Difference in proof of prostitution and assuming one is a prostitute..

melannie_star's Avatar

I read the link above.. and thought it would make a good discussion.
It brought some questions and facts to mind that interested me...

Since when is caring condoms these days made you guilty of prostitution?
I thought it was the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
Just thinking from a "normal girl" perspective.. I would be very upset if I was searched one day by LE and called a prostitute, or worse, charged with prostitution because of having too many condoms if I really wasn't. J/s.. from a 9-5 girl perspective, I wouldn't understand.

Another question on my mind...
Does it mean any lady who dresses like a whore must be a paid whore or just a whore? Because then they would be calling a big percentage of ladies who go out on weekends with there girlfriends or dates whores. Paid or unpaid.

Fact is.. Prostitution is so common these days, that a poor girl cant go out in a short dress and heels without LE raising an eye or being questioned. If I can walk into a bar or night club in a dress without it being illegal, I should be able to walk outside and it be the same thing. Is there an unwritten rule that we must all look and dress to what society thinks is "proper"?

I have gone to the casino a few times.. OTC just to have a good time and relax and had just about all of security on my ass thinking I was up to no good.
Granted I had on a little black dress, but so do a lot of ladies in there 20's when they go out. LOL.. I couldn't help but think, good thing I am a whore or that would really offend me.

What are the common stereotypes of being labeled a hooker?
How are items, such as condoms, proof of anyone being guilty of prostitution?
I don't think it is.. but according to the law, it is usually first thing dropped in the evidence box.
Mel - One can only dodge so many bullets. Any mature man or woman in these days and times that does not have a condom handy and engages in BBFS without a relationship history is a total unredeamable idiot which will have statistics write their obituary.
planojim's Avatar
One way or another we're all whores. Some ladies are just lucky enough to get laid while they're working. If carrying a condom meant a person is a hooker than I'm driving a 'whoremobile' because I always keep a couple extra condoms in my car...just in case of 'emergency'.
I've been actively using the ECCIE system for my sexual urges for 3 years now and I've been with ladies who are students, regular mothers looking to make some extra cash, and 'pro's' who do the job for a living (some of whom are mothers and students). Anytime that any person 'assumes' that a lady is a hooker just because she is dressed sexy, or keeps condoms in her purse, is no less an idiot than someone who stereotypes a person because of their race, religion, or other type of discrimination.
In the end I just say to hell with those morons and I'll still enjoy the ladies that I've met here on ECCIE.
Best of luck to all..


I read the link above.. and thought it would make a good discussion.
It brought some questions and facts to mind that interested me...

Since when is caring condoms these days made you guilty of prostitution?
I thought it was the dumbest thing I have ever heard.
Just thinking from a "normal girl" perspective.. I would be very upset if I was searched one day by LE and called a prostitute, or worse, charged with prostitution because of having too many condoms if I really wasn't. J/s.. from a 9-5 girl perspective, I wouldn't understand.

Another question on my mind...
Does it mean any lady who dresses like a whore must be a paid whore or just a whore? Because then they would be calling a big percentage of ladies who go out on weekends with there girlfriends or dates whores. Paid or unpaid.

Fact is.. Prostitution is so common these days, that a poor girl cant go out in a short dress and heels without LE raising an eye or being questioned. If I can walk into a bar or night club in a dress without it being illegal, I should be able to walk outside and it be the same thing. Is there an unwritten rule that we must all look and dress to what society thinks is "proper"?

I have gone to the casino a few times.. OTC just to have a good time and relax and had just about all of security on my ass thinking I was up to no good.
Granted I had on a little black dress, but so do a lot of ladies in there 20's when they go out. LOL.. I couldn't help but think, good thing I am a whore or that would really offend me.

What are the common stereotypes of being labeled a hooker?
How are items, such as condoms, proof of anyone being guilty of prostitution?
I don't think it is.. but according to the law, it is usually first thing dropped in the evidence box. Originally Posted by melannie_star
Chung Tran's Avatar
man and his wife are in Divorce Court.. Judge asks the wife why she is there before him, she says "he called me a two-bit Whore".. Judge turns to the man, "is that right, Sir, did you call her that?"

"why yes Judge, but only after she hit me first"!

Judge to wife: "what did you hit him with"?

wife: "a sack of quarters"..

it used to be easy to differentiate.. not so easy anymore.
  • jwood
  • 04-28-2014, 12:44 PM
You ask about stereotypes, and mentioned casino's. When I'm at a casino and a see a lady in a sexy dress with a huge purse, I think I might have a chance.
Jessica Jade's Avatar
One way or another we're all whores. Some ladies are just lucky enough to get laid while they're working. If carrying a condom meant a person is a hooker than I'm driving a 'whoremobile' because I always keep a couple extra condoms in my car...just in case of 'emergency'.
I've been actively using the ECCIE system for my sexual urges for 3 years now and I've been with ladies who are students, regular mothers looking to make some extra cash, and 'pro's' who do the job for a living (some of whom are mothers and students). Anytime that any person 'assumes' that a lady is a hooker just because she is dressed sexy, or keeps condoms in her purse, is no less an idiot than someone who stereotypes a person because of their race, religion, or other type of discrimination.
In the end I just say to hell with those morons and I'll still enjoy the ladies that I've met here on ECCIE.
Best of luck to all..
PJ Originally Posted by planojim
Well said PJ
planojim's Avatar

Well said PJ Originally Posted by Jessica Jade
How can you ever "prove" it? Even if you're a female LE and you take a Benji from a dude to spend 20 minutes with you and you CHOOSE to play Mozart's 5th symphony on the skin flute, the dude gave you a Benji to hang out for an hour. If you decide you want to explore other shit, so be it.

I've never understood that and just because you have condoms? What kind of ass clown looking for some action cruises around WITHOUT condoms? They should be apprehended and questions, not the hot chick in the little black dress who is pitching more tents than the Boy Scouts of America!

I for one say THANK YOU! You're smokin hot and if I saw you at the Casino, I'd put in whatever work it took, provider or not, for the honor to explore that sweet sexy body.

Dressing down to avoid criticism or LE attention is like owning a Ferrari and keeping it in the garage under a cover all the time... 100% waste of exotic beauty.
Being a provider is a profession just like being a doctor or a lawyer.
You know, with your no spanx no excuses figure, probably a lot of the soccer mom crowd be happy to call you all sorts of names. Envy, jealousy and fear are the driving forces behind all name calling, gender bashing and racism, so if you know that going in the bullshit has a lot less weight.

And the condom thing, look...if you've done something to get stopped and searched for, the condoms are just icing for the pork. However just having a bunch of condoms on your person is no reason to book you. Assume all they want. Hell, you could be a condom rep or condom sniper, you know, one of the chicks who used to troll the West End back in day handing out marketing based swag condoms with some logo or other on them.

People are free to assume whatever they want about you and you can never know their reasoning, so don't sweat that. If you get thrown in jail for excessive condom possession with no other contributing acts, call a lawyer and get fixin' to retire. I heard it was discrimination on several levels, and that's a lawsuit a woman can win. Even in Texas. They can't go around arresting hot wimmin for condom possession because the last I checked, intent to have sex wasn't a crime. Yet.
melannie_star's Avatar
Thank you phildo, I like how you included, yet
I agree.When I read that link, one person had stated that if they needed a condom as evidence, then they do not have a strong enough case. Which makes sense to me.

I once was told by a dear friend of mine that a lady who sold sex toys was pulled over one day and was sited a ticket for having too many toys without a sales license on her.
Now I may not be the brightest crayon in the box, but that is ridiculous!
I don't care what you do or who you are, every woman has toys! Granted some may be more discreet, like a vibrating lipstick.., but we all use them.

Thank you guys for all the comments. I had so many thoughts and questions going through my head when I read that link last night, I just needed some input that made sense. I was starting to confuse myself..lol.
It's kinda like that damn if you do and damned if you don't law.

"Dressing down to avoid criticism or LE attention is like owning a Ferrari and keeping it in the garage under a cover all the time... 100% waste of exotic beauty. "

---- Very good statement... Thank you!!! I 100% agree.Over the past year I have found myself dressing more casual and less "showgirl" like because of negative attention. I used to love it either way, but with summer time coming up, it's like to hell with it!
LE will still be a pain in the butt and we will have to duck and dodge them in our everyday life as long as in this profession.
I figure if I work my butt off to lose "the extras" before summer, I deserve to put on that little black dress.

I'm innocent until proven guilty LOL
macbeth1000's Avatar
Melanie,I think it all depends on where you are ie the context of the situation. If you are in a known area of prostitution, it's more likely than not that LE would have reasonable suspicion but not probably cause to suspect that you are a prostitute. Although Melanie you have the evil eyes and topped off with those wonderful Tatas of yours, I would have probably cause to stop and search you.
melannie_star's Avatar
Melanie,I think it all depends on where you are ie the context of the situation. If you are in a known area of prostitution, it's more likely than not that LE would have reasonable suspicion but not probably cause to suspect that you are a prostitute. Although Melanie you have the evil eyes and topped off with those wonderful Tatas of yours, I would have probably cause to stop and search you. Originally Posted by macbeth1000
haha! My evil eyes are used for good though
I understand, but well known prostitution areas seem to be just about everywhere now.. lol.
You have a point and I understand it, I may not like it, but I understand it..lol
macbeth1000's Avatar
I have read good reviews on you, so I know that you indeed can bring out the devil in men because I thought that I have done it all with providers however what I read about you, omg I knew that there is still so much out there to try. Also in regards to you being watched in a casino, if you were wearing a normal outfit not a mini with your Tatas sticking out (bless your heart child) well you would probably not get so many stares from security. I still want to search and frisk you though.
Bestman200600's Avatar
All women are paid for sex in one way or another. Some just do it more frequently than others. Hugs and kisses to all our lovely ladies here.