
Saw her BP post


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willro's Avatar
So what. She made a BP post advertising her services. What am I missing here?
  • ndark
  • 08-16-2015, 02:08 PM
She does every so often.
One of my friends has a successful spray tanning business. She still does groupons every once in a while to spur some new clients.
From her ad on BP, it seems pretty self explanatory. Especially the screen shot where she try to log in I guess.
willro's Avatar
From her ad on BP, it seems pretty self explanatory. Especially the screen shot where she try to log in I guess. Originally Posted by Worldtravler

I didn't actually see her BP ad at first. At least this post makes more sense now. I don't see how a back channel warning can result in that type of banning from the site. If the warning was just a handle, and not a handle and a name, outing didn't happen. However, I'm sure I don't know all the details. There's also a lot of mystery surrounding why a man's phone would be taken and investigated by the police after his untimely death. That's certainly not normal.
I didn't actually see her BP ad at first. At least this post makes more sense now. I don't see how a back channel warning can result in that type of banning from the site. If the warning was just a handle, and not a handle and a name, outing didn't happen. However, I'm sure I don't know all the details. There's also a lot of mystery surrounding why a man's phone would be taken and investigated by the police after his untimely death. That's certainly not normal. Originally Posted by willro
We aren't getting the whole story. There's no reason for LE to take a man's phone after he is dead, unless he died under suspicious or criminal circumstances. A handle would have to be connected with a name at some point, why would a mod take down an account of a hobbyist on the word of a provider? I trust the mods did their due diligence and made the right decision. Now she's on BP pleading her case? It all seems rather desperate. We all know, at least those of us who aren't blinded by the knight, that she was a nosy busybody and perhaps this is one time that it bit her in the ass.
Based on her explaination, it seems she was looking out for the safety of eccie and it's members. To ban her for this appears to be an overreaction.
That cant be all there is to it..js
One thing for sure Blad got what he always wanted and he didn't have anything to do with it, unless he's the one that pasted away.
Based on her explaination, it seems she was looking out for the safety of eccie and it's members. To ban her for this appears to be an overreaction. Originally Posted by cubalibra
She ain't looking out for our safety, she could give a rats ass about some fucktard. Unless you have a money tree in your backyard.
If she contacted only the mods and informed them of the situation with a deceased hobbyiest, for whatever reason, then to ban her makes zero sense.

Guess we'll find out on 2/12/16 @ 1200
Omerta's Avatar
Let's think about a hypothetical situation:
  • What if the deceased man participated in another hobby, one whose discussion is frowned upon here but would be of interest to Uncle Leo?
  • What if this man was a hobbyist here with an axe to grind against Ginger and another provider, due to their previous interactions?
  • What if the deceased man died in a violent and/or unnatural manner, in front of a witness, while participating in this unmentionable hobby? Would Uncle Leo suddenly have a greater interest in this man's phone contacts, in order to gain leads into the other hobby?
  • What if Ginger had spoken to the witness of this suicide, another provider of trust here, and learned of the death?
  • What if Ginger had seen this man as a client in the past, and both providers knew his phones held account information and passwords for ECCIE, P411, etc.?
  • What if Ginger had decided to reach out to P411 and to the mods here, in order to get the deceased account shut down before Uncle Leo gained access?
  • What if Ginger had spoken to a moderator, but in order to convince the moderator she had to offer real world information?
  • What if Ginger's method of delivery (yes, we all know she can be abrasive) pissed off the moderator? What if she and the moderator have butted heads in the past?
Like I said... hypothetical...

But in the real world, I spoke with her a little while ago, and I feel comfortable she's telling me the truth. Of course I only have her side; I haven't contacted the other provider. I know who the witness/provider is, and I've had a couple of sessions with her in the past, and I know she needs time to stop shaking.

I've known Ginger inside and outside the hobby for many years, here and on ASPD, and she's never lied to me. Sometimes she's been tactlessly and brutally blunt with me, but she's never lied to me. And to be banned is a MAJOR impact to her livelihood.

From what I know so far, I strongly believe that Ginger was trying to do the right thing. She stepped up to protect us all. And in her blunt, tactless way we all know and love. And I respectfully ask that the mods attempt to revisit this subject again, perhaps even bringing in St. Christopher himself as appeals judge.