Just curious.....

Good morning everyone,

I was wondering if hobbyist felt uncomfortable about providers seeing more then one client a day. Does it matter to you one way or another?

Bloodhound's Avatar
More than one, no. Back to back to back, yes. Where would you find the energy to make each session a great one?
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Just allow 30 minutes between appointments for a thorough cleaning of the private areas. I don't want to taste the last guy's condom when I go down on you. Gross!!!

Also I don't want to see the last guy leaving as I'm pulling in. Talk about a hardon killer.
NeedingMore's Avatar
I think I'm in the minority that would rather not have been where another guy has been within 12-24 hours. I don't know why I care...I guess it's the fantasy that I'm special.

I know it's not economically feasible for providers, so I try for early appointments, in hopes of maximum gap between from the other guy.

I guess I still have a way to go in the hobby...
I know it's not economically feasible for providers, Originally Posted by NeedingMore

Sweetie, it's totally economically feasible with a high enough rate, or a high enough minimum time.

Some gentlemen have told me that the reason they chose me was because of my high rate they know I'm not seeing multiple guys in one day. I want to be EXCITED while preparing for a date! I want to keep my enthusiasm up. I also need time to go to the gym, read, watch the news, get out and about, so I have something other than the hobby to discuss with my dates.

I might see someone Monday for $250, Wednesday for $350, and a Friday night dinner date for $1000. I'm very happy with the lifestyle that type of week provides. That's not even one per day. There's plenty of time to recharge, refresh, relax.

When ladies pump up the volume they tend to burn out and either quit or take long vacations from the hobby.
elgato111's Avatar
I don't mind a provider seeing more than just me in one day as long as my time with her is non rushed and we have fun. I usually try to book early in the day, just my preference.
krusty's Avatar
Just do not let me know and I will keep my fantasy going that I am your one and only for the day. As soon as there is evidence that this is not the case the magic is gone and god forbid you talk about the prior appoint to me in any way...
I naturally assume you've sucked and fucked at least two dudes by the time I see you. No fantasy here. Quite a few ladies open up to me and tell me things they shouldn't be telling the average hobbiest. I guess people open up to me quite easily. I don't judge. I'm
Open minded. If I'm paying though I expect anonymity. I don't want to meet or see any other dudes. If I'm paying Im not going to share. Now if you are working pro bono it's a whole other ball game. Tag team or whatever your heart desires.

No GFE fantasy for me, I prefer truth and reality. It is what it is, let's not sugar coat it. I can see other guys liking to be you one and only for the day, I understand it. But I feel like I'll never take "ownership", I'd rather you be who you are.
Part of the GFE fantisy is your mine, my GF. No one else is getting what I am getting. We know the reality, just dont rub our nose in it :-) If you are seeing more than one guy a day, I just dont want to know about it. Same thing if you have a SO, I dont want to know about it.
I like to feel a little special so please don't let me know. I saw a provider a few months back, she met me at the door fresh from the shower and when we got BCD I noticed her kitty was still very hot to the touch. The guy before me must have had a good session.
Thanks for all the good feedback.
pmdelites's Avatar
brooke, like the others have said,

if your previous client is not walking out as i'm walking in, you are clean and fresh [tho mussed up hair is fine by me], you dont call me by his name, and we have a deliteful time together,

then i dont mind nor care if you consulted w/ anyone before me.

and it probably goes the same for you - you prolly dont want to know how many women i've visited that day, the previous week, month, or year.

the encounter is for us, it's our time, let's make it deliteful!!!
And don't forget to wash your tits!

Just allow 30 minutes between appointments for a thorough cleaning of the private areas. I don't want to taste the last guy's condom when I go down on you. Gross!!!

Also I don't want to see the last guy leaving as I'm pulling in. Talk about a hardon killer. Originally Posted by trynagetlaid
latin6pack's Avatar
...hey Brooke, i dabble between both worlds, the illusion of GFE & the reality as stated so eloquently by TWD, depends on my mood... if i want the illusion of gfe and exclusivity (few dates that day), i'll schedule accordingly, which usually correlates to a higher-end provider, lower volume... complete opposite if i'm down for a great lay, could care less how many dates that day, just keep it to yourself and ensure there is ample time for him to leave, you to wash, me too arrive, and leave w/out running into the next guy :-) ... btw Brooke, you are definitely GFE, hope to see you soon!
You too Latin!!!!