Provider has reviews but isnt verified?

bigredonetx's Avatar
Just curious.
A provider has a few reviews but isnt verified.

How do providers go from being a "Registered Member" to being a "Verified Provider" ?
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
  • zebra
  • 07-24-2014, 05:25 AM
She hasen't followed directions correctly, to the T so to say from one of the Mods. Tell her to look at the top of the page and let her eyes dilate on the thread that says "Steps to Become a Verified Provider" .
TinMan's Avatar
OP, depending on how old she is, she may not have met the new age verification requirements referenced in the post to which SL provides a link. Check the section in red.
Contrary to popular belief, once a provider obtains 1 or 2 or 20 reviews she is not automatically Verified. She needs to read the thread on how to become verified and yes Tinman, if she advertises or is 21 or under she needs to verify her age with ADMIN, NOT the local MODS. Once she has, all she has to do is PM one of us. Just posting in the COED or Questions for the staff section is not enough.

Another old wives tale is that we live on this site 24/7. Yes I spend many hours on here but the providers need to work with us and once they have met the requirements, send me or one of the other local mods a pm and we will be happy to grant her wish of being verified. But please, read the instruction thread first. Sometimes the email may go to spam and we may not see it. PM me, it's faster.

"Ladies, you may post a weekly ad in this section once you have been upgraded to Verified Provider.

Submit your info to the staff at

1. website address (your website or advertising site)
2. referral from another provider or hobbyist
3. links to reviews from recognized members (any site)

Any combination of the above requirements which will sufficiently establish you as a legit provider will be accepted.

In addition, If you are advertising you are under age 21 you must submit proof to that you are 18 or over to become a Verified Provider on Eccie. We require photocopy of your Drivers License or state issued ID and your location. Real name and address hidden, but birthdate and photo must be visible, along with your username. And proof of age MAY be requested of ANYONE seeking VP status, regardless of their stated age. Please submit this info separately from the info you sent to your local staff for verification.

The verification process could take 24-48 hours "
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
She might not want to be a Verified Provider on this site. If she did, she would figure it out right?
Originally Posted by Sexy Erotic Morgan - She might not want to be a Verified Provider on this site. If she did, she would figure it out right?
No, not always. And even those who wish to be on here and advertise here do not always read the instructions. Unfortunately the "No Child Left Behind" generation has no grasp on how to be self sufficient and must have their hands help to cross the street to get the trophy or ribbon that they feel is automatically given to everyone who plays the game. However, sometimes it's just laziness. All business men and women should learn to use the tools of their trade. Their body is not the only tool they use in the Provider business. Some women on here are incredible business women who use a variety of tools at their disposal to create a very successful empire.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Von! Some of us do not have much experience with computers or really do not wish to learn to advertise. That does not make us dumb. I do believe that any girl that knows about the site and really, really wants to be verified will find a way to make it happen despite any lack of brains or skill.
TinMan's Avatar
Von! Some of us do not have much experience with computers or really do not wish to learn to advertise. That does not make us dumb. I do believe that any girl that knows about the site and really, really wants to be verified will find a way to make it happen despite any lack of brains or skill. Originally Posted by !!Sexy Erotic Morgan
The "cost" to the provider, though, has gone up for some if they don't make the effort to get verified. With the new rules, there are many men (me included) who now have even more incentive to avoid younger unverified providers.
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar

I am sure that many of the long time client members of this site feel the same way you do. There are so many beautiful verified girls here, it almost does not make sense to look elsewhere. It is important to remember though that the vast majority of men have never heard of eccie and look for girls in other places. Being a verified provider here opens up a great client base, but is not necessary to get the job done. A girl may take a look at the site once, decide its not for her and go on about her business. If she is interested in what the site offers, she will get on it somehow.

It kind of seems like a girl is interested in getting verified, so she asked this guy to post this thread to find out how to do it. If thats the case, she took a different path then most of us but go to the same place.
DarthDVader's Avatar
Exactly ... not worth the risk of contacting unverified providers ...

The "cost" to the provider, though, has gone up for some if they don't make the effort to get verified. With the new rules, there are many men (me included) who now have even more incentive to avoid younger unverified providers. Originally Posted by TinMan