It's Christmas Time!!

Quit hanging out on a hooker board for a few days!! Nobody should work this time of year!!! Ladies Business can surely wait till after New Years!!! Drive around and enjoy the Christmas lights go to the malls and buy gifts for your loved ones!!! Take a vacation go skiing or go gambling maybe... Spend time with your loved ones whatever you do and dang if your loved ones are on this site spend time with a well trained psychologist instead.

Merry Christmas,
Stock Trader
Grumble grumble krampus krampus krampus....
^^ my christmas spirit...#Grinch
Grumble grumble krampus krampus krampus....
^^ my christmas spirit...#Grinch Originally Posted by gingerpie
LOL, this made me laugh. I wore a Grinch tie to work today.

Cheer up darlin! you're way to cute to be grumpy!

LOL, this made me laugh. I wore a Grinch tie to work today.

Cheer up darlin! you're way to cute to be grumpy!

Sifu Originally Posted by sifupsi
Lol yay!! I love compliments!! Holidays are stressful though..always have been its in my nature...
Life is good though- I am very happy
Lol yay!! I love compliments!! Holidays are stressful though..always have been its in my nature...
Life is good though- I am very happy Originally Posted by gingerpie
Good for you! Glad to hear that. Tomorrow, I will wear my Santa tie. I love this time of year....even though it's hectic as hell. No more Grinch talk....but that dog he has is cute as hell too!
Most of my closest loved ones live over 1,000 miles away and I visited them last month. I thought about going to visit again for Christmas, but I could use a break from the hustle and bustle of flying and airport crowds. Hence, I'm not taking time off for Christmas Eve or Christmas day. But I'll probably limit my availability.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
No licks for Santa this weekend???

powermad's Avatar
No licks for Santa this weekend???

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
Santa always eats his cookies
fun2come's Avatar
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Chistmas is over and this thread isn't hobby to the litter box!