if not blameless, got complacent. He assumed recruits would be begging to come play for him and he'd have the pick of whomever he pleased. That didn't exactly happen. Then he figured the boys he did have would be good kids who really were there for the education and future he could offer. What he got was a bunch of spoiled, self-centered thugs who got away with doing what they pleased because they could play football.
That's all different now. Give Charlie a couple more years of getting the house in order and gathering up his recruits, and you guys will be back in the hunt again.
Puccipleaser's Avatar
Spoiled and self centered is true, but thugs??? I doubt it. I don't know of any thugs from Lake Travis. That's neither here nor there. You are also correct the old guy. He felt the name alone was enough to get the 5 star guys, he was wrong about that. These last 2 classes don't have a single 5 star headed to UT. The best 4 star in the area ( O Lineman) is going to A & M. Maybe Charlie can get it turned around sooner (no pun intended) rather than later. If not he will be shown the door.
Until Strong gets his own players in here things will turn. Mack didnt recruit worth a fuck the last three years.
FoulRon's Avatar
I stand by my thugs comment. There have been a good handful that had run-ins with the law, or complaints filed, and how many did Strong dismiss this year? Didn't we just have two team veterans arrested for thuggery?
derek303's Avatar
I heard Charlie signed several DB's the other day from Florida. When he was with Louisville half the roster was from FL. He must have a great relationship with the high school coaches down there to pull like that. Hopefully he gets that going sooner than later in Texas. He had a reputation at Louisville not get 3 star over achievers to run through brick walls for him. That's what he will be after, heart guys over talent. Of course Texas unlike Louisville should be able to get 5 star guys that have heart. You know those single Mom's of these kids want a father figure for their Son. Sell Mom and grandma and get the boy!
I think we've turned the corner and are headed to a 5-1 finish. Next year will be very good and 2016 excellent!
Hook Them