Ramen Nation

This is a scary statistics. Last year, 100 billion servings of Ramen instant noodles were sold worldwide, enough to feed every person on earth once a day for two weeks.

Most of this stuff (which fills you up with no nutritional value) is consumed in Asia - and in American college dorm rooms!

Secret confession: I like it too.
DDarkness's Avatar

I LOVE RAMEN NOODLES! I lived on them in college and still love them today ... but getting older, and as someone who likes fine dining, I tend to spice them up a bit now and add a little of this, a little of that, and chili or hot sauce to taste mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

RochBob's Avatar
Well, they are cheap, fill you up and have excellent long term non-refrigerated storage. I wonder how many Hurricane Sandy victims lived on them for several Weeks? And they are not bad for the occasional meal. But they are fairly low in over all daily nutritional value. Unfortunately if you look around at what's being sold on a lot of American store shelves these days (at least around here). You will find a lot of these type of products. I personally find this kind of frightening and see it as a throwback to my childhood in the 1970's with the cheap frozen meals & entrees. The "Value Time" Brand Tops Markets just came out with reminds me of the "Generic" Black & White label branded stuff we used to have. This is a major step backward in the ability of the average American to provide solid nutritional meals to their Families. What's next a comeback for the old Government Cheese handouts? Oh, wait. That was replaced by EBT cards that let the user buy Ramen Noodles and get Money back for Beer, Cigarettes & Gambling.
DDarkness's Avatar
Actually that Cheese kicked ass!!!!!!

As far as the limited nutritional value of the noodles alone, you are spot on! I went to a restaurant the other night with a friend and we enjoyed Sushi, a few other exotic delicacies, and shared a bowl of Ramen Noodles with Miso Soup Broth, Chicken, and vegetables ... it was delicious, especially after we added the Chili Sauce kicker.

But when I eat it now I add vegetables and extend it so it is a well balanced meal! Add some shrimp or other meat and you have a gourmet NUTRITIONALLY satisfying meal!

DD, since you are already a connoisseur of Ramen noodles, this might be bringing coal to Newcastle for you:

DDarkness's Avatar

There are SO many ways to make them even better! In school I would buy them by the case and have two packages at a sitting. The fun part was that a case of 25 packages cost me $3 so for roughly $0.17 I had a filling meal!

Because I like asian cuisine expanding on the theme just came naturally

Lexxxy's Avatar
First time i had them was in a 2day power outage in Houston after a tropical storm.I had no clue what the hell they were because my neighbor made them with corn, peas, carrots, cajun seasoning, and thawed chicken grilled. The entire meal was made on a Webber. I got hooked, I doubt I could ever eat them plain or more than once or twice month.
They sell huge down south along with flash lights, bottled water, batteries, bug replant, and sun screen whenever there is a hurricane in the gulf.
Off subject but on, I also learned about hurricane parties and freezer parties. Hurricane party you pretty much cook up whatever is in your fridge that will rot with a bunch of people and drink your face off. Freezer party you cook all the steak, chicken...you had in the freezer on a grill once it thaws with no power.
gaijin1969's Avatar
My gawd.... ever have real ramen? Not the instant stuff.... but fresh noodles? MmmmmMmmmm!

Now that I think of it there is a new Japanese restaurant I've been meaning to visit..... today might be the day! ;-)
fatoldguy's Avatar
I like the beef but have to kick it up a notch by adding some Redhot and more veggies (I love my veggies)
My grandson loves the shrimp and sometimes he wont even cook it; just sprinkles the packet powder on top and munches away (yeah i think that's gross too)