Coward cops get away with murder

I read this on a Facebook link. I'm so sick of cops killing dogs an getting away with it. They always do. I can give at least 10 examples where this has occurred.

Some gutless pig in Hawthorne killing a rotweiller

This was a warrant mix up from another brainless cop who went to the wrong address. And he's still on duty and the owner of the dog has an organization helping raise money for vet bills because The police refuse and won't take the initiative to right their idiotic officer's mistake.

Same thing here

Another here

And this was by a stupid cop who reported to the wrong house on a 911 call and shot the owners dog right in front of him showing no remorse.

I was happy to find an article
where one officer was fired and indicted for animal cruelty. (Of course he won't be charged because of our flawless "Justice" system which is a pathetic joke) It was extremely heartbreaking when I read what the owner had to do following the shooting.

Anytime this occurs the chief officer always says "We care about dogs. We are "INVESTIGATING "this matter. Which means they will condone the shooting and pretend they are doing something about it and then wait until everyone forgets about the whole thing. I look online to see the results of some of these articles from almost a year or 2 ago and there is no follow up or article saying what became of that "INVESTIGATION" because no one did a thing about it. If any person on the street did that you bet your life they'd be doing heavy prison time. A cop does it and the most he'll get is a minor suspension with pay. A slap on the wrist and then back to work the next day. This is why I don't trust cops. Killing pets while reporting to the wrong address on numerous occasions. Cops who are incapable of doing something a 15 year old pizza delivery boy could do because they are too fucking INEPT.
I'm sick of these cops getting away with this. And this will continue and nothing can be done about it. What's sad is a cop KILLS a dog he gets away with it. You YELL at a cop for killing your dog. You go to jail. I'll get off my soap box now. I just wanted to speak my mind on this. I will never trust cops. They don't make me feel safe. The best way to keep our pets safe is by keeping them away from trigger happy cops at all costs.
Jagermonster's Avatar
A facebook link? A fan of Antonio Buehler I take it? I agree with police accountability and applaud his actions, but AB has some weird opinions about other issues. I probably wouldnt like the guy in real life, he seems very opinionated and standoffish.
A facebook link? Originally Posted by Jagermonster
There is a Facebook page which protests animal cruelty towards dogs from inept police officers. The few links I posted didn't even scratch the surface. You can find numerous articles and links of these cowards shooting dogs all over the US which is beyond unacceptable. The actions from these idiots are prime examples of pathetic cowardice. No dog or dog owner should be put through this type of abuse. Cops like this are the scum of the world and belong in prison.
sue_nami's Avatar
yea and never mind all the black folks they shoot in Austin. Certainly, the dead dogs are a problem, but a much bigger issue to me are the dead men like the black guy executed (shot in the back of the head with muzzle imprint and burns on his flesh) by the Austin officer recently, who has since retired and is now facing charges.
by the Austin officer recently, who has since retired and is now facing charges. Originally Posted by sue_nami
You see right there. That's exactly what I'm talking about. The officer is facing charges and rightly so. One less murderer to worry about.(And hopefully he'll end up in jail which most likely won't happen) Anytime a cop shoots a dog they don't face charges. The most they will get is a minor suspension with pay while the chief officers are "investigating" the matter. Just to give the public some piece of mind until the issue gradually fades away and is forgotten. Weeks go by and not a damn thing is ever done about it.
Jagermonster's Avatar
Charging him is one thing, but a conviction is still very unlikely.

Fighting a cop is an easy way to get shot. Oh well, his family will get paid big from the lawsuit. It sure will bring in more money than a little check fraud!
FoulRon's Avatar
A few decades back I was living in Houston and there was an article about cops showing up for a call about some of the neighborhood dogs running loose, and the cops took out their shotguns and just opened fire. Don't remember how many they killed.
At least now the cops pretend that they were in fear for their life from a dog that was barking at them 50-100 feet away.