Delayed for a week

Chellablaine's Avatar
Hey guys Im coming next week. Its just taking longer to screen up there since Im a lil unkown I guess. Also Amelia said she wanted to take a ride, so Ill post ads and see what we get.

The strange this is that most guys are kinda acting like they havent been screened before, and its like pulling teeth.

Whats up with that?

Im working through it but having to build trust, and Im so anxious to get it on haha that its a tad bit frustrating.

Any suggestions? No one seems to remember their references and contact info for them. I prefer p411 and refs with a good rep.

So what is the most popular way up in your neck of the woods, I know every area is different.

See ya soon!
MuffinMan's Avatar
Kimberly... maybe the guys would provide you with screening info if we had any idea who you are. I can only speak for myself, but you have no website posted, I tried to find your reviews but could not find the section pertaining to providers dwelling in LaLaLand, nor have you taken time to post a showcase. Having said that, I'm very surprised any hobbyist has contacted you at all.
Please give us a little info so WE can check YOU out.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar

My my, aren't we the cautious one!? LOL I understand your position. For the record, I can vouch for Kymberrly's legitimacy.

Kym: Weird that the local guys from eccie would want to schedule without giving screening information. Especially those with P411. But if you need any assistance, just blow a whistle and your little OLD mod with help if possible.

Amelia: From what I've seen you look very HIDable.

Bobalouie's Avatar
I'm a little baffled by Kymberrly as well. I emailed her to try and get more info. The following is her reply:

You're not allowed to post the contents of any emails/PM exchanges here.....BIG C

So I Googled tantra white lotus to see what in the hell it was, and learned that it's an ancient non sexual activity that brings out your Kundalini (WTF). Not sure what a Kundalini is, but I'm pretty sure if I have one I might want to keep it in. There's also a part that teaches you how to breath, and the fact that I'm alive proves that I already know how to do that.
Wonder why she wanted provider status if she isn't an escort and ran an add on eccie if the activities she provides are non-sexual. Sounds like something they might need in ICU at a hospital.
Chellablaine's Avatar
LOL Boba, thanks for posting a private email/message. Can he do that?

And those who have emailed me and understand that I prefer to remain somewhat utr and more discreet than others for my own personal reasons, I would like to say Thank you.

This takes an open mind, and I understand its probably something new for this area.

I only offer this and no idea where you got the idea it isnt a sexual type of experience. Its very erotic and deals with fantasies, fetish, and more. Sex is 90% mental, and hun Ive been able to drive men nuts...sexually, and never had intercourse with them. Internal orgasms, sensual touch, and generating my sexual energy onto you, and literally your stomach ripples like an earthquake in full orgasm--I have you squirming all over the bed.

And if I do see an older gentleman, I ask if he has any heart conditions. Thats how good I am!

If your baffled by me then just ask. I try to take time to answer all emails. Im sure your apprehensive, but Im not really new in the hobby scene.

Now with that said, today I got about 20 requests and most of them ready to try something new, and providing all the screening info. Im working on it and yes Amelia will be coming with me. She has reviews and provides a more open menu. Since my accident I am unable to provide anything more than the massage, and quite frankly, Im more into this since I love to touch a mans body from head to toe.

If anyone has any questions please email me. Ill have time over the weekend to reply and discuss more details about how my session is, and tell you about something a lil kinky that I added to it.

BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 06-10-2010, 06:50 AM
LOL Boba, thanks for posting a private email/message. Can he do that? Originally Posted by kymberrlydawn
Bobalouie's Avatar
Sorry Kimberrly. My dumbass side reared it's ugly head.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Big C: THANKS for bailing me out!!! I noticed the error last night but couldn't edit since I was mobile.

Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
The Kundalini resides in the sacrum bone in three and a half coils and has been described as a residual power of pure desire.

I'm not well versed in Tantra, but the shortest (and inadequate) explanation is sex is sacred. Sexual energy is loving, not sinful. As I recall, through proper breathing, controling the energy, the most intense orgasm can be reached mentally (usually with a guide/instructor's assistance). HOWEVER, just so you don't think it's completely non-physical, the Kama Sutra is a Tantric book.

BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 06-10-2010, 03:22 PM
Big C: THANKS for bailing me out!!! I noticed the error last night but couldn't edit since I was mobile.

HID Originally Posted by Horn^I^Dog
Teamwork my man, teamwork.....
Bobalouie's Avatar
I did more research after my blunder and found that there are two types of Tantra, one being white (non sexual) and the other red and considered the sexual type. After reading Kimberrly's description, which ever one she provides sounds like something I'd like to try, and if she'll excuse my ignorance I'm going to give it a whirl.
Chellablaine's Avatar
Well Boba thats why I wasnt mean to you in my reply. I could tell you werent familiar with it, and we tend to fear what we do not know. Its all good. Just email me again please and we can chat or Ill call ya on Monday. Im trying to organize this weekend and see what Amelia is doing with her ads. Is BP a good place to post? I kinda got bottom feeders lol. Not being serious, but it was funny, my massage rate is what some are giving FS for, and well those who know me know "I aint cheap" haha, I like my shoes too much. Wink.

Looks like Tuesday and Wednesday as long as I prebook and everyone plans on showing up. I know if it goes well Ive got utr friends who say they will make it up there a lot. So far the men Ive talked to are super sweet and helpful. Im pretty excited. I like to touch, and when Im with someone who is fun to be with it makes it even better. I dont watch the clock so usually we end up talking about so many other things. Its a pretty open session. And Im a ditz too, been called "bubbly" a lot so if your ok with that then we will do just fine.

Ok at home and back to cleaning house, grrr! Im going to run later since Im still trying to rehab this body, and probably going to cook a gumbo. Did I mention I know how to cook? Yes Im talented in many many ways. I often wonder why the hell im still single. hehe.

Have a great weekend guys and see many of you next week!
BIG C's Avatar
  • BIG C
  • 06-12-2010, 01:56 PM
MMMMMMMM, Gumbo......Ain't had no good cajun gumbo in forever and unfortunately the stuff that they try to pass off as gumbo round chere don't come anywhere near what you get in Nawlins from people who actually know how to season it cajun style.....
Bobalouie's Avatar
Thanks Kimberrly! Check your PM.
Chellablaine's Avatar
OK Big C, Ill freeze some for you and bring it in an ice chest if you want. I plan on taking the Jackson route anyway. What kind do you want? Seafood? Chicken and Sausage? I was taught by a real cajun none of that commercialized packaged BS.