Your eyes?

Lexxxy's Avatar
Do your eyes change colors?
80% of the time my eyes are a bright cobalt blue like cobalt glass, the rest of the time they are an ice blue, a turquoise, or a silver with blue specks in them.
Anyone else?
they are 100% brown regardless of time of day or excitement level :P
roscoe14850's Avatar
I have Hazel eyes, they can change according to mood and the colors surrounding me, this morning they are tricolor blue to green to hazel. They have been known to be red after a bender!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mine dark blue

But my eyes can very in color depending on what mirror in the house I look at. I have mirrors of silver, gold, chrome, mercury, and aluminum backing(and different types glass) . Mercury mirrors are no longer made. duh! Mercury mirrors are/where made with it trapped between two sheets of glass and sealed. Also type of light and angle of light source will make the color and shade change.

But to change as you say no. I don't think so anyways. But I just walked around my house looking in many mirrors. And they change each time.

My like I stated are dark. I prefer light, as in light blue or brown or even a gray. There is a girl I work with, her eyes are so dark. They are like a sharks eyes. I think light/bright eyes would very more in the color they look and in the shade they look depending on the lighting, and angle looking at.

No matter what the color or shade, Its the eyes I look at first. Even if I do not remember the color. The story they tell I do remember.
Ah my eyes ... well they are a deep blue but generally bloodshot wether its form allergies or just from being tired its hard to tell
ogloc's Avatar
  • ogloc
  • 06-16-2011, 06:35 PM
Always a boring dark brown.
Lexxxy's Avatar
When I was little if I was getting sick my mom could tell right away because my eyes would get greener.
Ray Howard's Avatar
Mine are hazel, they change with the lighting, the clothes I wear, even my mood. But they tend to favor blue more than any other.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmm so if your on top, and your eyes start to turn green. Is it time to change positions, or is that just the end of the ride?

But I love green eyes darn it.
Lexxxy's Avatar
Lexxxy's Avatar
I think a cool study would be how peoples eye color changes after climax. I am willing to volunteer in proposed study *Giggle*
Ray Howard's Avatar
I can't participate, Lexxy. Sorry. I'm usually dead asleep within seconds of climax. You'd have to peel my eyelids back and tell me if they changed color.

But, if you want to do a study of eye color changes after a nice nap, I'm your fella.
Lexxxy's Avatar
I can't participate, Lexxy. Sorry. I'm usually dead asleep within seconds of climax. You'd have to peel my eyelids back and tell me if they changed color.

But, if you want to do a study of eye color changes after a nice nap, I'm your fella. Originally Posted by Ray Howard

I swear on my life once when I got up to get a Gent a warm wash cloth and towel I came back to find him curled up in the fetal position fast asleep and snoring. I had no clue what to do *Giggle*I just laid down with him and caressed his hair for 5 mins then woke him up from his power nap.
My eyes change from hazel to brown. When I was younger my eyes were a pitch black then started to change in my 20's.
Ray Howard's Avatar
Believe it or not, Lexxy, as impolite as it might have seemed at the time, it was the supreme compliment from him.

It's like how some cultures view burping after a meal or slurping soup.

I swear on my life once when I got up to get a Gent a warm wash cloth and towel I came back to find him curled up in the fetal position fast asleep and snoring. I had no clue what to do *Giggle*I just laid down with him and caressed his hair for 5 mins then woke him up from his power nap. [/color] Originally Posted by Lexxxy