Review Rebuttal: "debbie was a dummie"

HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Well, here goes. This is hard for me to do, but I want to dispute a review by a member who wrote the one above.

Link to review:

I told him before the review that the activity he was interested in was not "written in stone" or guaranteed.

Once I was fully undressed, and after doing a strip tease with the client, I could tell that he was angry. I asked him why. It seems his main concern was not to have a successful encounter, but to insist that I engage in a "certain activity". I did offer to give him 100 smiles back because he obviously felt it was included. He refused. AFter an hour of kissing, touching, doing several positions, he continued to be angry. I spent at least one hour with him.

I had no alcoholic beverages that day, and drank only water. Also, he stated in the review that I was a smoker. False! I quit smoking over 4 years ago.

I feel this review was written to slander me or in some way harm me becasue he did not get what I told him was not guaranteed.

All reviews should be honest. This review was not. The person who wrote this review was on a mission to destroy or otherwise give an impression that has no basis in reality.

I am fully sane, and have a high IQ. I admit my sense of humor is a bit off the wall and that I have over indulged in alcohol at certain times.

I am always trying to give the most enjoyable session possible to my clients. I felt degraded by this review. It has no basis in fact and was written for the sole purpose of public humiliation. If you look at the review objectively, it was written hastily and, in my eyes, appears to have been written by an intoxicated 22 year old.

This type of thing needs to stop! I was very hesitant to start this thread, but I think it's high time that providers stand up for themselves on these boards. The fact that I have dared to start this thread says a lot about my integrity. What can he say about his?
sharkie's Avatar
Looks like you had a couple of satisfied customers stick up for you. He put his email address in the review, not yours. Nice pictures, BTW.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 03-14-2012, 08:44 AM
What was the activity? I mean hell that's what everyone wants to know.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
What was the activity? I mean hell that's what everyone wants to know. Originally Posted by trey
Didn't take a trip to Greece. I am always a YMMV type girl when it comes to this specific activity. A little respect goes a long way.
Yowzer's Avatar
Don't worry your pretty little head about this review Debbie. It was obvious to most of the guys that it was a poorly written review from someone with an ax to grind. One bad review is not going to sink your ship, you have enough good ones and guys (in that thread) who like you.

You are not the first, nor will be the last provider to have something like this happen. About once a month or less, we get providers posting rebuttals. Sure your feelings are hurt, who wouldn't be in your shoes. State your case if you feel you have to. But don't get too defensive about it. We have had providers get that way and start sticking their foot in their mouths (instead of other male body parts ).

Hang in there and this too shall pass. BTW: Welcome to ECCIE! I hope this one bad experience doesn't make you regret joining us. Most of us here are fairly nice guys, so don't let one rotten apple spoil the bunch for you.
dearhunter's Avatar
Show us your taint and I might go light that bitch up....ijs
azinsation's Avatar
I myself have never met or spoken to debbie but I think the overall spectrum of reviews speak for themselves I might just have to take a trip and see you Debbie.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
It really means a lot to me that you guys care. I didn't realize I had the option of posting a rebuttal until I asked about it! Another thing which I neglected to mention is he did not put his donation for my time down, and it was like pulling teeth to get him to do it.

I really try to be fair, but sometimes the chemistry just isn't there. The only thing I did wrong was go into the session when my gut feeling was not to.

It did bother me a lot at first, mostly because it was so far from the truth. I'm over it now, so don't worry. And thanks a lot for your support.

Providers are real people with real feelings, not robots.

Thank goodness most men I see are courteous and treat me with a lot of respect. And yes, one bad apple does not spoil the whole bunch!
Wakeup's Avatar
Don't confuse yourself...we don't care...
stickitinyou's Avatar
"I do not see men who are more than 50 pounds overweight"

Maybe he was overweight and she did not like it.
RGB93's Avatar
  • RGB93
  • 03-14-2012, 01:58 PM
Debbie, Don't loose sleep over the review. You have to many good solid reviews for anyone to pay attention. I think it may work in your favor, and the horn dogs will call you out of curiosity.
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Debbie, Don't loose sleep over the review. You have to many good solid reviews for anyone to pay attention. I think it may work in your favor, and the horn dogs will call you out of curiosity. Originally Posted by RGB93
Actually, you are right about that. That's exactly what happened! After it was posted I was booked solid for about 2 weeks. I love the company of a man, in and out of bed. I do think the reviews should be honest, but without degrading the provider. It's the right thing to do.

We can't post reviews about men who are rude to us, so our only option is to post something like this.

I honestly go all out to make a client happy in a session, but sometimes it just doesn't work. Bad chemistry or karma, who knows! You just can't make everybody happy!!! Enough said and I'm through posting on this thread.
Dont know you Debbie... but I have seen tons of rebuttals.. and i can honestly say... you by far have the CLASSIEST and most MATURE rebuttal I have read so far. I can see why you have fans.
dearhunter's Avatar
HoustonMilfDebbie's Avatar
Dont know you Debbie... but I have seen tons of rebuttals.. and i can honestly say... you by far have the CLASSIEST and most MATURE rebuttal I have read so far. I can see why you have fans. Originally Posted by LusciousLacy
Oh, that's so sweet Luscious! Thanks a lot.