HayleeDawn Dropped a Pebble

tuckahoe's Avatar
Haylee has never met me and she doesn't even know what she did; at least not until she reads this. She started a thread called "and sometimes. . . .". Both Jami-Lynn and I responded in her thread, which resulted in exchanged PMs, which quickly led to a most wonderful date. If Haylee had not posted something from her heart, Jami and I would likely have never met. HayleeDawn, you dropped a pebble into the water not knowing what effect the ripple would have. Haylee, I owe you a debt of gratitude! The pebble you dropped caused a meaningful interaction in the lives of two people.
I am sure a 20 dollar bill would cover it
and there you have it folks
  • MrGiz
  • 09-18-2015, 10:02 PM
Nice Story!!
Cool story bruh!
However, why don't you go see Haylee as a reward. Ijs
One time, I thought my cat dropped a pebble. Sadly, it turned out to be a turd.

Inspirational story, Tuck. Glad it came out all right in the end!
cluefinder's Avatar
A real life PRETTY WOMAN story!!

wildboy59's Avatar
A friend of mine use to always say, "you never know how you will stumble across your next diamond".

Cool story !!
That's awesome !! Makes me happy .