Once You Read These Lies About Kyle Rittenhouse, It Explains the Left's Meltdown Over the Case

  • oeb11
  • 11-20-2021, 01:08 PM

The Kyle Rittenhouse trial is over. He’s been found not guilty of all charges. He’s a free man. He’s a patriot. He’s a hero. And if you believe in the rule of law and the right to self-defense, this is a win. The national nightmare for this young man is over. He was the subject of political persecution, being charged for shooting two men and wounding another during the 2020 Kenosha riots. Two men, Joe Rosenbaum and Anthony Huber were trying to kill him. he shot them in self-defense. The video evidence clearly shows that. Gaige Grosskreutz, who survived, admitted to being shot once he approached Rittenhouse armed with a handgun. What’s worse are the lies that have emanated from this incident. They are many and outrageous. Miranda Devine on The New York Post picked the top ten. Once you read them, you can figure out why the Left’s reaction was…interesting. And by that, I mean totally based on fake news (via NY Post):
The central media narrative is that Kyle Rittenhouse is a white supremacist whose mother drove him across state lines with an AR-15 to shoot Black Lives Matter protesters. All lies.
“A white, Trump-supporting, MAGA-loving Blue Lives Matter social media partisan, 17 years old, picks up a gun, drives from one state to another with the intent to shoot people,” was typical from John Heilemann, MSNBC’s national affairs analyst.
So, let’s go through 10 lies about Rittenhouse, debunked in court:
1. He killed two black BLM protesters. All three of the men he shot in self-defense during violent riots in Kenosha on Aug. 25 last year were white.
2. He crossed state lines. He lived 20 miles from Kenosha in Antioch, Ill., with his mother and sisters. But his father, grandmother, aunt, uncle, cousins and best friend live in Kenosha. He had a job as a lifeguard in Kenosha and worked a shift on Aug. 25 before helping clean graffiti left by rioters at a local school. There, he and his friend were invited to join other adults who had been asked by the owners of a used car lot in Kenosha to guard the property after 100 cars had been torched the previous night, when police abandoned the town to rioters. Kyle took his gun to protect himself, since the rioters were violent and armed, including, for instance, Antifa medic Gaige Grosskreutz, who lunged at him with a loaded Glock pointed at his head before he was shot in the arm.
3. Rittenhouse took an AR-15 across state lines. Esquire accused him of “terrorist tourism.” False. His rifle was kept in a safe at his best friend’s stepfather’s house in Kenosha.
4. The gun was illegal. Wrong. Under Wisconsin law, he was entitled to possess the AR-15 as a 17-year-old. The judge dismissed the gun charge, which the prosecution never should have brought.
There are six more lies Devine points out, one of which involves the lies about Rittenhouse wearing medical gloves to cover his fingerprints. Uh, he was administering first aid—also his face is visible. The first is the biggest lie that seems to have eaten away at the Left’s mind like cancer. Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY), chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, delivered a scathing statement about the verdict that was a straight lie. First, the Kenosha protests were sparked by the officer-involved shooting of Jacob Blake, who is still alive. Maloney said he was killed. It also was neck-deep in the insinuation that this was a racially motivated shooting, or at the very least that the victims were black. Rosenbaum and Huber are white dudes. And this was not a BLM protest. It was a riot.

ACLU Opposes the Protection of Rittenhouse's Civil Liberties: 'He Was Not Held Responsible for His Actions' Landon Mion

The media and their allies appear to be really upset about the black rioters that Kyle Rittenhouse never shot.

Comment - Liberals - their DPST party, and their LSM propaganda arm - All LIE.
It is what 'Liberals' do - they lie to family,

they lie to friends
They lie to each other
They Lie to themselves.

It is what' Liberals' Do!

Buck fiden
From my cold dead hands!
The reality of civil litigation is going to become very evident to all of these scum bags real soon.

I think the only question will be, “ how many zeros to the left of the decimal point?”
  • oeb11
  • 11-20-2021, 01:42 PM
I hope you are 'RIGHT" - JS
However, If rittenhouse wins judgements against teh nomenklatura and LSM - it will pitch them into a frenzy to alter the laws so they are immune from any further judgments for their Lies, Mis-representations, and calumny!
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  • WTF
  • 11-20-2021, 02:14 PM
The reality of civil litigation is going to become very evident to all of these scum bags real soon.

I think the only question will be, “ how many zeros to the left of the decimal point?” Originally Posted by Jackie S
Or maybe ole Kyle will be sued like OJ!

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  • 11-20-2021, 02:18 PM

Could Kyle Rittenhouse face civil penalties despite acquittals in Kenosha deaths?
The Illinois teenager won full acquittals in criminal court but the possibility of civil lawsuits could still loom.

Nov. 19, 2021, 7:27 PM CST / Updated Nov. 20, 2021, 8:28 AM CST
By Tim Stelloh and David K. Li
As an 18-year-old online college student, Kyle Rittenhouse wouldn't appear to have deep pockets to pay for any award should he face —and lose — a civil trial in the shooting deaths of the two men he was acquitted of killing on Friday.

But Rittenhouse has proven to be a prodigious fundraiser when it comes to gathering resources to pay for his bail and defense in the wake of the deadly violence last year in the aftermath of the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisc.

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"He's a public figure now, and money might come in," said Ion Meyn, who teaches law at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "I'm not convinced there's nothing there."

Supporters have already given more than $2 million for his legal defense.

If Rittenhouse were taken to civil trial for wrongful death, the teen could claim self-defense, as he did during the criminal case. He has said that he went to Kenosha to protect property from rioters but that he came under attack and feared for his life when he shot three people, two of them fatally.

But the burden of proof civil plaintiffs need to make, by a preponderance of evidence rather than beyond a reasonable doubt, is much lower than what Kenosha prosecutors faced during the criminal trial, legal experts say.

"In a civil case you just have to prove negligence," said Rory Little, a professor at the University of California Hastings College of Law. "Did his conduct fall below the standard of care that the average person would have?"

Rittenhouse "could say, 'I didn't have the intent to kill anyone — I just panicked,'" Little added. "The jury could still say, 'We didn't think the average person would do what you did.' If your conduct is judged to be less than that, you lose."

A civil action would also allow a jury to examine a broader range of evidence.

In the criminal case against Rittenhouse, Judge Bruce Schroeder barred jurors from considering Rittenhouse's links to the sometimes-violent, far-right Proud Boys and from seeing a video that prosecutors said showed him injuring a teenage girl.

Instead, jurors were told to focus on the few moments before the shootings — or what Little called "a narrow piece of the day's action."

"In a civil case, you can broaden the field," he said. "You can look into things like, what was he doing there?"
ICU 812's Avatar
And today, I am still hearing that he crossed state lines with an illegal gun acting irresponsibly to provoke those attaching him. This from prominent journalists and those they interview. It is as though they didn't watch any of the trial where the defense team showed that he had been in Kenosha for several days, and the rifle had as well.

The other position that is disturbing goes something like this: "There are two people dead, and no one is being held accountable!" Which again goes back to the video evidence presented at the trial showing that the dead guys physically at tacked Rittenhouse which gives him the right to self defense.

Somehow connecting the trial and verdict to social in-justice or raceism eludes my understanding.
ICU 812's Avatar
Civil actions against Rittenhouse will probably come. And he may lose.

I wonder if there is any chance he could sue celebrity media personalities for defamation? CNN lost millions to that young man last year. I think some other outlets did too.
Civil actions against Rittenhouse will probably come. And he may lose.

I wonder if there is any chance he could sue celebrity media personalities for defamation? CNN lost millions to that young man last year. I think some other outlets did too. Originally Posted by ICU 812
... His right to self-defence will surely out-weigh
whatever civil suit against him.

How 'bout if Rittenhouse counter-sues the families of
the blokes who attacked him for "attempted murder"??

### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
I am not a lawyer so this stuff is just off the top of my head . . .

In a civil lawsuit, the burden of proof is a much lower standard. In a murder trial, the standard is "beyond a reasonable doubt". In a civil suit the standard is something kile, " what a reasonable person would do". In my perenting brain, a reasonable person would not intentionally go to a riot. Not in protest and not to defend.

To the "right" jury, an argument that it was reclass for Rittenhouse to even be there might fly. Other ridiculous arguments involving negligence might work as well.

The friend who bought the gun for him and then let him have it might face Federal charges for making a "straw-man" purchase., and HE might also face civil lawsuits.

Rittenhouse will, I hope, be able to collect a fortune from various media celebrities for defamation. He will need it to defend against the coming civil suits.
  • oeb11
  • 11-21-2021, 05:25 AM
ICU - thank You - I beleive teh term for civil suit is 'Preponderance of evidence".

America has a surfeit of hungry lawyers - all desperate to hit teh jackpot of a huge lawsuit victory
Rest assured - teh 'liberals
will concoct as punishment many, many lawsuits for 'wrong death, wrongful this, and that.
and keep Kyle Rittenhouse tied up in lawsuits for decades - all about going after the monies he may make in suit against libelous/slanderous name-calling detractor Liars.

Where there is Money - lawyers follow like flies to feces. .

And they encourage numbskulls to file - although the 'plaintiffs' are likely to get pennies (if successful) - while the attorneys make off with the big bucks.

And with appeals - the attorneys will leave teh 'plaintiffs' in debt for their services.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
A civil case will be a REAL hard sell when a jury just acquitted him.
LexusLover's Avatar
A civil case will be a REAL hard sell when a jury just acquitted him. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I assume you are referencing a civil suit against Rittenhouse.
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  • 11-21-2021, 06:48 AM

The other position that is disturbing goes something like this: "There are two people dead, and no one is being held accountable!" Which again goes back to the video evidence presented at the trial showing that the dead guys physically at tacked Rittenhouse which gives him the right to self defense.

. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Do you agree that had a protester killed Rittenhouse after Rittenhouse killed the first protester that it would have been justified as self defense? That all protesters after the first shooting may have legitimately felt that unless the killed Rittenhouse, he could kill them.

Is that fair to say?
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  • WTF
  • 11-21-2021, 06:49 AM
A civil case will be a REAL hard sell when a jury just acquitted him. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I assume you are referencing a civil suit against Rittenhouse. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Like OJ Simpson?

Like that civil case?
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  • WTF
  • 11-21-2021, 06:52 AM

Where there is Money - lawyers follow like flies to feces. .

And they encourage numbskulls to file - although the 'plaintiffs' are likely to get pennies (if successful) - while the attorneys make off with the big bucks.

And with appeals - the attorneys will leave teh 'plaintiffs' in debt for their services. Originally Posted by oeb11
Dies this apply to Trump's election lawyers Lin Wood who is now trying to get Rittenhouse's 2 million dollar bond money.