Best name

Ripmany's Avatar
Harry cameltoe, dickey dump, Harrison, trader trump, trader Joe, camel comrade.
Rufus X. Sarsparilla's Avatar
Trump has the best name already - FELON.

But I also learned in the fifth grade that calling somebody a childish name doesn't make me a big man.
txdot-guy's Avatar
Trump has the best name already - FELON.

But I also learned in the fifth grade that calling somebody a childish name doesn't make me a big man. Originally Posted by Rufus X. Sarsparilla
That’s because like most adults you’ve learned that bad behavior has consequences. Trump still doesn’t get it and he’s almost in his eighth decade.

When will he be held accountable?
Ripmany's Avatar
Trump has the best name already - FELON.

But I also learned in the fifth grade that calling somebody a childish name doesn't make me a big man. Originally Posted by Rufus X. Sarsparilla
I was starting my second decade in fifth grade I learn that being a little man makes you dick look bigger.