The word Queen !

So.....I do have a few headings I claim and one is the Cajun Queen. Because of my heavy accent and my heritage.
As I was reading through I see alot of ladies claiming to be the QUEEN of alot of things the squirting queen the bbj queen the greek queen on and on and on so I did a search of the word. and found something very interesting.....
a. The wife or widow of a king. (I wish I was)
b. A woman sovereign. (of course I am)
2. Something having eminence or supremacy in a given domain and personified as a woman: Paris is regarded as the queen of cities. (But of course I am supreme)
3. Abbr. Q Games a. The most powerful chess piece, able to move in any direction over any number of empty squares in a straight line.(TRUE)
b. A playing card bearing the figure of a queen, ranking above the jack and below the king.

4. The fertile, fully developed female in a colony of social bees, ants, or termites.(yep that's me)
5. A mature female cat, especially one kept for breeding purposes.(TRUE except 6 is enough lol)
6. Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a homosexual man.(not me but have seen them)
Word History: Queen and quean sound alike, are spelled almost identically, and both refer to women, but of wildly different kinds. Queen comes from Old English cwn, pronounced (kwn), "queen, wife of a king," and comes from Germanic *kwn-iz, "woman, wife, queen." Quean comes from Old English cwene, pronounced (kwn), "woman, female, female serf"; from the eleventh century on it was also used to mean "prostitute."l ol Maybe some of us should start spelling out QUEAN
Anyway was up early doing research thought I would share where I found the above