100 officers involved, 63 suspended; cops shoot unarmed couple 137 times killing them, then lie on their reports

Stan.Dupp's Avatar

They are working fast to demonize this couple now. Telling reporters they found traces of alcohol and other things in their blood. Apparently the shooting took place at a school parking lot too. They got caught lying on their reports. But hey, they only get a 10 paid vacation for all this.

Link to news article 1

Link to news article 2

Quote: In 2011, the newspaper published an investigation of reports of excessive use of nondeadly force by Cleveland police officers. The newspaper found that the police chief often overlooked inconsistencies with police officers' stories when investigating use of force incidents.
You should ask to move this to the Political forum.

That's where it belongs, not matter what the assholes say.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 10-20-2013, 05:56 PM
No honest discussion happens in the political forum, it's been hijacked by the Dim Vs. Repubic debate and devolves into nothing but name calling.
It needs to be pointed out in other areas that we are becoming a police state.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
You should ask to move this to the Political forum.

That's where it belongs, not matter what the assholes say. Originally Posted by ExNYer
No honest discussion happens in the political forum, it's been hijacked by the Dim Vs. Repubic debate and devolves into nothing but name calling.
It needs to be pointed out in other areas that we are becoming a police state. Originally Posted by riday
I wasn't sure if this could be considered political. It was news. But if the mods need to move it thats fine go ahead.

Yea, I just found another appalling video that happened the other day with a drunk deputy trying to force a woman to go with him, and he handcuffs her. The bar patrons called the cops and started recording the drunk deputies actions. When the cops arrived they arrested him. He has now been fired.

This stuff seems to be happening like almost daily now. But cops should know people are filming their actions. They really need to be on their best behavior because we live in a techno world now.

Here is the article on that woman the deputy tried to arrest:

News Link to article

Original Vid on Youtube
Monica13's Avatar
wow unbelievable in the good old USA (note sarcasm)
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
But cops should know people are filming their actions. They really need to be on their best behavior because we live in a techno world now.
Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
some States are now trying to ban citizens from filming cops. now we know why yeah?

Illinois ..



Maryland ..


however, this "trend" is not getting much traction. Why even a Militant race-baiter like Eric Holder knows better. or rather, he knows the majority of citizens won't tolerate this.

Eric Holder finally got one right.


A retarded guy was shot by a police officer last week. Fortunately he was only wounded. The police reported the guy lunged at him with a knife. The police version would have passed except for video showing the man that was shot didn't move at all let alone lunge at the cop. The cop has been fired and charges are pending.
A retarded guy was shot by a police officer last week. Originally Posted by tucson
Was it Whirlaway or IBHankering?