I have no problems with Pyongyang - Kim Jumg Ung Is A Great Leader

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
.You disagree? If So why?

If you voted for Trump and think Putin is a good leader like 99% of Trump's voters then just what in the FUCK is your problem with the North Korean leader. What's the material difference between Putin and Kim Jung Ung? There is none except Putin is a mad man with more Nuclear Weapons than the US...and that's part of the reason we're so afraid of Russia. Let's face it America is no longer the mightest Nation on earth. It's clearly Russia since they have more nukes than America.

Back to Pyongyang....Kim Jung Ung has done nothing that Putin hasn't done. They both kill citznens, journalists, and their own generals if need be....and Trump would do the same if there was no constitution. Trump is just a vile and disgusting as the North Korean leader along with Putin....so it's the very reason I have no issues AT ALL with North Korea and neither should any of you....to be honest it's quite refreshing to see someone punk the fuck out of Trump and basically call his bluff....Kim Jung Ung don't give a fuck and I hope he keeps clowning like he is and causing mass hysteria within the Trump administration.

That's our problem as Americans....we always want to try to tell others what they can and can't do well looks like Trump has met his match. He's found a guy in North Korea who's as big an idiot as he is.

Lastly the US is fucked....why? because Russia and China are both Allies of North Korea and they will not allow the US to do anything to North Korea....the fact is that North Korea, Russia, China, and Iran are all allies and they are more formidable than the US and it's allies under the the very weak coalition of the Trump administration. I can't imagine a WW3 against North Korea, China, Russia, Iran and a host of terrorist groups.....I don't see how the US and it's allies even come close to winning such a war.
I B Hankering's Avatar
.You disagree? If So why?

If you voted for Trump and think Putin is a good leader like 99% of Trump's voters then just what in the FUCK is your problem with the North Korean leader. What's the material difference between Putin and Kim Jung Ung? There is none except Putin is a mad man with more Nuclear Weapons than the US...and that's part of the reason we're so afraid of Russia. Let's face it America is no longer the mightest Nation on earth. It's clearly Russia since they have more nukes than America.

Back to Pyongyang....Kim Jung Ung has done nothing that Putin hasn't done. They both kill citznens, journalists, and their own generals if need be....and Trump would do the same if there was no constitution. Trump is just a vile and disgusting as the North Korean leader along with Putin....so it's the very reason I have no issues AT ALL with North Korea and neither should any of you....to be honest it's quite refreshing to see someone punk the fuck out of Trump and basically call his bluff....Kim Jung Ung don't give a fuck and I hope he keeps clowning like he is and causing mass hysteria within the Trump administration.

That's our problem as Americans....we always want to try to tell others what they can and can't do well looks like Trump has met his match. He's found a guy in North Korea who's as big an idiot as he is.

Lastly the US is fucked....why? because Russia and China are both Allies of North Korea and they will not allow the US to do anything to North Korea....the fact is that North Korea, Russia, China, and Iran are all allies and they are more formidable than the US and it's allies under the the very weak coalition of the Trump administration. I can't imagine a WW3 against North Korea, China, Russia, Iran and a host of terrorist groups.....I don't see how the US and it's allies even come close to winning such a war.
Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

You and Dennis Rodman can wear your best cocktail dresses as you entertain Kim Jong-un on the down-low, Shit-stained Chapped-ass.

BTW, Shit-stained Chapped-ass, the watermelon color in your new avatar becomes you.
bambino's Avatar

You and Dennis Rodman can wear your best cocktail dresses as you entertain Kim Jong-un on the down-low, Shit-stained Chapped-ass.

BTW, Shit-stained Chapped-ass, the watermelon color in your new avatar becomes you.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
ShitStainzee would be a huge star in NoKo. They all love a good asshole tongue bath!
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 08-09-2017, 05:14 PM
SC, I am clearly not a big supporter of Trump, bambino, and especially not IB, but your post makes them look rational--not an easy thing to do.

KJU (and his father) have done far worse than Putin--and I am no Putin fan. Putin has eliminated rivals, but KJU has made his entire country--minus a small handful--into serfs. Illiterate, starving, brainwashed serfs. He has set the country up to be AT BEST a 5th world starvation pit for the foreseeable generations. And that is something you put out there as "good"? In Russia, the common man/woman is not in daily fear of starvation. Russia has serious issues, but if you cannot tell the difference then you do not deserve to play with matches, scissors, or keypads.
bambino's Avatar
SC, I am clearly not a big supporter of Trump, bambino, and especially not IB, but your post makes them look rational--not an easy thing to do.

KJU (and his father) have done far worse than Putin--and I am no Putin fan. Putin has eliminated rivals, but KJU has made his entire country--minus a small handful--into serfs. Illiterate, starving, brainwashed serfs. He has set the country up to be AT BEST a 5th world starvation pit for the foreseeable generations. And that is something you put out there as "good"? In Russia, the common man/woman is not in daily fear of starvation. Russia has serious issues, but if you cannot tell the difference then you do not deserve to play with matches, scissors, or keypads.
Originally Posted by Old-T
The feeling is mutual.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
SC, I am clearly not a big supporter of Trump, bambino, and especially not IB, but your post makes them look rational--not an easy thing to do.

KJU (and his father) have done far worse than Putin--and I am no Putin fan. Putin has eliminated rivals, but KJU has made his entire country--minus a small handful--into serfs. Illiterate, starving, brainwashed serfs. He has set the country up to be AT BEST a 5th world starvation pit for the foreseeable generations. And that is something you put out there as "good"? In Russia, the common man/woman is not in daily fear of starvation. Russia has serious issues, but if you cannot tell the difference then you do not deserve to play with matches, scissors, or keypads.
Originally Posted by Old-T
you not being able to read between the lines of my posting is surprising....but let me play along....even if I mrant it all why is it our business what the fuck Pyongyang does....do you feel the same. about Israel doing the same to the Palestininans? and as for Putin he's at the same level as Kim Jumng Ung only difference is he has nukes and America is forced to deal with him....
I B Hankering's Avatar
you not being able to read between the lines of my posting is surprising....but let me play along....even if I mrant it all why is it our business what the fuck Pyongyang does....do you feel the same. about Israel doing the same to the Palestininans? and as for Putin he's at the same level as Kim Jumng Ung only difference is he has nukes and America is forced to deal with him.... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Read a history book, Shit-stained Chapped-ass, it'll tell you why the U.S. is in Korea, you ignorant slut.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
you not being able to read between the lines of my posting is surprising....but let me play along....even if I mrant it all why is it our business what the fuck Pyongyang does....do you feel the same. about Israel doing the same to the Palestininans? and as for Putin he's at the same level as Kim Jumng Ung only difference is he has nukes and America is forced to deal with him.... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

read between the lines? why don't you just try posting something less stupid, old boy.

if you made your case about Kim and Stalin you'd be pretty close to the mark. or the Chairman Mao would work too.

to claim Putin is the same as Kim is a typically asinine liberal view left over from Soviet days. news flash .. 1991 .. calling 1991 ... where is Marty McFly when you need him eh??

as for Israel, you clearly don't know shit. or you ignore history or both. the fact that Jerusalem exists at all is from the Israelite's who fled Egypt. where there some goat herder Palestinians hanging around in what is present day Israel? yep. so what? did they found Jerusalem? nope. did they get run off? yeah .. so what?

the Israelis became scattered from the land due to the Roman Empire's occupation of it. the Roman Empire later fell of course, and eventually lost control of that land.

the Palestinians had their chance for a home in 1947 and again in 1948. in 1947 they were offered all of Jerusalem .. all of it .. let that seep into your noggin will ya? and they REJECTED that settlement because the land was only 85% of what they claimed as territory. and of course none of their arab supporters would fess one 1 lousy acre of land in their countries for their "brothers" lol.

in 1948 the lines of the nation of Israel were re-drawn to include Jerusalem with a shared border of what would have been Palestine had they taken that deal. so they turned down two deals for a nation of their own, the first of which would have given them all of Jerusalem.

and the Israelis would likely have allowed it for a nation of their own, despite the fact that Jerusalem only exists because of the ancient Israelites founding it.


note the 1947 map .. in RED is what could have been Palestine .. including all of Jerusalem ..

then 1948 ..

the Palestinians turned down their own nation .. several times. not even giving them complete control of Jerusalem was enough .. it was only 85% ?? they should have taken it while they had the chance.

why didn't they? they didn't want a Jewish state to exist. period. they would have taken some little few acres as their own as long as no Jewish state existed.

the day after Israel was formally founded the arab world all declares war against the new country. and lost. then lost again several more times .. in 1967 and 1973.

why after being attacked should Israel have given back the Sinai desert to Egypt? but they did, out of the greater issue of preserving their own established borders and continued world support. mainly US support and to a lessor degree the UK.

this could be Israel today ...

of course this would have caused more wide scale attacks and likely the same results .. Israel wins and the Arabs lose.

the only reason then and now that there is no Palestine is because there is an Israel. the arabs being the hateful types just will not allow Israel to exist. but they haven't been able to do much about it in the last 40 years or so have they? and this with combined attacks by Egypt, Jordan and Syria.

so you speak of so-called treatment of Palestinians by Israel but you ignore or won't accept the fact that the Arab world has been hell bent to destroy Israel since the day after there was an Israel. Israel owns them nothing. just will allow a Palestinian state .. if it finally ends this regional conflict.

who's the impediment to peace in the middle east? it ain't Israel you retard.
lustylad's Avatar
you not being able to read between the lines of my posting is surprising.... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
Oh, we can read between the lines all right, shitstainzee... you realize your homey odumbo fucked up big time with his so-called policy of "strategic patience" toward the Norks. He twiddled and twaddled for 8 years, letting them test and refine their missiles and nukes. Then he ran the clock out and dumped the whole mess in Trump's lap. That doesn't look good for your homeboy's legacy thing, does it?

So you think starting a moronic thread like this one pretending Kim Jong-un is your new bestie is a clever way to deflect from the reality of odumbo's monumental foreign policy fuck-up in failing to stop and reverse the nuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

Think again, shitstain.
lustylad's Avatar
You and Dennis Rodman can wear your best cocktail dresses as you entertain Kim Jong-un on the down-low, Shit-stained Chapped-ass.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Don't forget the boa, shit-stained...

Is that you Lustygay ?
Is that you Lustygay ? Originally Posted by Greenflag
Gaagfag, your threads SUCK!

lustylad's Avatar
Let's face it America is no longer the mightest (sic) Nation on earth. It's clearly Russia...

...it's quite refreshing to see someone punk the fuck out of Trump... Kim Jung Ung don't (sic) give a fuck and I hope he keeps... causing mass hysteria within the Trump administration.

...the US is fucked... I don't see how the US and it's (sic) allies even come close to winning such a war. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
What happened to all you libtards out there screaming Trump is a traitor? (Where did themystic go?) Read shitstain's nonsense - this is what treason looks like!

Hey shit-stained... if you really think Russia is the "mightest" nation on earth, your homey Barack the Magic Negro thinks you're a fucking idiot!

you not being able to read between the lines of my posting is surprising... Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
In other words, you're a attention troll and are surprised pro-bro Old-T couldn't figure out. Don't you Austin Reacharound Crew types have a "secret handshake?"

R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 08-10-2017, 04:13 AM
Don't forget the boa, shit-stained...

Originally Posted by lustylad
That's a rough face there.