Life is a Sugar Cookie.

Treetop78759's Avatar
I first started my crusade by emailing the various national human rights groups. I did the same with the DOJ, DHS and ICE (for the traffickers). I went to the national media as well. Guess what happened? Absolutely nothing. Nobody was interested in the story I was trying to tell.

Last weekend I realized that my approach was flawed. In order for me to be effective the story must be told locally. It needed to be told in a way that would trigger an emotional response of shock and outrage. WILCO was the perfect place and Eccie was the perfect tool to add credibility to my claims.

The first step was to try and trigger an emotional response of shock and outrage from the RR Mayor, RR City Council, WILCO County Commissioners, landlords, adjacent businesses, community leaders, the Chamber of Commerce, etc. These are the people who have power and influence in WILCO. They were my target audience.

If I could trigger a super sized serving of shock and outrage from those people then LE would have to respond. Once they responded then LE would be more than happy to create a local news story. But a news story also big enough to feed the national media. Eccie is much sexier than Backpage and I doubt that most of the local or national media knows about it. Especially the ROS.

How do you think all of these people are responding after reading countless Eccie graphic sexual reviews of AMPs doing BBFS right next door to a church and park and downtown Round Rock, guys paying hookers to have tongues and fingers shoved up their ass, whores that piss on dudes faces for money, ass sex, shit play, deviant gang bangs, thousands of topless hand jobs and finger banging the females who speak no English?

Add to that the fact that 99% of WILCO has no idea that there are 21 AMPs in their community. All hidden in plain sight and ALL are selling sex acts for money.

I'm also convinced that ALL are engaged in human trafficking but the traffickers can only be charge by LE. That is why LE must raid them all so they can stop this terrible crime. My job is to do whatever I can legally do to make that happen. Even to the indys. The end justifies the means.

Next week I will be shining the spotlight on all Eccie prostitution in Travis County while continuing my efforts in WILCO. I hope the AMPs go down first but if it's the indys who get the ball rolling that's fine too. Besides, most indys have monkey problems so this could be a blessing and a way to help get it off their back for good. Again, the end result of sobriety justifies the means of having to be first arrested.

If this worries anyone it should because I'm dead serious about doing the right thing and for the right reason. You marriage, your relationship, your job, your credibility and your reputation is not more important than these human trafficked sex slaves life. Maybe it does to you but not to me and not to the human trafficked sex slaves.

If you disagree then you better find a new hobby. You better because I'm not going away and you will have to deal with LE. Guaranteed.

We could also discuss this while I'm writing down your license plate info so I can send a letter to the registered owner letting them know that their vehicle was spotted at an AMP known for blatant prostitution and human trafficking. BTW. Y'all drive nice trucks. lol

Or we can just agree to disagree. It's your choice but I would suggest finding another hobby. Play Backgammon or try Croquet.

Let me make a few things crystal clear. First, I'm not bullshitting and I'm doing exactly what I'm saying. If you think I'm not then I dare you to go back to an AMP. Secondly, I've outed myself to everyone including LE because I couldn't be effective hiding behind a keyboard. Lastly, I really want LE to get the human traffickers and that will take time to orchestrate. In other words, if no raids happen in 3 months that doesn't mean I failed.

If anyone else is guilt ridden by their bad behavior and want to do the right thing then report it right away. You can even do it anonymously. One call or email will make a difference today and will help save lives. Even reporting where the indys live will help LE get them help for their monkey problems. The guilt will eventually go away if you do the right thing and help combat human trafficking and all of the terrible things prostitution breeds.

I also gave LE my hobby because the threats have have been really bad so if you call LE will get your number. I've seen all of the Eccie dudes and y'all are all harmless. It's only the Chinese dudes who are capable of hurting me.

Can one person make a difference? If you get arrested will that make a difference? Will this thread trigger an emotional response of shock and outrage? My definition is different than yours so let's see what LE does and then we can decide.

Until then, don't get caught with your pants down!

Oh, and one last thing.

Life is a sugar cookie.
Treetop78759's Avatar
MODS. Please ban the OP. He can't be an effective crusader if he continues to participate in the evil and dark world of Eccie.
You have 10 reviews showing you broke the law. You should be arrested along with anyone else that does.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-08-2017, 02:27 PM
TT, it is very hard to choose which is bigger, your swolen ego, your hurt feelings, or your huberous.

You started this topic weeks ago with a couple sane posts. But that was obviously a smoke screen
You are one demented psycopath. You are the strip club equivalent of an abortion opponent who has no problem bombing clinics and killing passers-by.

Your approach will do very little to help the ladies you CLAIM you are trying to help--but will hurt a lot of others, predominantly ladues who are NOT trafficked. Your kind of "kill them all and let god sort them out" stupidity has resulted in REAL trafficked victims just being moved to a different city while NON-trafficked ladies get arrested and prosecuted.

You are an asshole, nothing less. And half of what you claim to know about federal agencies you "contacted" is laughable.

You really do not care about the women who are forced into this. You don't care about others who will be hurt. You care about creating a buffoon of an alter ego and patting yourself on the back in public.

If you DID care about the women you claim to care about you wouldn't be doing the shit you CLAIM to be doing here. I talked with the Office of the Sec of DHS today over coffee--I assure you they think you are a joke. Some local politico/LE might care if they think it will help them get reelected, but that is about it.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-08-2017, 02:37 PM
MODS. Please ban the OP. He can't be an effective crusader if he continues to participate in the evil and dark world of Eccie. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
You can't be an effective crusader so long as all you really want to be is a loud mouthed fool.
winn dixie's Avatar
Little tt you need to see a neurologist, you have a brain tumor!! or just bsc!! instead of trying to get banned, just go away. you are an egotistical idiot. did you get a std from an amp. or did one of the girls comment on your little weenie. you are endangering everyone for one mans moral crusade against trafficking that only rarely happens. you should be going after the drug pushers who enslave their girls by getting them hooked on drugs, and then trafficking them to pay for their drug debt. this is a bigger problem than the one you are engaging in. look-up the numbers genius. drugs in prostitution has always been the biggest elephant. drugs no longer make the headlines like say, ohh, HUMAN TRAFFING!! sooo when ever le makes busts they talk the girls into admitting they were trafficked , give them immunity to testify against the owners, and they make the headlines and get their names in the paper. their is no rebuttal you can give to this, again look up the numbers. btw I hope you have written down my license plate number on my big ol'dodge truck!! I love amp's!! lastly, I prefer oreo's -wd
MODS. Please ban the OP. He can't be an effective crusader if he continues to participate in the evil and dark world of Eccie. Originally Posted by Treetop78759

Are you gonna get your other handle banned as well? I see it shows valued poster under the handle. Haven't reviewed in a while I guess.
  • m2m
  • 07-08-2017, 10:32 PM
I've been to two amps in my life. Recently. Great message in both cases and other fun activities. In no way did I pick up any vibe that these women were doing anything against they're will. I could be wrong though. My question TreeTop is this. You've been to a lot more of these amps than me. Have you ever asked the ladys about their situation? If so, what was the answer. If not, then it should be asked.
“If you want to change the world get over being a sugar cookie and keep moving forward.” Some days no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, things will not turn out as planned. Failure will be experienced, and because we are not perfect as human beings, we need to prepare for that situation. The “sugar cookie” exercise in Navy SEAL training is designed to put the trainee into this environment to learn how to push through to the end of the day and survive the ordeal. So when we have a bad day, push through it and look forward to having a better day tomorrow.
-- Navy SEAL Admiral William H. McRaven
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-09-2017, 08:42 AM
I've been to two amps in my life. Recently. Great message in both cases and other fun activities. In no way did I pick up any vibe that these women were doing anything against they're will. I could be wrong though. My question TreeTop is this. You've been to a lot more of these amps than me. Have you ever asked the ladys about their situation? If so, what was the answer. If not, then it should be asked. Originally Posted by m2m
The problem is, if you ask them you will get the same answer--assuming they speak English.

Those who are there voluntarily will say they are. Those who are coerced will lie and say they are there willingly.

Better to watch the non-verbals but even that is dubious.

Best is to see if they will go to dinner with you after their shift.
If they will they are likely their own mistress--but if they won't it doesn't really tell you anything.
I suggest we keep TT around and his account OPEN! 10 reviews boi~
I'm not of the Asian Persuasion personally. Not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just not my thing.

However, your concept of helping anyone by entangling them in the legal system is at best quixotic. Once you catch a charge, you are nothing more than a prospective revenue source and a win or a loss on some young turk's court record and career stats. They are averse to the truth and avoid it at all costs.

The justice system playbook is to either plead you out or, as a last resort, go in front of a jury of schoolmarms, grandmas, and under-employed "do gooders" (sound familiar) where the cops will lie their asses off knowing that the jury will believe them.

We have an overgrown law enforcement and court bureaucracy at all levels of the government leeching ungodly amounts of money. Like all government bureaucracies, once it gets established it's primary goal is perpetuation and expansion as a paycheck racket funded by our tax dollars.

The "human trafficking" angle is just newly minted justification for getting the feds involved and putting all the budget dollars granted to the recently established DHS and ICE bureaucracies to work in the public eye.

You really don't think you come off just as deranged to all these "good folks" you're out "informing" as you do to the rest of us? In light of this truth, why the hell would anyone do anything that aligns them with you? They may or may not bust some hookers and some AMPs but I guaran-damn-tee you it won't be on your good word. I figure your involvement is stifling whatever process is afoot (assuming there is one).

I personally would not be passive in allowing you to write down my license plates or anything like that. But, it's a moot point as I'm not an AMP dude and would not so much as stop for gas in Wilco.

Peace, Love, and #BHILF

I'll bet 10 bucks and a Dr Pepper that the OP fell hard for a AMP worker and got rejected which caused him to go into total scorched earth mode.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Seems ta meh thet sumbuddy may have dell-yew-shuns o' grandeur.
winn dixie's Avatar
I'll bet 10 bucks and a Dr Pepper that the OP fell hard for a AMP worker and got rejected which caused him to go into total scorched earth mode. Originally Posted by tang101
OR, little tree just has a very small pecker with a premature ejaculation problem