Powdering your nose? Please...

Okay ladies...question all men want to know. When a group or pair of you go to the ladies room together, what are you really doing in there? And don't say powdering your nose. Please do tell...
Tony Montana wasn't using the bathroom when I went.
DallasRain's Avatar
lol---depends on who is going with me!
er48665's Avatar
Everybody knows they are really eating candy.

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Originally Posted by grassy_knoll
Raquel de Milo's Avatar
Talking about our sexual fantasies...What did you think?
Talking about our sexual fantasies...What did you think? Originally Posted by Raquel de Milo
Well Raquel, I think you already know one of my fantasies....look forward to meeting you when you get back from NYC....at "my office"
Conversations like this are going on in there.
