Is it just me?

Chellablaine's Avatar
Or is a person's inability to spell correctly or write in complete sentences a turn off?

Ive been out of this for a while, and getting hit hard with emails right now. Seriously! I am ignoring the ones who cant spell "massage" correctly or uses "their" and "there" in the wrong way(pet peeve). Or I get the "yo, sup baby" BS.

I prefer to be professional and use my education even in the hobby. And these aren't younger men, I'm talking older dudes. I wonder if I find a pic of them I bet they are throwing the duces trying to have a dope swagger, haha!

Do you men take note of that with the ladies as well? I know it has a profound effect on my decision as to whom I spend time with.

Just wondering...
Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 06-07-2010, 06:43 PM
eye no egsactley whut yew meen : )

I do agree with you. I do TRY to be grammatically correct and spell everything correctly as well. Just yesterday I made a post where I used "their" instead of "there" and I contemplated deleting it and re-posting. lol I decided that would be obsessive.

To answer your question...I do notice that in posts and emails from ladies and fair or unfair it does factor in to my choices if there are lots of errors. Everyone has an occasional tpyo.
Chellablaine's Avatar
sup dude, Im diggn it. I try to be correct especially on the phone typing, and yes Im ocd when it comes to some things. In a hurry I get it. But wow, some things I have that come over, its pretty annoying. Especially if you can kind of predict how a session will go based on prior communication, know wud Im sayin? (thats another one, know whad Im saying) haha.
I never gradated hi skool, or even jr. hi skool, so am funkshunally illiterat. That beng said, I do talk purty goode, hav a goode personlty, am genrus, and sum say goode in bed. Pleez, pleez think of that when you are not shure if you want to see me.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
OMG! I hope Pyg is reading this thread!!!

You folks know, I'm just a lil OLD country mouse and don't know spit about spit. BUT I for one have always attempted to hunt trophies rather than flesh and blood love dolls. One of the main attributes of a trophie is her ability to make a hobbyist feel comfortable and at ease. Muffy calls it "true courtesean" skills.

If all my communications from a gal come across as bad text messages, my opinion drops. I can only assume the same is true about how a provider regards a hobbyist.

I think a lot of gents try to sound cool (or is that kewel?) and try to build a hip persona. Hell, if I had to worry about being cool I'd still be a virgin.


Note to self: Invest in spell check before writing Kym
Bobalouie's Avatar
HID, Very well sed or isit saed, no I mean that >their< thang you just rote.
Chellablaine's Avatar
H-dawg, Im impressed, you know how to use the word "know" in correct form. LOL, some tell me they would like to "no" about dis or dat. haha.

hehe babaloui...or is it them there things?

Hope ya realize I am poking fun here, fo shoe!

How many more can we find, amusing to say the least, like a whole knew langudge.
Man, you are NOT the only one who gets annoyed by these things. The their/there/they're thing drives me nuts too (as does to and too). I try really hard not to judge people on whatever is said/written in the first few minutes...but it becomes more difficult everyday. What makes it worse is when someone meets me and asks immediately, "Why do you talk so proper?" OMG. That's not even a grammatically correct sentence, but what's wrong with speaking proper English? Sheesh.

I can understand both gents and providers being put off by that. If you can't effectively communicate with words, how well can you "communicate" without them? LOL.
Bobalouie's Avatar
I hear >their< may be an opening or >to< at Buckingham Palace..I'll bet they speak and <right< proper English >their<
Bobalouie's Avatar
They spell perdy good they're two
Chellablaine's Avatar
Well maybe Boba thats where I get it from, my Mum is from England, haha. And I do consider myself royalty ya know. wink.

Oh but I love a cajun accent, they can misspell all they want as long as they are charming me.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
OMG my pos puter sux 2day.

Now, I ain't callin' for english lessons around here. Folks have a hard enough time with french, italian, and russian (please not greek intentionallyomitted).

Kym: did you say your "bum" is from England? Judging from reports about your bum, I might have to rethink crossing the pond.

Chellablaine's Avatar
Well yes babe, my bum is 1/2 brit! Hence my fair porcelain freckled skin, no wrinkles, hazel eyes, pretty feet, sexy legs, 36dd's, and oh Im pretty intelligent too! wink. Ive also been running and doing crossfit so Im toning up since my accident, so strong as well and very cardio fit. Can you handle dat?

Oh just a thought, when I was in 2nd grade Ill never forget one of the kids in the class finding out about my Mum being from England, and he asked the teacher what language we spoke, really loud, as if I couldnt understand him. Ha, blonde moment thought. I come from a small very small redneck parish on the Northshore of NOLA, if that tells ya something. Dad was military and Mum a military bride. She was an alien to all dem der country folk. I cant count the times Ive heard "ya aint from round here are ya?" lol.
Bobalouie's Avatar
Sometimes I sits and thinks and sometimes I just sits. But this has got me sittin and thinkin about how a provider talks dirty using proper English. And is it proper etiquette to stick out your pinky when giving a handjob?
Chellablaine's Avatar
hmm, Ill have to practice the pinky thing, any volunteers?