Big Love (the show)

Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Being sick (better now thank you) for ten days is no fun but luckily I have Amazon Prime and Netflix to keep me company. In that time I watched all 5 season of Big Love and it got me thinking, poligamy is awesome. If you haven't seen the show, its about a man married to three woman, of different ages and styles.
Being a woman, i think having another gal or two to help with bills, cleaning, children, sex with the hubby, etc, would be awesome.
So to the guys, whether you are single or not..would you want to have more than one wife? Love to hear the pros and cons of others.
Ladies, would you want to marry more than one dude or be married and have a sister wife? Pros and Cons?
Victoria Columbari's Avatar
Oh forgot to post my cons which would be at times comparing myself with the other wife, jealousy (of course), i;m pretty OCD about things so she would have to deal with that and all my other quirks. Having two husbands, wow that just. Hmmm, that could be very fun indeed. A provider and a boy toy. LOL.
Pitfall's Avatar
I watched that show all the way through when it was on and I really liked it. There were some interesting perspectives and I thought Chloë Sevigny was awesome.

Polygamy (with multiple wives) sounds great in some ways and in others it sounds like a nightmare. The good things about marriage are multiplied but so are the bad.
Bob McV's Avatar
goodness no, First of all I am not too keen on the concept of marriage anyway, why would I want to involve a god I don't believe in and a government I don't trust into my most personal of relationships?

secondly polygamy (as portrayed on the show) looks to be a huge mess of rules, boundaries, and constant balancing act to make sure as few feelings get hurt on a daily basis as possible.

I do hold that love isn't a finite commodity and that if you love one person that doesn't leave less love to give to someone else, and under the exact right conditions I could see a polyamorous relationship being successful. but I am also far more Bousgie than hippy so too much free love and wheat grass would be a turn off pretty fast.

That said I thought the show was excellent and given the chance to snuggle between Genifer Goodwin and Cloe Sevigny I would most likely take it!
(I know you don't. But, I've got to say it.)

Please don't confuse the FLDS (link) with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) (link). They are night and day.
Interesting SANDBOX thread
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 06-07-2014, 06:14 PM
Moved from Coed Discussions to the Sandbox since it's not hobby related.

Zimmie6942's Avatar
Yea I watched every episode at least twice over the years and while part of polygamy in theory is awesome in reality it sucks. In real polygamy is horrible bc of things like the joy book where teen age girls at 13 get married off to lame old men. But polyamory is way better since no marriage is needed and everyone is a consenting adult at least they are old enough to be an adult. I love the idea so much I tried it out and rented a killer house in Austin and got 1 girl and worked my way up to 4 live in sugar babies. Really 2 escorts that I had been seeing for a long time, one quit the other is still a provider and then 2 girls from Seeking Arrangements. And it was awesome for a while but then I brought in one bad apple and everything went insane. It lasted about 5 of the 6 months that I had the house. Going to try again but with a little more structure and less crazy. Lots of fun though even with all the arguing over clothes.