
I have recently had a couple guys cuss me out because I asked for their contact number when they gave me references. I have since blocked them. A lot of the providers that I contact want your contact number so they can verify that you are who you say you are.. in order to give accurate reference. And contrary to what a lot of people believe as providers we do get along and we do look out for each others safety. . We just want to get the info right to make sure we're giving the correct reference for that person asking. Stop being mean all I ask for is your contact number and your username I don't even ask for your real name . It's really not that hard just give me two references and your contact number and we're good. and I just want to say I really appreciate the guys that are already doing this you're the best !! Kisses
  • mwise
  • 09-07-2015, 07:06 AM
I personally don't see why a guy would care if he gave his hobby# to a verified provider he is contacting?
TechOne's Avatar
personally, I'd give you anything you asked for...if only.
#SarahLynn's Avatar
i require a phone # I don't keep Up with everyone's handles ! And most of the time once u have Met someone they call u direct and hardly ever PM u . I don't c y anyone would care
No issues giving my hobby phone and prefer it once we establish contact.
I wished that I had to worry about passing Haylee Dawn's screening. Unfortunately, for me I rarely make it to that part of the state. If I did, she would get everything she wanted!
Contact number seems pretty basic. At some point it has to be given. I have had a very few ladies that wanted to keep it on pm only but that's rare. For those that take some care about their hobby number, this should not be a cuss out a lady issue.
I'll give my real name and number if asked but i have no so to worry about.
I was referring to my hobby number. Real world number ain't gonna happen.
Sidinman78's Avatar
Send him a email without your name or number...I doubt he'll be willing to meet ya.