Review: Okay time with Ashley

Date: Mid July
Provider: Ashley
Phone: 601-566-4506
Email Address: n/a
URL / Website:
City: Jackson
State: Mississippi
Address: My hotel
Appointment Type: Outcall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: Little Convo, CBJ, Mission
Session Length: 20 mins
Fee: $$
Hair Length and Color: Shoulder length blonde
Age: 29
Smoking Status: Smoker
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Tall and thin, nice body and lots of tats. Nice tits, and ass, pics are accurate.
Recommendation: No
vicinms's Avatar
Her pics are cute - sorry the experience wasn't as good!
Thanks, yeah I was excited by the pics. Oh well better luck next time.
When You Are Ready's Avatar
Backpage always seems to be a crap shoot.