Clitoris Awareness Week

Did I beat Jack to this interesting story???????
  • jackm
  • 05-06-2013, 10:06 AM
That doctor is hot!
Did I beat Jack to this interesting story??????? Originally Posted by montana1958
You did indeed! The mistreatment of women in many parts of the world even in this day and age is sickening.
The video page of the website is a bit disappointing.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Fucking savages
People are clearly fucked in the head.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
This is where the education rant should be. As educated societies aren't mutilating clitori, there's hope that this can be stopped. They seem savage, but they just have an old belief system. And it may not be all wrong; it is interesting to speculate how that mutilation started. I'd bet it was jealousy.

Education is the key to ending it, no? But most Americans would rather see Saban and Kiffin and Boeheim rake in the fat cash. Cause it's for education, right? Just like the lottery tickets, to educate our youth.