Thank you...

To all of my hobby friends, especially those who commented on my last thread and made me laugh, Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Getting into this business I never thought you would all become so important to me and would be the people I turn to when in need, not financially but emotionally. I had the absolute worst day after I posted that thread. I am hurt, not just physically but emotionally as well. What happened you ask? Well.. A little while after I posted that thread, myself and my soon to be named new doubles partner/friend went to the gas station to get gas. We were distracted as we got back into the car and I had my window down. A man approached the car asking for money for gas to get to Parkland hospital because his daughter was there. I felt bad and normally I wouldn't give someone money but my window was open and he was leaning in it. I had given soon to be named doubles partner some of my money to hold in the store but I had about $100 in my change purse which was connected to the keys in the ignition. After I handed him a few dollars he reached in the car, held my arms down and grabbed my money out of my change purse and ran to his car. We both got out and chased after him. I reached in the car trying to grab the money back. He grabbed my wrist again and drove away dragging me along side of the car. My friend punched him in the face as hard as she could and he let go. I tumbled down the road inches from being ran over. Besides my physical injuries, I am emotionally scarred. I feel stupid. I would normally never do that. I am finding it difficult to put a smile on my face after all of this. But then I come on here and read all of your comments and they put a smile on my face and it helps me through this. I just want to thank all of you for being you, from the bottom of my heart.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
I'm glad you are okay.
Feeling violated sucks.
Recently I went to LA and I was on the subway. I got my phone to text my friend that I was two stops away. That quick someone got off, grabbed my phone from my hand, did this obnoxious "ha!ha!" laugh and took off running.
I was completely exhausted from a 6am flight.. And a long evening the evening before.. (To the person who reads this and know, yes.. That night).. I grabbed my suitcase and chased after him screaming.
I was fortunate that I got it back. I saw some police and chased them down after someone told me that a group of strangers were running after the guy. The police caught him. He was 19 years old.
Any type of violation can make you feel very vulnerable and emotional. I was a mess that day. I was going to LA to see my favorite band for my birthday. I didn't leave my phone somewhere, he stole it right out of my hand. And that laugh!
Just like the guy did that to you, it was just ... I can't put it in to words, but you know what I mean.

I look back on it now like, man.. it must suck to be that guy. Soon you will look back with the same feelings.

Have a good day and perhaps a few cartwheels in the grass can make you smile. It's gorgeous outside.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
No one want to see you being harmed...There is a very good lesson to be learned for everyone, believe very little when you are asked for money or when someone tells you that they need gas or some other bulls***. If you look at it like this, an individual will ask 200 -300 people a day for money lets say at West-End Station, in their minds it does not matter what the person looks like, that is their goal for the day... ..

At the end of the each day they will have some money and they do this ever day...Myself I sign so I just tell then that I can not hear or talk then they quit rambling on about their problems....Good scenario if someone tells you that they just need a ride right down the road ask yourself why is it that they can not just walk there, do not let them in your car......In situations like you were in get out of the car and make a scene so everyone can see so you will be safe or just say that you have no money and if someone ever ask you for a cig or a light always so no so that they will no get close to you.....

Believe very little of what you hear when someone is asking for a free handout....
Alyssa, thank you. I'm sorry that happened to you as well but in a way it makes me feel better. Only because I view you as a very strong, intelligent woman and if it could happen to you, it could happen to anyone.

I had my window rolled down and was looking towards the passenger seat. When I looked to my left, there he was. You guys are right, I feel violated. I've never felt this way before. As someone who is a "hooker" one might stereotype or assume that in this business I would feel violated at some point but that's not the case. My clients have become my friends. I don't ever feel uncomfortable before, during or after appointments. Most often I feel appreciated. Now after this I feel totally violated and alone. But talking to you all I feel less alone. So thank you. I really cannot express how appreciative I am to gave each of you in my life
matchingmole's Avatar
Wow...glad you are ok. That was close almost getting run over. Karma will get the jerk who robbed You. Ever thought of purchasing a taser?
Y0yoY0's Avatar
Really sorry to hear about this Jillian. You're very sweet and you add a lot to the board.

You're definitely not alone here...and hope you get better soon
TexTushHog's Avatar
I'm sorry that this happened to you. I hope you find peace soon.
thechocolatebanana's Avatar
Sorry to hear that lil hottie. Be careful in the future but don't lose the willingness to care for others.
redman1501's Avatar
I sure hope you're allright Jillian! That's terrible to hear! And glad your friend was there for you to!
I am so sorry to hear that happened to you! Get to feeling better!!!

L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 06-21-2014, 04:56 PM
Very upsetting when bad things happen to good people.

My unsolicited advice...if something like that ever happens again, just let it go and don't go after him. That made a bad situation worse and you're very lucky it wasn't EVEN worse than it was.
doug_dfw's Avatar
FYI wouldn't happen to me- I have a CWL and pack
txman123's Avatar
Oh little baby girl, glad you're OK.
Did you or your girl friend or anyone get a license plate or car description or any other info for the cops?

DO NOT hesitate to get LE involved.
I can tell you from family history of cops, you report something like this, it matters not what you do for a living. This bastard has done this before and will again.
You or your buddy could have been run over and maimed or killed, I guarantee you he'd not stop come back and help you.
The cops on that beat probably already know who he is.

You ought to get a mace sprayer and keep within arms reach at all times, not in your purse but between the seat and console or tucked in between the seat and seat back. So you can have it in hand and ready right now.
Keep one in the car, several in the house at strategic locations, same for your incall, one in your purse. etc. Even if you never use it, it will make you feel better, less vulnerable.

I assume every lady I see (and the ones I have not) has some weapon close by, just in case. You ladies put yourself at risk every time you see a new guy. Even with boards like this, references, etc, you take a hell of chance when you open that door.

Most of us are good and wouldn't hurt a fly, but you have to be responsible for your safety.

Just like you went thru, it happens fast, you've got to give yourself the very best chance to survive.
txman123's Avatar
Very upsetting when bad things happen to good people.

My unsolicited advice...if something like that ever happens again, just let it go and don't go after him. That made a bad situation worse and you're very lucky it wasn't EVEN worse than it was. Originally Posted by L.A.
LA, I've got to point out that when things like this happen, reflex and instinct takes over.
JP's instinct is to take the fight to him, she is not going think, she is not going to delay, she is going to react and chase the bastard down. Same for her friend.

Since she and her friend are going to fight, they need a weapon that can at least give her a chance.

I was going to say pistol or knife or crescent wrench as well as mace, but held off on that.

DISCLAIMER - any thing you carry that can be used as a weapon better be legal, if that means concealed carry license, then get it.

JP and her friend need to know and accept that they are going to fight and prepare themselves appropriately.