AMP's in KC (435 and Shawnee Mission)

strawberrycar934's Avatar

A visitor from Nebraska with a bit of time to spend in KC this weekend. My schedule will be a bit erratic so I was hoping that someone could recommend an AMP. RMP - Russian Massage Parlor where I could walk-in and then walkout relieved.

I have read the reviews and researched things a bit and it appears that most AMPS might be down the road a bit. I was hoping that someone could steer me to some opps closer to my expected base of operations.
KCQuestor's Avatar
Nope. You are not going to leave happy, relaxed, or relieved (except of your cash).

You should read through the Spa Reviews forum. This Sandbox forum is mostly for non-hoppy chat. In the Spa forum you will find threads like this one.

In it you will find that there are no real AMPs in the KC area. Certainly nothing reliable for a walk-in client.

If you really must have a rub and tug, you'll have to drive to Lawrence or Topeka or Wichita or Columbia.