Excuse me?!

I don`t belive it!! I `ll call that a Duck Quack! Quack!! Quack!!!

You have a whole weekend with Ginger Doll and only have 10 words to say .

Well heres my 2 cents worth BS . I guess thats why you list it as Review: Fantasy Sex Weekend Originally Posted by GMTA
GMTA --- What the hell is your deal?

This is a true review. We spent the weekend together.

Last time this gentleman put up a review of me, he made a 'newbie mistake & listed it in the wrong arena...and you attacked him then. Now you're doing it again.

I am a verified, trusted, & well reviewed provider...and I would not allow a bullshit review of me to remain up on the board. By making accusations like that, you are also calling me a liar.

I have several board members that will publicly vouch for me & my strong character & also vouch for how much I was gushing & bragging about it, both before & after.

Is there some reason you are trying to make me look illegitimate?
GMTA's Avatar
  • GMTA
  • 06-02-2010, 04:15 AM
I would never try and make you look illegitimate.

The review is such that its says nothing about you . Which is such a shame. A verified, trusted, & well reviewed provider such as your self should
deserve more than a half hearted review . I know that you would never, allow a bullshit review.

Its was not against you . Its was more toward his review sorry . I just thought you deserved a better review than was posted .
Guest081910-2's Avatar
I totally disagree. You said you didn't believe it, and it was only 10 words long. Its true and Now you say you don't like the way it written. Make up your mind. Ginger and I had a great time together and I think the review reflects that. I am new to this and you are not making me feel welcome at all.
It sounds like a weekend with Ginger left Radioman without enough strength to write a review!
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar

Let's play nice. More to follow when I'm at my puter.

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Folks: Thanks for waiting for another word from this lil OLD country mouse.

GMTA: You are most certainly entitled to your opinion about the quality of reviews. Also, I have no doubt that your true intent was to express your displeasure over what you considererd a review unworthy of a gal like Ginger. HOWEVER, IMHO you did use the duck call inappropriately. I guess you just pulled the trigger a bit early. That being said, if that's the bigges screw up you have we're all in good shape.

Radiomon: I understand the offense taken by you. It kinda sucks when someone you don't know seemingly doubts your word. Sadly, it's kind of the way things go when you're a newer guy. Please take it in stride, shrug it off, and continue to contribute to the boards. Your input is welcomed by all. And I, for one, appreciate your efforts.

Ginger: Thank you for expressing your objection here in coed rather than directly in the review section. Your attention to proper protocol makes the mods' lives easier! I'm sure you never read the content of Radiomon's review so you're unsure what it contains. Still, you and R seem to have the elussive "click", and your rep is pristine. I can see where the perception of someone doubting a "yes" review might be upsetting.

Mister: Thanks for the assist! I couldn't come up with anything witty to say that would take some of the sting out of this thread. You done well.

HID: Stop talking so much!!! We have a reasonably drama free area. Just tell the folks to remember this is all just erotic fiction; take things in stride; play nice. NO points need to be issued. But care should be taken in how this thread procedes.

I'm not going to shut this thread down right now. But I do hope all sides have aired their views and we can get back to the joy of the hobby.

HID, thanks for handling a difficult situation in stride and with such diplomacy. I never intended to cause a riot here...I just wanted to clarify that this past weekend was a great one for both Radiomon & I...and such a rare treat in the hobby! I didn't want it tarnished. I don't know the extent of the review beyond what's visible in the public arena, but I'm sure a link or pm to our newbie friend, Radiomon, on how to write a review...would be helpful!

He's new & inexperienced on Eccie, but he's very enthusiastic and so excited to have found us!
Good show, all. I love a happy ending...

...and I hold Ginger Doll in such high esteen, I'm off to locate that review. Damn! An entire weekend??? Another thing to add to my bucket list!

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
HID, thanks for handling a difficult situation in stride and with such diplomacy. ..., I'm sure a link or pm to our newbie friend, Radiomon, on how to write a review...would be helpful!

He's new & inexperienced on Eccie, but he's very enthusiastic and so excited to have found us! Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Awwwe, shucks ma'am. Tweren't nuthin. I completely understand whar ya whar comin' from. Even a lil OLD country mouse kin pick up when two folks kinda likes one 'nother. I knowd you warn't tryin'to kick up a shit storm.

As far as heppin' out Radiomon, just ask him to PM me iffin he wants any assistance.

BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 06-02-2010, 01:25 PM
HID, thanks for handling a difficult situation in stride and with such diplomacy. I never intended to cause a riot here... Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
As HID stated above, you adhered to proper protocol when you have a gripe about a review thread and/or the replies to same,. and when you follow the rules, then you make the mod's life much easier and one can hardly say that you did anything to cause a riot.....Thanks for taking the correct approach here.....
Pamelatoo's Avatar
Ginger left me behind to make her own Holiday memories...Gotta love the bioch.
Dragon_inc's Avatar
NOTE to Radiomon:
Sir I know how you feel about this cause I have been through A simular event, when I first appeared. Back on that other board that went bye bye. A certion little country mouse took some stabs at me and they cut, at the time BUT dragons heal well and don't scar, they just learn form there mistakes. We are now hobby friends and have open comucations. So keep on playing and reviewing and just have fun, cause that is what this is all about when it comes right down to it. FUN FUN FUN.
Good day to you all.
Dragon will go back to his cave now.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Drag: I assume you're talking about my evil twin, a little old country RAT. I'm MUCH kinder and gentler than he.

lexie423's Avatar
Dragon i'm with you on that it's about having Fun Fun Fun and then doing it all over again. I know this lil kitty is all about some Fun !!!!!! Since I have been on eccie I have been on clould 9 . I hope we don't forget that around here because i'm ready for more Fun !!! So if your looking to have that come to Lexie's World you never know what you will find but it will be Fun !!! This Lil Kitty is just a waiting for some more Fun !!! Lexie Rox : )
GMTA's Avatar
  • GMTA
  • 06-04-2010, 01:17 AM
I owe Radiomon an apology . HID was correct that I pull the trigger to soon on your review Radiomon. I read and responded to your review after a very long 22 hour day. I Did Not realize that my Premium Access had expired . I could no longer read the intire review. That is the reason for the comment about only 10 words , as I could couldn`t read the Rest of the Story comments . I have now re-read your review with full access .
I must say its a fine review of Ginger Doll I see nothing wrong with it, I hope you accept my humble apology .