A little ass kissing for the SO

BirdDawg's Avatar
My wife has had a busy time since the first of the year...and I'm feeling it!

Or not feeling the luv, as the case may be...

So, why not set up a not so random act of disappointment for myself, having so far failed to succeed with plying her with presents and alcohol.

I arranged for some time off this afternoon:

Tonight's supper:

Roast duck with pomagranite glaze
sauteed snow peas and carrots
garlic buttered "dumplin" noodles

fresh sliced mango with a rum and lime marinate

I'd fuck her if she made that for me...
add197531's Avatar
Dude if she doesnt give it up tell her you need an extra 350 cause you need a hooker.
I dont care how busy a woman is you have needs. They are different needs than hers and your sick off not getting yours met. Better yet I will tell her for you. What time do you get home? lol
pyramider's Avatar
She is probably just tired from having to blow coworkers to prove to be valuable to the firm.