
sue_nami's Avatar
well today was a first. I asked a guy if he wanted a prostate massage and he said yes. Then when i started he said what are you doing and i said prostate massage and he said i thought my prostate was my penis. i said no it is a gland up your ass. i said you must be younger than 40 because about then Doctors start doing prostate exams and he said no i am 48. STUNNED a man of that age does not know this. he was a suit and tie businessman type in a fancy car too. WTF, did he skip health class or what? Please tell me the rest of you know what and where your prostate gland is.
endurance's Avatar
I pretend I don't know what it is when I have some doctor dude telling me about it - because there is no way he's going anywhere near it!

("we'll discuss this on the next visit mmmk?")
rapcat's Avatar
What race was he? Was he American? English speaker?
sue_nami's Avatar
white guy from America and schooled in Texas most likely.
redbeard42's Avatar
Hmm, the prostate was up his ass and he was educated in Texas... Is it another word for his head???
Mr Peabody's Avatar
Hey Sue, would you like a uvula massage?
tamden's Avatar
I had one in my 30's because of some symptoms i was experiencing, but my doctor has said 50. Not only this, many men shove their head up their ass when it comes to health care. Those are the ones most likely to be taken by the "Widow Maker"
mrhamm's Avatar
I am pretty sure my prostates are right next to my ovary.
Guest110715-3's Avatar
Mr. Parker here. At your cervix.
He must have been a politician.
You bring up a very interesting point here. I've only had a doctor touch my prostate....and it's not a good experience. How in the world can you make it a pleasant experience? This is the dilemma I have!!!!! Every doctor who has done this.....hated it, not good for Sifu! Not pleasant for Sifu!

Sifu scared!
sue_nami's Avatar
Lots of guys love it. Way more than I ever knew.
FoulRon's Avatar
You bring up a very interesting point here. I've only had a doctor touch my prostate....and it's not a good experience. How in the world can you make it a pleasant experience? This is the dilemma I have!!!!! Every doctor who has done this.....hated it, not good for Sifu! Not pleasant for Sifu!

Sifu scared! Originally Posted by sifupsi
Easy explanation.
One is akin to rape, the other to making love.
Ask a woman which she'd prefer?
I really want to learn how to do this I just dont want to be shitted on...
gfejunkie's Avatar
It helps to have a female doctor.... Smaller fingers.