What's on your Amazon wishlist?

Schmafty's Avatar
My birthday is coming up in a few weeks, and inevitably I'll be asked if there's any gifts that I want. Normally I'd say, "Nah, not really anything," because I have a horrible memory, and I'm really bad about thinking of stuff like that on the spot. And I might get a gift card or two, and I think that's great; I really enjoy them, but it lacks that certain... je nais se quois of an actual gift.

So this year I've been planning ahead, and whenever I've thought of something that might be neat to have, but I didn't want to buy for myself, I put it on an Amazon wishlist so that I wouldn't forget. And if I'm being honest, building a wishlist was kind of fun; it reminded me of when I was a kid and would go through the Sears catalog trying to find toys I might like for Christmas or something. Even though I know there's no way in hell I'd ever come close to getting everything on the list, it's still neat to think about.

Right now on mine so far, I've got some photography gadgets (light meter, etc.), some fitness gear (heartrate monitor, little phone armband, tubs of whey, and so on), and some homebrew equipment.

I'd be interested to hear, what's on your wishlist? And if you don't mind, I might steal some of your ideas!
Schmafty, that is really smart. My birthday's past, but I'll do this next year.
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Way too many items but some are the underwater mini iPod, underwater earphones, the Godfather collection DVD, gaming laptop, Elder scrolls game, flat screen tv, running shoes, cycling shoes, workout clothes, etc. just a few items lol.
FS_ITC's Avatar
I have two. One for friends and family (games, movies, books, etc.) and another for the hobby.

I love the Amazon wish list. When providers have one, it is always fun to get them something they like. Makes a nice tip or a remembrance.