Soliciting Ladies In The Real World

Vannah's Avatar
In one of my anxiety-induced fits of insomnia, I was up scrolling through Reddit (instead of studying for my exam) and ran across an interesting post pertaining to soliciting women in the real world. You can find it here:

Do you think a lot of women would be ok with this if they actually knew the guy? I personally think it would be too risky, because ladies in the real world may not be able to seperate their emotions from the sexual aspect of the situation as easily as a professional lady can. It seems to me that this could lead to a messy situation in the future, especially if you're soliciting a coworker. What if she is absolutely shocked by your offer and runs her mouth about it to everyone in the office? While it may sound convenient and thrilling, it could be a big mistake.

I'm interested to hear your opinions on this.
Reaaaally bad idea, I'd say. For just the same reasons you stated. I don't see any way it would end well.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
I realize the first part of what I'll say here is a minor digression from the actual subject, but bear with me, it is related.

Back when I was an assistant public defender in a midwestern city which will not be named, I and my co-workers noted that one of the most surefire ways to get the vice squad setting up undercover streetwalking stings in your neighborhood would be to pull up in your car to random "civilians" (non-streewalkers) walking alone down the street and solicit them. They don't like that, and they tend to rush home and call the cops.

Similarly in non-streetwalking situations, most "civilian" women are generally insulted by the suggestion that they'd be willing to trade sexual favors for money (the "What do you think I am?" reaction). As you suggest, most likely soliciting a co-worker or casual friend is likely to cause them to shoot their mouths off to everyone the two of you know in common. (Soliciting a co-worker is also likely to get you reported to HR, with all the unpleasantness that entails. I've never personally been the party defendant to a sexual harassment action, but I have it on good authority that it is not a fun time, and best avoided whenever possible.)

Definitely not worth the risk; it's chancing a very unlikely payoff for a very likely metric fuckton of grief.

But of course, the subject having been brought up, I know a cue for a classic joke when I see it:

"Would you fuck me for $1,000,000?"
"Ok, would you fuck me for $50?"
"Fuck off. What do you think I am?"
"We've already determined what you are; now we're haggling over the price."


tuckahoe's Avatar
There was an old joke about a man who stood on a busy sidewalk and said said something to every attractive woman who came by. Many would give him ugly looks, some would curse him, and some would slap him. But every once in a while, one would go with him. When asked why he did it, he said the ones that went with him made up for the abuse he got from the others.

In the real world, it just wouldn't work. Women would be horrified! The man would be called a pervert and worse. He would be the laughingstock of everyone in town. Probably would have to move to another state to get a job.
bluffcityguy's Avatar
There was an old joke about a man who stood on a busy sidewalk and said said something to every attractive woman who came by. Many would give him ugly looks, some would curse him, and some would slap him. But every once in a while, one would go with him. When asked why he did it, he said the ones that went with him made up for the abuse he got from the others.

In the real world, it just wouldn't work. Women would be horrified! The man would be called a pervert and worse. He would be the laughingstock of everyone in town. Probably would have to move to another state to get a job. Originally Posted by tuckahoe
Your old joke sounds like a story I heard as being attributed third or fourth hand to a real guy who would very simply ask women he found desirable if they wanted to go fuck. Supposedly, for every 50-70 women who recoiled in horror or slapped his face, he'd get laid by the rare one that said "yes".

My guess is that soliciting a civilian would be most likely to be successful in cases where the civilian is a stranger or a distant acquaintance who isn't someone you see often, and where she is telling your or broadly hinting to you that she's in dire financial need--I mean literally on the brink of starvation, brink of eviction, or desperate to feed her children (or to feed an addiction). If that's the case, you probably need to think over your ethics or lack thereof, since you're taking advantage of someone's dire misfortune to implicitly coerce them to do something that they might never be willing to do but for the dire circumstances.


It will never end well.. although I did know a woman that held a regular job and "worked" in her free time.. since I didn't work directly with her, it wasn't so awkward. I am sure this scenario is more common than one would expect..