Trey Gowdy: The DOJ is screwing over Hunter Biden

  • Tiny
  • 06-04-2024, 07:21 PM
Fox News host Dana Perino asked Trey Gowdy this morning whether he thought Hunter Biden would get a fairer trial in Delaware than Trump got in New York. Gowdy, if you don't know, is an ex-prosecutor and Republican ex-Congressman.

She didn't get what she expected. Gowdy said he did gun prosecutions for 6 years, and went after a lot people who were prohibited from owning firearms, like felons and and fugitives. He said Hunter's case is unique. Because of forum rules, I can't mention exactly what category Hunter fits into that theoretically would disqualify him from owning a firearm. But Gowdy said there weren't 10 people nationwide in Hunter's category who were prosecuted for lying on applications to purchase firearms. I presume that's during the six years Gowdy was a prosecutor but I don't know.

He went on to say that we've got to get over treating people differently based on their political status or last name.

Kudos to Gowdy. Hunter doesn't deserve a day in jail or even probation IMHO for what he did in Delaware. Merrick Garland should have stepped in and shut down the special prosecutor on this particular issue. Yes, Hunter deserves prosecution for tax violations, but not for this.

Our criminal justice system is out of control. It's mostly the poor who suffer, although businessmen and others are in the cross hairs too. You'd think that politicians would do something about it when even their sons and daughters are targets because of their last names. Apparently not though.
There is a maximum tens years imprisonment or 250,000 fine for knowingly providing false information on ATF Form 4473. I am surprised Trey Gowdy is playing this stupid game.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
A lamb gets BBQ'd for the greater good.
Smoke screen and cover up op before an election.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I know the same thing can be said about some of Trump's trials, but if Hunter Biden had been just an ordinary citizen like you or I, he would never be in court for these charges.

Like Trump in his recent NY trial, Hunter, if found guilty, does not deserve jail time. Probation at the most.
VitaMan's Avatar
Is the DOJ being "weaponized" here ?

When do we start seeing the terms "rigged", "witch hunt", "out to get me", "if it can happen to me"
  • Tiny
  • 06-05-2024, 08:32 AM
Is the DOJ being "weaponized" here ?

When do we start seeing the terms "rigged", "witch hunt", "out to get me", "if it can happen to me" Originally Posted by VitaMan
I don't know about that, but if you're poor, young and black or if your last name is Trump or Biden, you're more likely to get investigated or prosecuted than other people.
VitaMan's Avatar
The perception may be as important as the reality.....because that is what people discuss.

Are we going to start hearing the terms being used here.....or is that just Trump and his minions that do that ?
Attacking the system when they have no place else to go. Then toss in a few conspiracy theories and just wait.
Actually the gun charges are the smoke screen to try and make it look like they are investigating the Biden's. There are several charges that they didn't bring because the DOJ let the statue of limitations run out.
I know the same thing can be said about some of Trump's trials, but if Hunter Biden had been just an ordinary citizen like you or I, he would never be in court for these charges.

Like Trump in his recent NY trial, Hunter, if found guilty, does not deserve jail time. Probation at the most. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You would be in jail if you did what Hunter did.
VitaMan's Avatar
from the OP
so you are saying you would be one of the 10 people ?

But Gowdy said there weren't 10 people nationwide in Hunter's category who were prosecuted for lying on applications to purchase firearms
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
from the OP
so you are saying you would be one of the 10 people ?

But Gowdy said there weren't 10 people nationwide in Hunter's category who were prosecuted for lying on applications to purchase firearms Originally Posted by VitaMan
Gowdy is an idiot. his ears are the foreskin causing his brain to be choked for oxygen and thus stupid.

his parents should have circumcised his head at birth


in reality hundreds of people per year are charged with illegally purchasing a firearm.

Gowdy is attempting to mitigate Hunter Biden to prevent a "surge" in support for Joe Biden which will never happen.

maybe RINO boi Gowdy needs his ears pruned?


and if you think Hunter isn't really guilty then .. whatever.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
You would be in jail if you did what Hunter did. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Very doubtful. First offense. Nonviolent. No intent to commit a crime. Having a gun illegally in my possession for a few days is not a major crime.
  • Tiny
  • 06-08-2024, 11:04 PM
Could someone tell me why this prosecution isn’t unconstitutional? It violates Hunter Biden’s second amendment rights.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Could someone tell me why this prosecution isn’t unconstitutional? It violates Hunter Biden’s second amendment rights. Originally Posted by Tiny

nope. he abridged his second amendment rights in this case the moment he knowingly lied on his Federal background check. that's a felony.

the second amendment is not absolute. it's only an absolute right to law abiding non-felons who don't lie to buy a gun. like me.
Is the DOJ being "weaponized" here ?

When do we start seeing the terms "rigged", "witch hunt", "out to get me", "if it can happen to me" Originally Posted by VitaMan
The DOJ is being validated here. Hunter is just playing along. If the sentence is excessive or unreasonable he will get a pardon eventually. But it won't be until the end of Biden's current term or after reelection. The administration will want to say "see we do the crime we do the time". At least until after the election... I imagine if the sentence is short or probation "the big guy" will just let Hunter do the time.